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How to make a release

Michael Weiser edited this page Apr 23, 2019 · 13 revisions


  • Resolve all issues associated with the milestone
  • Merge all pull requests associated with the milestone into master
  • Create a feature branch in a forked repo for the new release and on that branch:
    • Bump the version
    • Update the ASCII art in with figlet :)
  • Open and merge a pull request to merge the release changes into master
  • On the main GitHub repo:
    • Create a new release branch named after the version (e.g. 1.7) in anticipation of hot fixes for that release later on
    • Tag the new state of master with the release number, e.g. v1.7
  • Close the milestone of the current release
  • Potentially create a new milestone for the next release

Note: Don't forget to update the PeekaooAV submodule of to reference the new release.

PyPi Upload

  • check out the release tag
  • clean the workspace
  • create a source distribution with sdist
  • upload to PyPi using twine
cd /path/to/PeekabooAV/
git checkout v1.7
git clean -id
python sdist
twine upload -u peekabooav dist/*

Check your work here

Note: Ensure that you have a clean workspace before building distributions, since any uncommited changes in your local workspace are included in the distribution.