Thank you for considering contributing to our repository! Your contributions help improve our project and make it more valuable for everyone.
Create a new issue before starting your project so that we can keep track of what you are trying to add/fix. That way, we can also offer suggestions or let you know if there is already an effort in progress.
- Fork this repository.
- Create a topic branch in your fork based on the correct branch (the main branch, see Branches section below). Note, this step is recommended but technically not required if contributing using a fork.
- Edit the code in your fork.
- Sign CLA (see CLA below)
- For local setup, please see Local Setup. Send us a pull request when you are done. We'll review your code, suggest any needed changes, and merge it in.
External contributors will be required to sign a Contributor's License Agreement. You can do so by going to
- Our released (aka. production) branch is
. - Our work happens in topic branches (feature and/or bug-fix).
- feature as well as bug-fix branches are based on
- branches should be kept up-to-date using
- see below for further merge instructions
- feature as well as bug-fix branches are based on
We try to limit merge commits as much as possible.
- They are usually only ok when done by our release automation.
Topic branches are:
- based on
and will be - squash-merged into
- based on
Hot-fix branches are an exception.
- Instead we aim for faster cycles and a generally stable
- Instead we aim for faster cycles and a generally stable
- Develop features and bug fixes in topic branches.
- Topic branches can live in forks (external contributors) or within this repository (committers).
** When creating topic branches in this repository please prefix with
. - After thorough testing, raise a Pull Request (PR) for review.
- Include a clear description of the changes made in the PR description.
- Our team will review your changes and provide feedback as needed.
SLDS Linter CLI tool works best with the Active LTS version of Node.js.
- The minimum supported Node.js version is v20.18.3.
- We recommend using the latest Active LTS release for the best performance and compatibility.
- The tool verifies the Node.js version at the beginning of the process. If the Node.js requirements are met, the subsequent steps will proceed smoothly.
- Run
to install all the dependencies. - Run
yarn build
to build all the workspaces. - Run
cd packages/cli
to change the directory to slds-linter. - Run
npm link .
to create a symbolic link to the current local package, allowing you to use it globally or in other projects without needing to publish it. - Run
cd ../..
to change to the root directory. - Run the slds-linter commands to lint the files in
. Please see Command-Line Interface(CLI) for more details. - Locally, the command
npx @salesforce-ux/slds-linter
can be used interchangeably withslds-linter
. For instance,npx @salesforce-ux/slds-linter --help
can be executed asslds-linter --help
, and this applies to all other commands as well.
- Pull request merging is restricted to squash & merge only.
Happy contributing!