This file contains details regarding pre-requisites, setup, build and installation of FGPU on your machine.
- Linux
- We have only tested on x86 machines. Specifically a x86_64 machine using Ubuntu 16.04.
- cmake (Minimum version 3.8)
- make
- gcc
FGPU can be configured upto certain degree.
File contains the following options that can be configured:
- Default - Enabled
- Disabling this disables compute partitioning. In this case, each application utilizes whole GPU.
- Enabling this enables compute partitioning. In this case, each application utilizes only subsets of total SMs in a GPU.
- Default - Enabled
- Disabling this disabled memory bandwidth partitioning. In this case, each application utilizes whole GPU memory bandwidth.
- Enabling this enabled memory bandwidth partitioning. In this case, each application utilizes only a fraction of whole GPU memory bandwidth.
- Currently we do not support memory partitioning without compute partitioning.
- Default - Disabled.
- Enabling this enables contiguous memory allocation when using fgpu_memory_allocate() API.
- This feature is useful only when reverse engineering a new GPU.
- To be kept disabled during production mode (i.e. when running actual applications/benchmarks).
- This requires both compute and memory coloring to be enabled.
- Default - Disabled.
- Deprecated - Keep default value.
- Its purpose was to do memory coloring while using large pages.
- Default - Disabled.
- Deprecated - Keep default value.
- Default - Disabled.
- Deprecated - Keep default value.
- Default - Disabled.
- Deprecated - Keep default value.
Hence an application using FGPU can run in these modes:
- No partitioning
- One application runs at a time using the whole GPU.
- Compute partitioning
- Multiple applications can run together.
- Compute and Memory bandwidth partitioning
- Multiple applications can run together.
- Reverse engineering (Not to be used to run external application)
- Only reverse engineering code is intended to run (one reverse engineering application at a time) in this scenario.
For fine tuning, parameters in include/fgpu_internal_config.hpp can be modified. Specifically, the following paramters might be of interest:
- Default - 2
- This parameter is used to provide hints to FGPU regarding the number of partitions wanted.
- This only specifices an upper bound on the total number of partitions. If it is -1, effectively no hint is passed to FGPU.
- If only compute partitioning is enabled, number of partitions = MIN(number of SM, FGPU_PREFERRED_NUM_COLORS)
- If both compute and memory bandwidth partitioning is enabled, number of partitions = MIN(number of SM, number of memory colors, FGPU_PREFERRED_NUM_COLORS)
- Currently, it is not possible to have different number of compute and memory partitions.
- Also, currently each partition has equal number of SMs and equal memory bandwidth.
FGPU requires following setup prior to build/installation:
Download dependencies
sudo apt-get install gcc make g++ linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-source
- Download cmake (version >= 3.8) (For instructions see
CUDA SDK 9.1 is required (We currently only support specifically CUDA SDK 9.1).
- CUDA SDK version can be probed
nvcc --version
- If nvcc command does not exists, then CUDA SDK is not installed.
- If CUDA SDK is not 9.1, remove it and install correct verions
- To remove CUDA SDK
sudo apt-get --purge remove 'cuda*'
- To install CUDA SDK 9.1, download it from Nvidia CUDA SDK Downloads (See Legacy Releases)
- Use all default options except do not install Nvidia Kernel Driver
- After installing add the following to ~/.bashrc file
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.1/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.1/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}
- To remove CUDA SDK
- CUDA SDK version can be probed
Nvidia driver needs to be uninstalled
- To remove old Nvidia drivers
sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
- To remove old Nvidia drivers
Install Nvidia driver
cd $PROJ_DIR/driver sudo ./ # Use all default options nvidia-smi # Test driver works. This command should list all connected GPUs
Install Caffe dependencies
sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libopencv-dev libhdf5-serial-dev protobuf-compiler libgoogle-glog-dev libgflags-dev liblmdb-dev sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libboost-all-dev sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev sudo apt-get install python-pip pip install protobuf pip install pyyaml
Correct the hdf5 libraries
cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ sudo ln -s sudo ln -s sudo ldconfig
Install model/data for caffe example (For documentation, see Caffe CPP Classification Example)
cd $PROJ_DIR/frameworks/caffe ./scripts/ models/bvlc_reference_caffenet ./data/ilsvrc12/
Install miscellaneous dependencies tools
sudo apt-get install schedtool bc
To build the FGPU code, follow these steps
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
After these steps, in the build directory, following files should be present:
- - Link external applications with this library
- fgpu_server - Server that is required by FGPU applications.
Nvidia device driver is also configured by the FGPU configuration parameters. Hence only after the build step, Nvidia device driver should to be installed. And the Nvidia driver needs to be installed before any application can run. Following are the steps to install device driver:
Disable nouveau driver (This step needs to be only done once)
- Create a new file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf
- Add following contents
blacklist nouveau options nouveau modeset=0
- Regenerate the kernel initramfs
sudo update-initramfs -u
- Reboot
sudo reboot
Stop X server
- X server is responsible for graphics. It need to be stopped for driver to be installed.
sudo service lightdm stop
- Keep it stopped if running benchmarks as you do not want graphics applications to mess with your evaluations. This can be achieved by running this command after each boot.
- X server is responsible for graphics. It need to be stopped for driver to be installed.
Stop all CUDA programs
- Before install Nvidia driver, all existing applications using Nvidia driver needs to be stopped.
(See list of running applications using
ps -ef
) - Nvidia MPS also needs to be stopped
sudo $PROJ_DIR/scripts/
- Before install Nvidia driver, all existing applications using Nvidia driver needs to be stopped.
(See list of running applications using
Compile and install nvidia drivers
- Nvidia provides an installation script
cd $PROJ_DIR/driver/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-390.48 sudo ./nvidia-installer
- Follow all default options that come on screen.
- Nvidia provides an installation script
Each time any of the options in are modified, all the build and installation steps needs to be repeated. Your application code might also need to be compiled again (as these options modify the header files). Hence all the following steps needs to be redone (in the same order as described below):
- Rebuild FGPU.
- Delete all the build files and CMakeCache files.
cd $PROJ_DIR/build rm -rf *
- Recompile.
cmake .. make
- Delete all the build files and CMakeCache files.
- Compile and Install device driver
cd $PROJ_DIR/driver/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-390.48 sudo ./nvidia-installer
- Rebuild all external applications that are using FGPU API.
See doc/ for how to compile applications and then run them after completing the build and installation steps.
See doc/