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File metadata and controls

66 lines (33 loc) · 2.64 KB

Contributing to e-commerce-api

Thank you for considering contributing to our open-source project! We welcome contributions from the community to make this project better. By participating, you can help us improve and add new features to [Your Project Name].

Please take a moment to read this document to understand how you can contribute effectively.

How Can I Contribute?

There are several ways you can contribute:

  • Working on Issues: You can help by working on existing issues or open an issue and only work on it after being asssigned.

  • Code Contributions: If you're interested in coding, you can contribute by adding new features, fixing bugs, or improving the project's codebase.

  • Documentation contribution: If you notice anything missing in the documentation you can contribute in making it more robust.

Reporting Bugs

To report a bug or issue, please follow these steps:

  1. Check the issue tracker to see if the issue has already been reported.

  2. If it hasn't been reported, open a new issue and provide a clear and detailed description of the problem, including steps to reproduce it.

  3. Use a descriptive title and label the issue appropriately (e.g., "Bug," "Enhancement," "Feature").

  4. Include any error messages or logs related to the issue.

Suggesting Enhancements

If you have ideas for enhancements or new features, please follow these steps:

  1. Check the issue tracker to see if your suggestion has already been made.

  2. If it hasn't, open a new issue and provide a detailed description of your suggestion, including why it would be valuable and how it can be implemented.

  3. Use a descriptive title and label the issue as "Enhancement" or "Feature."

Working on Issues

If you want to work on an existing issue, follow these steps:

  1. Coment on the issue and it will be assigned to you, then work on it.

  2. Fork the repository and create a new branch for your work based on the issue.

  3. Make your changes.

  4. Write tests for your changes, if applicable.

  5. Submit a pull request when your changes are ready and link the PR to the issue.

Commit Guidelines

When making commits, please ensure you have well-structured commit messages.

Testing Guidelines

If you're adding new features or making changes to the codebase, please include tests to ensure the reliability of your code.


By contributing to this project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License.

Thank you for your contributions! We appreciate your help in making the project better.