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CQL Performance


For the CQL queries analyzed here, the relative performance of query evaluation in patients/s stays the same for datasets with 1 million patients compared to datasets with 100 thousand patients if the system resources are sufficient and Blaze performs equally or better for datasets with more patient history. In all cases the performance increases with rising system resources.


The following systems with rising resources were used for performance evaluation:

System Provider CPU Cores RAM SSD
LEA25 on-prem EPYC 7543P 4 32 GiB 2 TB
LEA36 on-prem EPYC 7543P 8 64 GiB 2 TB
LEA47 on-prem EPYC 7543P 16 128 GiB 2 TB
LEA58 on-prem EPYC 7543P 32 256 GiB 2 TB
A5N46 on-prem Ryzen 9900X 24 96 GiB 2 TB

All systems were configured according the Tuning Guide.

All systems have in common that the heap mem and the block cache both use 1/4 of the total available memory each. So the Blaze process itself will only use about half the system memory available. The rest of the system memory will be used as file system cache.


The following datasets were used:

Dataset History # Pat. ¹ # Res. ² # Obs. ³ Size on SSD
100k 10 years 100 k 104 M 59 M 202 GiB
100k-fh full 100 k 317 M 191 M 323 GiB
1M 10 years 1 M 1044 M 593 M 1045 GiB

¹ Number of Patients, ² Total Number of Resources, ³ Number of Observations

The creation of the datasets is described in the Synthea section. The disc size is measured after full manual compaction of the database. The actual disc size will be up to 50% higher, depending on the state of compaction which happens regularly in the background.



The metric analyzed here are the number of patients a system can process per second. It was chosen because the CQL evaluation performance depends heavily on the number of patients available in Blaze. The datasets contain either 100 k or 1 million patients in order to represent two relevant sizes from where an interpolation or extrapolation towards the target size should be possible. The metric patients per second itself is independent from the actual number of patients and can therefore be used to compare the two population sizes analysed here.

With a given patients per second value, its always possible to calculate the to be expected CQL evaluation duration by dividing the target systems number of patients by that number. So for example, if the metric is 100 k patients/s Blaze will need 1 second if it contains 100 k patients and 5 seconds if it contains 500 k patients.


Measurements are taken by using blazectl's evaluate-measure subcommand. That subcommand first creates both a Measure and a Library resource and evaluates the Measure afterwards. By creating resources on every run, there is a slight performance impact due to the way LSM trees used by RocksDB work. The measure evaluation returns a MeasureReport that contains the evaluation duration in an extension which ensures that external timing effects play no role.

Before each measurement Blaze is restarted. After that multiple runs are taken. The first run is used to obtain the number of hits and print the Bloom filter usage. It's duration isn't used. After this run the script waits for 10 seconds in order to give Blaze time to settle. During this time the Java just-in-time compiler and garbage collector and to some work. After that 9 runs are done were the duration for the first two runs are discarded. From the remaining 7 durations, the average and standard deviation are calculated. From the average and the total number of patients the final metric patients per second is calculated.


All measurements are taken on the same VM that has the size of LEA58. The OS is Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. Docker version is 26.1.4.

Simple Code Search

In this section, CQL queries for selecting patients which have observations with a certain code are analyzed. The codes were chosen to produce a wide range of hits (number of matching patients). For the 100k dataset the hits are 2 %, 60 % and 100 % of the total number of patients, for the 100k-fh dataset the hits are 2 %, 57 % and 100 % and for the 1M dataset the hits are 2.5 %, 60 % and 100 %.

The first chart shows the results for the 100k dataset. It shows that the performance raises with the system size and declines a lot with the number of patients found (hits). This decline can be explained because the Bloom filters are most effective for small number of hits.

The second bar chart shows the results for the 100k-fh dataset which differs by the 100 k dataset in that it contains a full history of patient data instead of a history capped at 10 years. Especially the number of observations is 191 M compared to only 59 M in the 100k dataset. Comparing the two bar charts, the performance is nearly identical. So for simple code search, the performance doesn't depend on the amount of patient history.

The third bar chart shows the results for the 1M dataset. For the two bigger systems LEA47 and LEA58, the relative performance measured in patients per second is identical to the performance Blaze shows at the smaller datasets with only 100 k patients. However the same can't be said for the two smaller systems LEA25 and LEA36, were the relative performance suffers due to memory limitations of that systems.


Dataset System Code # Hits Time (s) StdDev Pat./s
100k LEA25 17861-6 2 k 0.06 0.003 1.540 M
100k LEA25 8310-5 60 k 0.25 0.014 402.3 k
100k LEA25 72514-3 100 k 0.33 0.009 300.3 k
100k LEA36 17861-6 2 k 0.05 0.002 1.972 M
100k LEA36 8310-5 60 k 0.12 0.005 819.7 k
100k LEA36 72514-3 100 k 0.18 0.004 562.5 k
100k LEA47 17861-6 2 k 0.05 0.001 1.975 M
100k LEA47 8310-5 60 k 0.07 0.002 1.363 M
100k LEA47 72514-3 100 k 0.10 0.001 963.7 k
100k LEA58 17861-6 2 k 0.05 0.001 1.942 M
100k LEA58 8310-5 60 k 0.07 0.001 1.351 M
100k LEA58 72514-3 100 k 0.09 0.002 1.153 M
100k-fh LEA25 788-0 2 k 0.07 0.003 1.513 M
100k-fh LEA25 44261-6 57 k 0.24 0.007 425.2 k
100k-fh LEA25 72514-3 100 k 0.35 0.007 282.3 k
100k-fh LEA36 788-0 2 k 0.05 0.002 1.913 M
100k-fh LEA36 44261-6 57 k 0.13 0.003 756.3 k
100k-fh LEA36 72514-3 100 k 0.21 0.006 487.2 k
100k-fh LEA47 788-0 2 k 0.05 0.002 1.981 M
100k-fh LEA47 44261-6 57 k 0.07 0.001 1.370 M
100k-fh LEA47 72514-3 100 k 0.10 0.001 970.7 k
100k-fh LEA58 788-0 2 k 0.05 0.002 1.979 M
100k-fh LEA58 44261-6 57 k 0.07 0.002 1.367 M
100k-fh LEA58 72514-3 100 k 0.09 0.001 1.151 M
1M LEA25 17861-6 25 k 0.48 0.025 2.079 M
1M LEA25 8310-5 603 k 9.33 0.033 107.1 k
1M LEA25 72514-3 998 k 14.04 0.084 71.2 k
1M LEA36 17861-6 25 k 0.48 0.003 2.081 M
1M LEA36 8310-5 603 k 4.74 0.038 211.1 k
1M LEA36 72514-3 998 k 7.15 0.032 139.8 k
1M LEA47 17861-6 25 k 0.49 0.012 2.054 M
1M LEA47 8310-5 603 k 0.67 0.010 1.488 M
1M LEA47 72514-3 998 k 1.00 0.010 995.1 k
1M LEA58 17861-6 25 k 0.52 0.012 1.930 M
1M LEA58 8310-5 603 k 0.66 0.007 1.505 M
1M LEA58 72514-3 998 k 0.78 0.019 1.287 M
1M A5N46 17861-6 25 k 0.23 0.009 4.353 M
1M A5N46 8310-5 603 k 0.38 0.003 2.660 M
1M A5N46 72514-3 998 k 1.61 0.006 622.8 k

Example CQL Query

library "observation-17861-6"
using FHIR version '4.0.0'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.0'

codesystem loinc: ''

context Patient

define InInitialPopulation:
  exists [Observation: Code '17861-6' from loinc]

The CQL queries can be executed with the following commands:

cql/ observation-17861-6
cql/ observation-8310-5
cql/ observation-72514-3
cql/ observation-788-0
cql/ observation-44261-6

Code and Value Search

In this section, CQL Queries for selecting patients which have observations with a certain code and value are analyzed. The values were chosen to produce a wide range of hits (number of matching patients). The hits are 10 %, 50 % and 100 %.

The first chart shows the results for the 100k dataset. It shows the number of patients a system can process per second as described above. The performance raises with system size. As with Simple Code Search, queries with a small number of hits are much faster as queries with a large number of hits due to Bloom filter optimizations.

The second chart shows the results for the 1M dataset. Here the performance of the 10 % hits query is identical to that of the the 100k dataset. That can be explained because Bloom filter don't need much memory. However the two smaller systems LEA25 and LEA36 show a degradation in the performance of the queries with larger number of hits. Here the memory limitations show while going into the actual database storage layer.


Dataset System Code Value # Hits Time (s) StdDev Pat./s
100k LEA25 29463-7 13.6 kg 10 k 0.28 0.010 356.9 k
100k LEA25 29463-7 75.3 kg 50 k 0.73 0.017 137.7 k
100k LEA25 29463-7 185 kg 100 k 1.07 0.029 93.7 k
100k LEA36 29463-7 13.6 kg 10 k 0.12 0.008 842.7 k
100k LEA36 29463-7 75.3 kg 50 k 0.33 0.011 306.0 k
100k LEA36 29463-7 185 kg 100 k 0.46 0.007 219.4 k
100k LEA47 29463-7 13.6 kg 10 k 0.07 0.005 1.523 M
100k LEA47 29463-7 75.3 kg 50 k 0.15 0.004 676.3 k
100k LEA47 29463-7 185 kg 100 k 0.23 0.007 440.1 k
100k LEA58 29463-7 13.6 kg 10 k 0.06 0.001 1.583 M
100k LEA58 29463-7 75.3 kg 50 k 0.12 0.005 869.4 k
100k LEA58 29463-7 185 kg 100 k 0.16 0.003 609.1 k
1M LEA25 29463-7 13.6 kg 99 k 2.72 0.024 367.0 k
1M LEA25 29463-7 75.3 kg 500 k 14.65 0.187 68.2 k
1M LEA25 29463-7 185 kg 998 k 22.93 0.235 43.6 k
1M LEA36 29463-7 13.6 kg 99 k 1.17 0.017 856.6 k
1M LEA36 29463-7 75.3 kg 500 k 3.19 0.052 313.6 k
1M LEA36 29463-7 185 kg 998 k 10.83 0.084 92.3 k
1M LEA47 29463-7 13.6 kg 99 k 0.60 0.011 1.667 M
1M LEA47 29463-7 75.3 kg 500 k 1.63 0.023 612.6 k
1M LEA47 29463-7 185 kg 998 k 2.19 0.037 456.8 k
1M LEA58 29463-7 13.6 kg 99 k 0.59 0.007 1.709 M
1M LEA58 29463-7 75.3 kg 500 k 1.01 0.013 993.3 k
1M LEA58 29463-7 185 kg 998 k 1.42 0.026 702.4 k
1M A5N46 29463-7 13.6 kg 99 k 0.28 0.007 3.584 M
1M A5N46 29463-7 75.3 kg 500 k 0.46 0.032 2.160 M
1M A5N46 29463-7 185 kg 998 k 1.66 0.002 601.8 k

CQL Query

library "observation-body-weight-50"
using FHIR version '4.0.0'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.0'

codesystem loinc: ''
code "body-weight": '29463-7' from loinc

context Patient

define InInitialPopulation:
  exists [Observation: "body-weight"] O where O.value < 75.3 'kg'

The CQL query is executed with the following command:

cql/ observation-body-weight-10
cql/ observation-body-weight-50
cql/ observation-body-weight-100

Ten Code Search

In this section, CQL queries for selecting patients which have conditions with one of 10 codes are analyzed. The codes were chosen to produce both a low number and a high number of hits. For the 100k dataset the hits are 0.4 % and 95 %, for the 100k-fh dataset the hits are 2 % and 98 % and for the 1M dataset the hits are 0.4 % and 95 %.

The first chart shows the results for the 100k dataset. The performance raises with system size. As with Simple Code Search and Code Value Search, queries with a small number of hits are much faster as queries with a large number of hits due to Bloom filter optimizations.

The second chart shows the results for the 100k-fh dataset. For the 100k-fh dataset the performance of the query with small number of hits is lower because the number of hits if actually larger (2 %) as that of the 100k dataset with 0.4 %.

The third chart shows the results for the 1M dataset. As with the Code Value Search queries the performance for the query with low number of hits is the same across all system sizes, because Bloom filters don't need much memory. However the same can't be said for the query with 95 % hits. Here the LEA25 and LEA36 systems are clearly too small.


Dataset System # Hits Time (s) StdDev Pat./s
100k LEA25 395 0.07 0.004 1.524 M
100k LEA25 95 k 0.32 0.014 311.8 k
100k LEA36 395 0.06 0.002 1.677 M
100k LEA36 95 k 0.18 0.005 568.2 k
100k LEA47 395 0.06 0.001 1.772 M
100k LEA47 95 k 0.10 0.001 1.005 M
100k LEA58 395 0.06 0.001 1.653 M
100k LEA58 95 k 0.09 0.001 1.105 M
100k-fh LEA25 2 k 0.15 0.008 660.7 k
100k-fh LEA25 98 k 0.39 0.019 259.2 k
100k-fh LEA36 2 k 0.08 0.001 1.184 M
100k-fh LEA36 98 k 0.18 0.004 553.7 k
100k-fh LEA47 2 k 0.06 0.001 1.578 M
100k-fh LEA47 98 k 0.11 0.002 949.3 k
100k-fh LEA58 2 k 0.07 0.001 1.536 M
100k-fh LEA58 98 k 0.09 0.002 1.084 M
1M LEA25 4 k 0.54 0.041 1.845 M
1M LEA25 954 k 10.93 0.068 91.5 k
1M LEA36 4 k 0.57 0.011 1.766 M
1M LEA36 954 k 5.65 0.033 177.1 k
1M LEA47 4 k 0.55 0.005 1.813 M
1M LEA47 954 k 0.97 0.016 1.029 M
1M LEA58 4 k 0.56 0.013 1.800 M
1M LEA58 954 k 0.84 0.007 1.191 M
1M A5N46 4 k 0.25 0.010 4.001 M
1M A5N46 954 k 0.46 0.002 2.181 M

CQL Query Frequent

library "condition-ten-frequent"
using FHIR version '4.0.0'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.0'

codesystem sct: ''

context Patient

define InInitialPopulation:
  exists [Condition: Code '444814009' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '840544004' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '840539006' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '386661006' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '195662009' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '49727002' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '10509002' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '72892002' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '36955009' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '162864005' from sct]
cql/ condition-ten-frequent

CQL Query Rare

library "condition-ten-rare"
using FHIR version '4.0.0'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.0'

codesystem sct: ''

context Patient

define InInitialPopulation:
  exists [Condition: Code '62718007' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '234466008' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '288959006' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '47505003' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '698754002' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '157265008' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '15802004' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '14760008' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '36923009' from sct] or
  exists [Condition: Code '45816000' from sct]
cql/ condition-ten-rare

All Code Search


Dataset System # Hits Time (s) StdDev Pat./s
100k LEA25 99 k 0.35 0.013 289.8 k
100k LEA36 99 k 0.19 0.003 517.7 k
100k LEA47 99 k 0.11 0.001 891.8 k
100k LEA58 99 k 0.10 0.001 1.050 M
100k-fh LEA25 100 k 0.37 0.018 273.0 k
100k-fh LEA36 100 k 0.20 0.006 506.3 k
100k-fh LEA47 100 k 0.11 0.001 870.3 k
100k-fh LEA58 100 k 0.10 0.001 1.038 M
1M LEA25 995 k 11.78 0.068 84.9 k
1M LEA36 995 k 5.96 0.015 167.7 k
1M LEA47 995 k 1.05 0.008 952.9 k
1M LEA58 995 k 0.86 0.006 1.164 M
1M A5N46 995 k 0.48 0.002 2.071 M

CQL Query

cql/ condition-all

Inpatient Stress Search


Dataset System # Hits Time (s) StdDev Pat./s
100k LEA25 2 k 0.59 0.017 169.1 k
100k LEA36 2 k 0.31 0.009 326.7 k
100k LEA47 2 k 0.17 0.004 580.5 k
100k LEA58 2 k 0.15 0.005 683.1 k
100k-fh LEA25 2 k 1.89 0.016 52.8 k
100k-fh LEA36 2 k 1.15 0.014 86.9 k
100k-fh LEA47 2 k 0.78 0.004 127.9 k
100k-fh LEA58 2 k 0.54 0.006 184.4 k
1M LEA25 16 k 7.69 0.108 130.0 k
1M LEA36 16 k 3.90 0.041 256.7 k
1M LEA47 16 k 1.88 0.025 531.2 k
1M LEA58 16 k 1.21 0.014 823.8 k
1M A5N46 16 k 0.75 0.058 1.333 M

CQL Query

cql/ inpatient-stress


Dataset System # Hits Time (s) StdDev Pat./s
100k LEA25 966 0.12 0.004 806.4 k
100k LEA25 7 k 0.12 0.006 854.3 k
100k LEA36 966 0.06 0.003 1.684 M
100k LEA36 7 k 0.06 0.002 1.637 M
100k LEA47 966 0.05 0.000 1.930 M
100k LEA47 7 k 0.05 0.001 1.900 M
100k LEA58 966 0.05 0.001 1.889 M
100k LEA58 7 k 0.06 0.001 1.800 M
1M LEA25 10 k 1.39 0.005 720.1 k
1M LEA25 66 k 1.31 0.011 765.3 k
1M LEA36 10 k 0.69 0.003 1.440 M
1M LEA36 66 k 0.68 0.007 1.478 M
1M LEA47 10 k 0.47 0.002 2.145 M
1M LEA47 66 k 0.45 0.004 2.214 M
1M LEA58 10 k 0.48 0.003 2.085 M
1M LEA58 66 k 0.47 0.003 2.140 M

CQL Queries

cql/ medication-1
cql/ medication-7

Medication Ten

Dataset System # Hits Time (s) StdDev Pat./s
100k LEA25 15 k 0.19 0.009 533.7 k
100k LEA36 15 k 0.10 0.002 1.022 M
100k LEA47 15 k 0.07 0.002 1.486 M
100k LEA58 15 k 0.07 0.001 1.491 M
1M LEA25 149 k 2.83 0.026 353.4 k
1M LEA36 149 k 1.39 0.004 719.4 k
1M LEA47 149 k 0.72 0.006 1.393 M
1M LEA58 149 k 0.64 0.003 1.574 M

Condition Code Stratification


Dataset System # Hits Time (s) StdDev Pat./s
100k LEA58 5.2 M 12.79 0.325 7.8 k
1M LEA58 52.3 M 399.64 11.966 2.5 k
1M A5N46 52.3 M 372.40 1.350 2.7 k

CQL Queries

cql/ stratifier-condition-code

Laboratory Observation Code Stratification


Dataset System # Hits Time (s) StdDev Pat./s
100k LEA58 37.8 M 280.40 3.026 0
1M A5N46 380.5 M 2768.19 9.310 0

CQL Queries

cql/ stratifier-observation-laboratory-code