- update adal.js to 1.0.18
- Adal SDK update to latest (1.0.18). Furthermore, I included a simple script to automatically fetch latest from github and clone it in our code.
- Allow extra parameters while fetching token. This is to comply with SDK's acquireTokenRedirect and acquireTokenPopup signatures (with the latter being broken before the fix).
- Using loginResource to check login token instead of clientId. This because SDK's AuthenticationContext constructor already handles missing loginResource by value it as clientId. Thus it can now cover both scenario: with both loginResource and clientId and only clientId provided.
#33 login ok - permission failed fix infinite loop
#67 fix SSR support withAdalLogin Hoc
#68 Clear the resource cache on new login
+upgrade to babel 7
+SSR support
+fix ie10
!support old sid #issue 7
!withAdalLogin HOC componentWillMount deprecated removed
!withAdalLogin HOC check mounted before setState
+support MFA redirect - merged pr
!adalFetch options fix
+es5 lib
+update adal.js to 1.0.17
+added withAdalLogin HOC for login only on a single Route
+added example for single route login
!fix eslint and packages dep
!fix devDependencies
+update readme
+first release
+include AdalJS v.1.0.15