F1000Research is an open access publishing platform. It provides an API to extract XML or PDF of articles published in F1000Research. F1000Scraper is a python wrapper for scraping these articles as XML, and parsing the XML.
Currently, the only functionality we provide within this wrapper is that of collecting data using the date option in the API. After downloading the files, you can simply run the program scrape.py
from the api directory as follows:
python3 scrape.py <date_from> <date_to> <output_directory_path> <output_format> <keyword in the title (optional)>
can be any date of the form"dd-mm-yyyy"
or just"*"
and defines the starting date.data_to
can be any date of the form"dd-mm-yyyy"
or just"*"
and defines the end date.output_directory
defines the path where the data files should be saved.output_format
needs to be eitherxml
is an optional argument and will only download articles within the given date range where the provided keyword occurs in the title.
python3 scrape.py 01-01-2019 01-01-2020 data/ xml
The above commmand will download articles in the XML format from 1st January 2019 to 1st January 2020, and save them to the data folder in the current directory.
python3 scrape.py 01-01-2019 * data/ pdf
The above commmand will download articles in the PDF format from 1st January 2019 to today's date, and save them to the data folder in the current directory.
This is a work in progress.
- Shahan Ali Memon
- Bedoor AlShebli