CLI application utilizing the unifac crate.
crate is used as local dependency. Therefore, both projects are assumed to be located in the same parent directory. Crate is referenced with ../unifac
. Installation is done via cargo install --path <PATH TO CRATE>
Program takes a YAML file as its input. YAML structure is excected as:
temperature: 298 # temperature in Kelvin
substances: # array
ethanole: # substance name (used only in the result for readability)
fraction: 0.5 # fraction of substance in mixture
groups: # array of functional groups in current substance
- "1:1" # formatted as "<GROUP ID>:<COUNT OF GROUP IN SUBSTANCE>"
- "2:1"
- "14:1"
fraction: 0.5
- "9:6"
For group IDs, see used data source.
The program itself can be called using:
unifac-cli [OPTIONS] <YAML-FILE>
The output will be printed to stdout, unless a output file is set with -o
For more help on these options use --help