For Sample Generators which require authorization for the connection, the use the connection
attribute of the Sample Generator. The object contents of this attribute are based on simple-oauth2. Please refer to their documentation and examples.
Note: If you are connecting to a Salesforce org using Salesforce's REST API, set "salesforce": true
inside the simple_oauth
attribute (see below).
"connection": {
"simple_oauth": {
"credentials": {
"client": {
"id": "CLIENT_ID",
"secret": "CLIENT_SECRET",
"redirectUri": "REDIRECT_URI"
"auth": {
"tokenHost": "HOST_URL",
"tokenPath": "HOST_PATH"
"options": {
"bodyFormat": "json"
"authorizarionUri": {
"redirect_uri": "REDIRECT_URI",
"scope": "notifications",
"state": "3(#0/!~"
"tokenConfig": {
"username": "USERNAME",
"password": "PASSWORD"
"tokenObject": {
"access_token": "<Token>",
"refresh_token": "<Token>",
"expires_in": "t3600"
"method": "authorizationCode || ownerPassword || clientCredentials",
"tokenFormat": "Bearer {accessToken}",
"salesforce": true
If you are connecting to an Argus instance, your connection
object should look like this:
"connection": {
"simple_oauth": {
"credentials": {
"client": {
"auth": {
"tokenHost": "http://localhost:8000",
"tokenPath": "/argusws/v2/auth/login"
"options": {
"bodyFormat": "json"
"tokenConfig": {
"username": "USERNAME",
"password": "PASSWORD"
"tokenFormat": "Bearer {accessToken}",
"method": "ownerPassword"