rs = 2 en = 3 d4 = 4 d5 = 5 d6 = 6 d7 = 7
Set Alarm/View Alarm = 8 Set Minute (increments by one everytime the button is pressed) = 10 Set Hours (increments by one everytime the button is pressed) = 9 Exit Button = 11
output = 12
#DS3231 RTC:
SCL of DS3231 = A5 of Arduino SDA of DS3231 = A4 of Arduino
output = 13
''' Apart from this, You also need to connect appropriate resistors with all the push buttons (10K resistors), as you have to do with any arduino board. '''
Also, you need to manually adjust/programmatically adjust brightness/contrast of your LCD
manual when you have a simple LCD, with no other board
programatically when you have an LCD with I2c interface In that case, you only get two wires SCL and SDA for the LCD, the code has to be modified a little Also you have to import the necessary I2C LCD library