- Merged latest January Security patch
- CTS Passes by default and banking apps are working fine
- Exclusive: Added lock screen clock fresh implementation from scratch
- Exclusive: Added HyperBox2 clock
- Exclusive: Added hyperbox clock
- Exclusive: Added buttercup syra clock
- Exclusive: Added LSClockHUD
- Exclusive: Added Nothing LSClock
- Exclusive: Added Vibration on brightness slider
- Added reticker
- Essence: Adjust Essence UI and Updater UI little bit
- Port brightness slider changes
- Merge translations from crowdin
- Wallpaper: Make ImageWallpaper zooming tunable
- SystemUI: old style mobile data indicators
- Option to Display Data Disabled Indicator Icon
- Allow using 4G icon instead LTE
- Make roaming indicator optional
- Switch to private release signing keys
- core: Bring back UdfpsUtils for Udfps config checking
- udfps: Improve framework dimming support
- PPU: Update redfin fp to QPR and Added pixel 7 pro props
- Allow user to select low power refresh rate
- SystemUI: Combined QS header fixes
- SystemUI: Switch notification background to monet on heads up
- Updated Aperture Cam and Default wallpaper
- Launcher3: Adapted card layout to whole launcher
- Launcher3: Update layouts and dimens from Pixel Launcher
- Fix Battery page card layout
- Misc changes & improvements
- Improved stability and performance
- Synced with latest Project-Elixir sources
- Alert Slider