- User Build
- Selinux is Enforcing
- CTS passes and banking apps working
- Configure default light sensor type
- Add Google platform certificate
- Remove google_battery support
- Remove all permissions from /sys/devices/soc0/serial_number
- Restrict access to /sys/devices/soc0/serial_number
- dumpstate: Don't dump serial number
- User Build
- Selinux is Enforcing
- CTS passes and banking apps working
- Enable AOSP Surfacefliger
- Enable BT low power adaptive
- Switch to AutoSingleLayer Android 13
- RIL powersaving for battery life and import more props
- Add enable usb data service
- Reclean CarrierSettings integration
- Try to restrict USB early in boot
- Rebase kernel lineage
- Merged May Security Patch
- User Build
- Selinux is Enforcing
- CTS passes and banking apps working
- Fixed Now Playing
- Fixed Microphone when video call in Whatsapp,Telegram,etc.
- Update AiAi to S.10.playstore.pixel3.408937249
- Switch back to HIDL 2.1 btAudio
- Improvements kernel lineage
- Prop: enable ro.hwui.render_ahead
- Misc. Fixes and Improvements
- Initial official release
- User Build
- Selinux is Enforcing
- CTS passes and banking apps working
- No need to flash gapps (included)