j4status, a small daemon to act on remote or local events
To get further information, please visit j4status’s website at: https://sardemff7.github.io/j4status/
Here is my configuration:
Output = i3bar
Input = mpd;pulseaudio;nl;sensors;upower;time;
Zones = Europe/Paris;UTC;
Formats = %F %a %T;%T;
Sensors = coretemp-isa-0000;
Actions=mouse:1 toggle;mouse:4 previous;mouse:5 next;
Actions=mouse:1 mute toggle;mouse:4 raise;mouse:5 lower;
[Override sensors:coretemp-isa-0000/temp1]
To build j4status from Git, you will need some additional dependencies:
- Meson 0.47.0 (or newer)
- pkg-config 0.25 (or newer) or pkgconf 0.2 (or newer)
Make sure to clone the repository with submodules: git clone --recursive
Alternatively, you can clone them as a second step: git submodule update --init