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807 lines (795 loc) · 41 KB

File metadata and controls

807 lines (795 loc) · 41 KB

New features in 1.7.x

  • 1.7.9:
    • make TR compatible with platformTarget O
  • 1.7.8:
    • add menu items to TR (item matching extraction, inflation, etc.)
    • re-generate TR any time resource xml files change
  • 1.7.7:
    • minor bugfixes
      • disable pidcat/logcat colors when unsupported
    • classDirectory is no longer overridden (now goes to crossTarget)
    • AndroidJar projects no longer buildWith automatically
  • 1.7.6:
    • minor bugfixes
    • qol improvement to setDebug and setRelease (correspondingly: packageDebug, packageRelease)--automatically apply selection to all requisite projects
  • 1.7.5:
    • directly invoking android:compile is an error
    • delete proguard-sbt.txt if encountered
      • default generated project template adds it to .gitignore
    • add adb-wifi-reconnect command for automatically reconnecting to a device running adb-wifi
    • fail-fast when running android:install, android:run, android:clean, android:debug, android:uninstall if a device is not connected
    • initial implementation of gen-multi-android for creating multi-project android app builds
    • fix pidcat to use process identification from android 7.0+
  • 1.7.4:
    • minor bugfixes
      • fix aar unpacking on every build
      • no longer perform renaming of classes.jar within unbundled aar
      • fix deprecation error in generated build.sbt from gen-android
      • no longer generate .d files when processing aidl (aidl tool generates the incorrect name with -a)
    • new aapt9PngCrunch setting to toggle whether or not 9-patch png files should be processed, default to true=on
  • 1.7.3:
    • minor bugfixes
      • automatically include proguard.txt from transitively included aar
  • 1.7.2:
    • minor bugfix
  • 1.7.1:
    • zipalign on page boundaries for android:extractNativeLibs
    • fix AndroidManifest.xml packaging (did not update if resources unchanged)
    • remove embedded uast workaround for google publishing
  • 1.7.0:
    • Switch to AutoPlugin enabling, build android apps by setting enablePlugins(AndroidApp), aar files with enablePlugins(AndroidLib) and jar files using enablePlugins(AndroidJar)
      • All previous methods of configuration have been deprecated:
        • android.Plugin is deprecated
        • androidBuild, androidBuildWith, androidBuildAar, androidBuildJar, androidBuildApklib, etc. have all been deprecated (for that matter, stop building apklibs!)
    • Utility functions have moved into the android._ namespace, e.g.
      • flavorOf (deprecated)
      • withVariant
      • useSupportVectors
      • fail
      • useLibrary
      • buildTools
      • extendFlavor
      • flavor
      • extendBuildType
      • buildType
      • buildConfig
      • resValue
      • signingConfig
      • apkExclude
      • apkPickFirst
      • apkMerge
      • manifestPlaceholder
      • apkVersionName
      • apkVersionCode
    • Remove android.AutoBuild
    • Fix multiple onLoad calls (should only perform once per load)
    • Fix variant interaction with session set command
    • Update to android builder 2.2.0
    • Add support for pseudoLocalesEnabled see for usages
    • Support manifest option for android:extractNativeLibs

New features in 1.6.x (last version: 1.6.18)

  • 1.6.18:
    • Fix error that occurs when typing a<tab> on the repl if an android license has not been downloaded
  • 1.6.17:
    • Automatically set platformTarget to latest version available if it is not specified
    • Update to android builder 2.1.3
    • Fix androidTest aars warning
      • Add testAarWarning setting that can be disabled by setting to false
    • Update gen-android template to set scalaVersion, version and versionCode
    • Fix TypedViewHolder generation when file names collide in the same configuration (libraries)
    • Fix onLoad initialization to only occur once per load
  • 1.6.16:
    • Fix critical android:install bug, was working on devices v21+ only
    • Handle scala crossVersion source directories correctly
    • Handle generated source mappings better for packageSrc
  • 1.6.15:
    • automatically include scala.Dynamic in proguard keep rules, low cost (0 methods) but fixes proguardCache with any usage of dynamic
    • add a dexMainRoots setting to make keep component list configurable
    • fix dex method count warning when multidex is enabled, also clarifies on what the estimated count is when the limit is hit
    • Add installTimeout setting to control timeout of android:install
    • update to bintray-update-checker 0.2 for binary compatibility issues (transitively updated to argonaut 6.1a and scalaz 7.2)
  • 1.6.14:
    • Improve MethodCounter estimates and provided a warning when estimates indicate that the single dex file limit may be exceeded
    • Clarify logging when running dx
    • Improve error messaging when exploded-aars are corrupted
  • 1.6.13:
    • Re-implemented gen-android
      • Usage is now gen-android <package> <name>
      • Project template has been completely rewritten
      • Defaults to platformTarget android-24
      • Uses a vector drawable for the logo with an animated "Hello world" sample activity.
      • Demonstrates usage of TypedRes and TypedViewHolder
      • Comes with working junit3 and junit4 sample instrumentation tests (written in java)
      • Automatically reload sbt if gen-android is run within a repl or a series of commands
        • e.g., one can now do sbt "gen-android com.example Hello" android:run android:test android:uninstall to get a quick hello world run, running of tests and uninstallation
    • add variantConfiguration setting to describe current buildType and flavor
    • Improve provided proguard rules to handle androidTest better
    • Set the value of debugIncludesTests to the presence of scala source in androidTest
    • Fix TypedRes in the presence of res/animator
    • Fix compilation of androidTest
  • 1.6.12:
    • Fix critical regression in 1.6.11
  • 1.6.11:
    • Minimum SBT version is now 0.13.8
    • new setting typedResourcesIds to determine ID generation, defaults to enabled
    • androidTest is now the required configuration for adding dependencies to androidTest instrumentation tests
      • test and androidTest dependencies are now properly isolated
      • E.g. "" % "runner" % "0.2" % "androidTest"
    • RenderScript processing improvements
      • No longer depends on .d files for detecting generated rs java stubs
      • Include rsRes and rsLib from library projects
    • Retrolambda processing improvements
      • Incremental builds fixed (was generating bad bytecode at times)
      • Retrolambda output can now be sharded, default sharded, modify by setting predexRetrolambda
      • Reduced log spam
    • Fix incorrect path to android/.bat script for the SDK manager, fixes gen-android failing to run on 1.6.10
    • Fix proguard failing when the SDK is installed to a directory containing spaces
  • 1.6.10:
    • Handle extraResDirectories and extraAssetDirectories when processing resources from dependent projects
    • Ignore duplicate buildConfigOptions
    • Fix inclusion of compile-internal artifacts into final dex/apk
    • "test" configuration artifacts are now included in androidTest properly
    • No longer include optional platform libraries in proguard and test unless added by libraryRequests
    • Fix incorrect string concatenation of SDK-related paths
  • 1.6.9:
    • bump default minSdkVersion to 19, set explicitly if lower is required
    • Fix TR.scala lint errors
    • Improve some warnings when generating TypedViewHolders
  • 1.6.8:
    • TypedViewHolder usability improvements
      • better error messaging when <include> layouts are missing
      • automatically setTag on TypedViewHolder creation
      • TypedViewHolder.from(view, TR.layout.XXX) to retrieve a correctly tagged viewholder
      • when rootView has an associated id, create a named field for the rootView
    • consider proguardOptions when forcing a clean build due to config change
    • Added test cases to ensure compatibility with sbt-structure and protify
  • 1.6.7:
    • New TypedViewHolder bindings, automatically generated from layout XML to create type-safe and static bindings to layout views
      • val viewholder: TypedViewHolder.XXX = TypedViewHolder.setContentView(activity, TR.layout.XXX)
      • val viewholder: TypedViewHolder.YYY = TypedViewHolder.inflate(inflater, TR.layout.YYY, parent, attachToParent)
      • Limitations
        • <fragment> will be ignored
        • <merge> is treated as android.view.View
        • <include> will be assigned a viewholder val or have all of its views included into the viewholder, depending on whether an id is supplied or the root view type is compatible.
        • repeated ids will result in only 1 holder val being created. colliding names will otherwise have 2..99 appended automatically
        • view types with type parameters cannot be expressed directly nor handled. This has always been an issue with TR, workaround by using <view class="viewTypeWithParameter">. As a result <view class=...> will not be processed for the class name and will resolve to android.view.View
        • IntelliJ will not properly recognize that the TypedViewHolder is correctly typed, force a type ascription as above and ignore the resulting error highlight rather than allowing IntelliJ to infer, see SCL-10491
        • This is compilation-time binding only. Any runtime layout changes: additions/removals will not be handled
      • Enabled by default if scala is present in project, disable by setting typedViewHolders := false, requires typedResources to be enabled.
    • Typed resources are no longer generated for aar by default, re-enable by setting typedResourcesAar := true; build performance improvements
  • 1.6.6:
    • handle vector drawable rasterization for 24.0.0 support libraries
    • fix proguardCache change check
    • allow using android-install and android-update commands in non-android projects
    • fix incremental builds with vector drawable rasterization
  • 1.6.5:
    • Usability fix for proguardCache rules changing; automatically force clean build when the rules are changed
    • Implement support for resConfigs see resource shrinking
  • 1.6.4:
    • Do not enable dexInProcess unless explicitly turned on (fails in too many configurations to enable automatically)
  • 1.6.3:
    • Further bugfixes around android builder initialization
    • add dexMainClassesRules to set keep rules for dex main file
    • add typedResourcesFull to toggle full TR feature support
    • add aaptPngCrunch to toggle automatic pngcrunch in aapt
    • auto-enable dexInProcess if max heap assigned to SBT is >= 2gb
    • some performance improvements by memoizing reflective calls
  • 1.6.2:
    • Fix automatic maindexlist.txt generation
    • Add more workarounds for race conditions in android builder code
    • Rename android:install-sdk and android:update-sdk to android-install and android-update, respectively
  • 1.6.1: major new features in a .1 release!
    • Automatic Android SDK installation
      • sdkPath will be set to ~/.android/sbt/sdk if ANDROID_HOME or other methods of determining it are not available
      • platformTarget will be automatically downloaded if not already installed
      • build-tools are automatically installed if not already available
      • google and android support repositories are automatically update-checked and installed if not already installed when using play services or support libs
      • NDK is automatically installed if ANDROID_NDK_HOME is not set, ndk-bundle is not present, and an NDK build is detected (
      • SDK installation has a progress indicator, can be suppressed using showSdkProgress := false
      • SDK management commands added: android:install-sdk, android:update-sdk, and android-license
    • activity-alias is supported for android:run with full tab completion
    • Default minSdkVersion is now set to 9 if it is not otherwise set
    • Fix TR generation when .files are present in resource directories
    • Fix some TR deprecation warnings
    • Support looking up ndk-bundle in ANDROID_HOME when ANDROID_NDK_HOME is not set
    • Bugfix around resource merging when aars are updated (SNAPSHOTS)
    • Bugfix lint no longer fails to run if ANDROID_HOME environment variable is not set
    • Bugfix unable to android:run after clean without compile first
    • Updated to android builder 2.1.0
    • Update to retrolambda 2.3.0
    • Miscellaneous refactoring and code improvements
    • Be more verbose when an SDK java command fails
    • Removed use of useSdkProguard, Android SDK proguard rules will always be applied in addition to scala-specific rules
      • Missing SDK proguard rules will cause a build failure (incorrectly installed SDK)
  • 1.6.0: no longer published to com.hanhuy.sbt % android-sdk-plugin
    • TR enhancements
      • on-device performance optimizations (inlining, value classes)
      • full typed resource treatment for all resource types: animations, attrs, booleans, colors, dimens, drawables, fractions, integers, interpolators, menus, mipmaps, plurals, raws, strings, styles, transitions, xmls and all arrays
      • typeclass support for calling .value on any TR resource
    • Updated to android builder 2.0.0
    • Remove direct dependency on proguard, allowing configurability by the consuming project
    • NDK build improvements
      • ndkEnv setting to pass a list of (ENV,VALUE) to ndk-build
      • ndkArgs setting to pass additional arguments to ndk-build
    • Performance improvements during android:dex (particularly when dexShards := true )
    • Automatically save last-known ANDROID_HOME and ANDROID_NDK_HOME values
    • gen-android no longer generates Build.scala using android.AutoBuild
    • Numerous android-related TaskKey converted to SettingKey, improves performance
    • Performance and usability improvements in tab-completion for repl commands
      • on-device file completion works much more reliably and quickly
    • android-gradle-build is also renamed to sbt-android-gradle and no longer requires android.GradleBuild

Changes in 1.5.x (last version: 1.5.20)

  • 1.5.20:
    • add aaptAdditialParams key and useSupportVectors setting group. support-vector-drawable is now fully usable
    • fix mis-use of --no-optimize while dexing, unsupported option and causes thread locking issues and crashes on N preview
    • fix pidcat for N preview
    • implement logcat-grep and pidcat-grep commands
  • 1.5.19:
    • add ndkAbiFilter to exclude unsupported ABI native libraries from the final APK. e.g. ndkAbiFilter := Seq("armeabi") will include only armeabi native libraries. Default is Nil, meaning include all ABI.
    • gen-android now creates a sample.scala under src/main/scala and the java sample under src/main/java is no longer generated.
      • javacOptions is also set to target java 1.7 if the current JVM is detected to be running Java 8
    • exclude transitive bouncycastle from Android build tools, allows use of latest sbt-pgp. Override the dependency on "org.bouncycastle" % "bcpkix-jdk15on" % "1.51" as necessary.
  • 1.5.18:
    • Fix compatibility with sbt 0.13.11, see sbt/sbt#2476 and sbt/sbt#2354
    • Make rasterizing vector drawables optional, set renderVectorDrawables to false if minSdkVersion < 21 and using the new 23.2 support-vector-drawable and animated-vector-drawable libraries
    • Default minSdkVersion to 7 if not set, keeps in line with appcompat-v7 was previously 1...
  • 1.5.17:
    • Fix proguardCache regression; was requiring both and package/name to be specified in order to function properly
    • Default targetSdkVersion to the platform level specified in platformTarget if not otherwise specified explicitly
  • 1.5.16:
    • Report the project name when hitting the platformTarget missing error
    • Fix another race condition regarding generation
    • Fail build load when androidBuild* is applied to a project multiple times
  • 1.5.15:
    • Properly show lint warnings when no errors are present
    • Fix errors when importing buildJar into IntelliJ
  • 1.5.14:
    • check if JNI sources have changed instead of running ndk-build blindly
    • move android-sdk-plugin generated, global content into ~/.android/sbt, two entries under this location are exploded-aars and predex.
      • This speeds up builds by re-using existing aar packaging and allowing aar archives to be pre-dexed for use with protify and v21+ multidex
  • 1.5.13:
    • Allow duplicate aar dependencies in non-diamond project graphs
    • Fix adb-wifi for Android 6.0
    • Universally depend on bootClasspath (meaning custom bootClasspath is now possible)
    • Default minSdkVersion to 1 if it is not specified rather than setting to targetSdkVersion
  • 1.5.12:
    • fix missing sources in buildJar's packageSrc
    • try to fix a long-standing bug with generation race, make packageResources depend on rGenerator
  • 1.5.11:
    • classDirectory is no longer in unmanagedClasspath, sbt-idea legacy
    • Android builder error messages are now reported as sbt error messages, not warning
    • fix flavors and buildTypes to set Global config scope-axis when one is not specified in the setting
    • automatically add src, resource and manifest overlays for all flavors, buildTypes, and combined variants
    • update android.dsl build script helpers
  • 1.5.10:
    • add -p option to logcat command to filter by pid
    • also include jars when searching for jni libraries to import (regression fix)
    • fix missing res apk when toggling debug/release builds (regression fix)
  • 1.5.9:
    • Update to android builder 1.5.0
    • Fix TypedLayoutInflater when inflating into a container
    • Add flavor+buildType source directories/manifest overlays automatically
    • Add apkDebugSigningConfig, allows custom debug signing configuration
    • support for rendering VectorDrawable to png for pre-lollipop, place VectorDrawables into res/drawable and they will be converted to mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi and xxhdpi rasters automatically when minSdkVersion is below 21. Do not put vectors into drawable-anydpi-v21, those will not get rasterized automatically.
      • To clear the lint errors from using <vector> images, add this line into lint.xml: <issue id="NewApi"><ignore path="src/main/res/drawable"/></issue>
    • Can now properly build u2020 automatically using android-gradle-build and a few settings in build.sbt:
      • retrolambdaEnabled := true
      • libraryDependencies += "com.squareup.dagger" % "dagger-compiler" % "1.2.2" % "provided"
      • android.dsl.apkExclude("META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor")
  • 1.5.8: minor bugfix release
  • 1.5.7:
    • fix retrolambda-enable to retrolambda-enabled in repl
    • re-enable copyResources
    • Fix issue with RootProjects and dependsOn(androidSubProject) checking
    • Honor android:outputLayout in more places (everywhere?)
    • bring back FileFunction.cached for android res on a best-effort basis
    • android:use-proguard and android:use-proguard-in-debug no longer depend on each other
  • 1.5.6:
    • Fix logcat, allow passing arguments
    • Load flavor, buildType, applicationId, versionName and code into BuildConfig automatically
    • No longer de-duplicate JNI libraries automatically, this must be managed using packagingOptions
    • Warn when using dependsOn(androidSubProject) incorrectly
  • 1.5.5:
    • warn when aar dependency versions are improperly configured (thanks @tek)
    • colorize logcat, force -v brief for marshmallow compatibility (fixes pidcat for marshmallow as well)
    • cache all common library predexing into $HOME/.android/predex; project-specific libraries, including all aars, remain in target/intermediates/predex
    • changed all android.Keys._ to automatically be in Android. It is no longer necessary to specify in Android when configuring android settings
      • If re-using these keys from another configuration using inConfig(CONFIG), then they will need to be explicitly set as androidKey in CONFIG. Should not affect normal usage.
  • 1.5.4: update checker fix
  • 1.5.3:
    • Fix bug when there are 2 android sub-projects and using a command that accepts the /PROJECT option (would select the incorrect project)
    • Start work on an experimental android.dsl API
  • 1.5.2:
    • Add an entirely new, alternative, flavors and buildTypes system.
      • Configure by adding buildTypes in Android += (("name", List(settings))) or the same for flavors in Android.
      • Load the variant configuration by using the variant[/PROJECT] [BUILD_TYPE] [FLAVOR] command, run variant[/PROJECT] by itself to see current variant status and available flavors and/or build types.
        • Alternatively, load a default variant by adding android.Plugin.withVariant("PROJECT-ID", Option("BUILD-TYPE"), Option("FLAVOR")) into build.sbt
      • LIMITATIONS: Any set command must occur prior to calling variant or else the set command will reset all variant settings
    • warn if exportJars is set incorrectly on dependency projects
    • automatically set project for pidcat, adb-runas, adb-kill when possible. Also allow appending /<project> to any of those commands
      • adb-kill now uses am force-stop when running against a device api 11+
  • 1.5.1:
    • add android:debug command to wait for debugger to connect on app launch
    • properly include assets from transitive aar and apklibs
    • change androidBuildWith and buildWith to accept ProjectReference arguments instead of Project
    • build optimizations for multi-project builds (more transitive library fixes, thanks @tek)
    • ensure consistent usage of useProguardInDebug, proguardScala, etc.
      • fix typedResources to default to the value of autoScalaLibrary not proguardScala
    • turn lintFlags into a task, rather than setting
    • add predexSkip defaults to all local library projects, defines jars which should be included in main dex (for sharding, etc)
  • 1.5.0:
    • build outputs completely refactored, genPath, binPath, and other settings have been removed; outputs are completely configurable by setting outputLayout in Android to a function ProjectLayout => BuildOutput
      outputLayout in Android := {
        val base = (outputLayout in Android).value
        (p: ProjectLayout) => new android.BuildOutput.Wrapped(base(p)) {
          // example: changes default from "target/android/intermediates"
          // to "build/steps"
          override def intermediates = p.base / "build" / "steps"
      • Project flavor build outputs also updated (no longer go into flavor-target, instead just flavor/), no longer work in conjunction with android.AutoBuild, androidBuild must be explicitly set when working with flavors.
    • apkbuildExcludes and apkbuildPickFirsts have been removed, use packagingOptions in Android in conjunction with the PackagingOptions object
    • Renamed dexMainFileClasses, dexMinimizeMainFile, and dexMainFileClassesConfig to dexMainClasses, dexMinimizeMain, and dexMainClassesConfig, respectively.
    • Renamed retrolambdaEnable to retrolambdaEnabled
    • Add extraAssetDirectories
    • Dex sharding with minSdkVersion 21 or higher, dramatically improves incremental build times, enable by setting dexShards in Android := true
      • Add dexLegacyMode to set when predexing optimizations and sharding are disabled; automatically true when minSdkVersion < 21
      • Disabled parallel dx from 1.4.14, it creates too much of a cpu/memory load
    • Add inProjectScope(project)(settings...) to make it easier to configure multi-project builds

New features in 1.4.x (last version: 1.4.15)

  • 1.4.14:
    • Multi-project multi-dex fixes for OSX
    • Parallelized pre-dexing
  • 1.4.13:
    • android:install and android:uninstall now respect android:allDevices
    • add android:clean for clearing app data from device
  • 1.4.11:
    • include aars when generating proguardConfig
    • fix mainDexClasses on non-Windows platforms
    • implement android.GradleBuild in "com.hanhuy.sbt" % "android-gradle-build" % "0.2"
      • Automatic building from gradle projects without having to configure SBT
      • See the gradle-build test cases for an example of usage
      • Known issue: transitive aar libraries that are specified in both library and app modules will fail to build
    • use AutoPlugin triggers
  • 1.4.10:
    • Set autoScalaLibrary based on presence of scala sources
    • Set minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion based on platformTarget unless explicitly specified in AndroidManifest.xml, previously defaulted to 1
    • Properly skip dex if files unchanged.
    • retrolambdaEnable is set false by default
    • More refactoring to support Protify, see live-code demo
  • 1.4.9:
    • add color to pid in pidcat
    • fix flavor target directory when flavoring a subproject
    • suppress lint error in androidBuildJar
    • fix javacOptions in doc
    • turn update checker into updateCheck in Android which can be set to () to squelch
    • refactoring to support Protify, see demos Protify Layout Prototyper Demo and Protify Code Prototyper Demo
  • 1.4.8:
    • Update to new android gradle/builder 1.3.0
      • add libraryRequests and packagingOptions settings
    • warn about performance when using generated maindexlist.txt
    • add androidBuildJar and buildJar for creating jar libraries without resources (anytime aar or apklib is not required).
    • automatically cleanup resources when aar/apklib dependencies are changed, no longer requires clean build after changes.
  • 1.4.7:
    • proguard + cache improvements:
      • no longer need to clean after updating proguard and/or cache rules
    • add android:allDevices for automatically executing android:install, android:run, and/or android:test against all connected devices
    • lots of code cleanup (remove bad uses of sbt.State
    • improve the output of devices (include api level and battery status)
    • move the output of AndroidBuilder into debug
    • re-expose sdkPath, also add ndkPath as a setting
    • fix watchSources to properly compile on resource, jni, ndk, etc. changes
    • deprecate androidBuildApklib, should use androidBuildAar instead
    • fail the build when trying to run library projects
    • automatically generate maindexlist.txt if dexMainFileClasses in Android is not set
  • 1.4.6:
    • rename android:packageName to android:applicationId, uses android:packageName if set, otherwise falls back to value in android:manifest. android:packageName is reverted to be a SettingKey to fix collision with sbt-native-packager; fixes #178
    • add resValues in Android; allow specifying res/values from build (for flavors and auto-generated resources); analogous to resValue from the gradle android plugin.
  • 1.4.5:
    • colorize pidcat command
    • fix several proguard cache related bugs (minor)
    • organize predex bin output better
  • 1.4.4:
    • minor NDK build improvements
    • add testSources to watchSources (automatically trigger ~ commands)
  • 1.4.3:
    • logcat and pidcat performance improvements
    • minor signing config fixes (fix clobbering of settings, only prompt passwords once)
    • Instrumentation testing: do not squelch testAndroidTestCaseSetUpProperly
  • 1.4.2:
    • multidex updates
      • Allow proguard/proguardCache in conjunction with multidex
      • Implement minSdkVersion=21+ multidex optimizations (dramatically improve incremental build times when using multidex)
  • 1.4.1:
    • add a dex method counter, spits out number of methods in all dex files, aids in deciding when to add additional proguard-cache rules, and switching to/from multi-dex
    • Enhanced proguard-cache jar processing, no longer messes up conflicting case-sensitive filenames (can now proguard-cache obfuscated jars)
    • Fix apklibs source generators when using build flavors
  • 1.4.0:
    • This version is not entirely backward compatible with 1.3.x; TR.scala and proguardCache have undergone significant changes.
    • Some code re-organization, internal settings hidden from public view (can still be accessed by defining SettingKey and TaskKey manually as required)
    • Add android:bootClasspath for use with robolectric
    • Unused resource shrinker, enable with shrinkResources in Android := true
    • Conversion of some settings to tasks: packageName, manifest, packageForR, versionName, versionCode, minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion
    • TypedResource improvements, now uses value class extensions for runtime performance improvements (all apps must now use scala 2.10+)
      • Renamed TypedViewHolder in favor of a single TypedFindView, removed TypedView, TypedActivity, TypedActivityHolder, TypedDialog
    • Proguard cache improvements, no more ProguardCache DSL, instead, add package prefix strings to cache directly to proguardCache in Android (Seq[String])
    • Add extraResDirectories setting for additional overlay-resources. For use with build flavors, etc.

New features in 1.3.x (last version: 1.3.24)

  • 1.3.24:
    • Minor lint fix (honor min/target sdk from build file)
    • Last version to support scala 2.8.x and 2.9.x
  • 1.3.23:
    • Remove repeated lint output
    • Fix android.Plugin.flavorOf
    • Fix doubled update checker message
    • Update and lint dependencies
  • 1.3.22:
    • Initial lint support
      • Configured to only detect API level issues by default
      • New setting keys:
        • android:lintEnabled: run lint in compile, default true
        • android:lintFlags: optional flags for lint
        • android:lintStrict: fail the build on lint errors, default false
        • android:lintDetectors: lint rules to detect, default: API level issues
      • New task android:lint: run lint independently of compile, will not run compile before-hand, otherwise, behaves according to settings above.
      • Available lint detectors can be found documented at
    • Update to
    • Remove stack traces on build failures (stack traces for errors only)
  • 1.3.21:
    • proguard-cache regression fix, force non-incremental dex on first cache-hit
    • remove bad ProguardCache() overloads
  • 1.3.20:
    • Fixes for proguardCache and aars
    • No longer deduplicate jars based on name ( filter using dependencyClasspath instead if necessary)
  • 1.3.19:
    • Bug fixes around retrolambda, gen-android, and other minor issues
    • Update to builder 1.1.3
  • 1.3.18:
    • Initial implementation of android.Plugin.flavorOf for build flavors.
      • Simple usage is lazy val flavorproject = android.Plugin.flavorOf(baseproject, "flavor-name", flavorSettings /* copies and override baseproject settings */)
      • The flavorproject is otherwise a normal sbt project and it can be treated as such.
  • 1.3.17:
    • Reimplemented renderscript task, thanks @zbsz
    • Update checker fixes
    • Fork the retrolambda process for google play services failures
    • Update to builder 1.1.1
    • Error on ambiguous project layouts
    • Add android:buildConfigOptions for customizing
    • Add android:apkbuildDebug to replace createDebug global variable
  • 1.3.16:
    • Add android:test-only thanks @tek
    • Fix gen-android and gen-android-sbt to create android.sbt with the current plugin version
    • Update to builder 1.0.1
  • 1.3.15:
    • Update checker to notify of new versions
    • Fix multi-project retrolambda build issues
    • Fix adb-wifi to use adb tcpip internally
  • 1.3.14:
    • Support for Retrolambda, Java8 lambda syntax.
      • Automatically enabled when JDK 8 and java sources are detected.
      • Manually enable by setting retrolambdaEnable in Android := true (or, conversely, false to disable if it was automatically enabled)
      • Sample in simple-retrolambda test case
  • 1.3.13:
    • Update to release builder 1.0.0
    • Attempt to fix proguard-cache delta bug
  • 1.3.12:
    • update to latest android builder 1.0.0-rc1
    • fix javah bug #131
    • fix double-tab crash #130
    • split test from android:test (better support for robolectric)
    • manifest placeholders, set manifestPlaceholders in Android
      • Map[String,String] for key:values to replace in AndroidManifest.xml
      • Placeholders are expanded using ${key} syntax
      • Can be dynamically configured as it is implemented as an SBT task
  • 1.3.11:
  • 1.3.10:
    • adb-kill command: kill the currently running package process (if not foreground)
    • update android builder (0.14.2), proguard (5.0) and asm dependencies (5.0)
    • 1.3.7, 1.3.8 and 1.3.9 are bad releases, moderate bugs
  • 1.3.5:
    • Last release for sbt 0.12.x
    • unseal ProjectLayout
    • allow proguard-cache on java-only projects
    • adb-screenon command (turn screen of device on/unlock)
    • include renderscript generated resources in aar
  • 1.3.4: bugfixes
    • #81 add fullClasspath to javah
    • update to builder 0.12.2
    • #82 add NDK_PROJECT_PATH environment for ndkbuild
    • #84 package dependsOn managedResources
    • #85 sourceManaged = gen
    • minor ndk build fixes (apkbuild depends on *.so)
  • 1.3.3: Add ApkSigningConfig, PlainSigningConfig, PromptStorepassSigningConfig and PromptPasswordsSigningConfig. These various signing configurations allow control over prompting for keystore and key passwords. The default is PlainSigningConfig which observes the original behavior from ant builds (reads properties out of Set apkSigningConfig in Android to one of these variants to perform non-default behavior.
    • Also added androidBuildWith() project decorator, replaces androidBuild(projects) and dependsOn(projects)
  • 1.3.2: add AutoPlugin support for 0.13.5
    • Auto-set localProjects when using android.Plugin.androidBuild(...)
    • When gen-android, gen-android, and android.AutoBuild require 0.13.5 if on the 0.13.x sbt line.
    • Some refactoring of classes out of android.Keys, should be mostly compatible still.
  • 1.3.1: add android:apkbuild-pickfirsts works like android:apkbuild-excludes but picks the first occurrence of the resource.
    • A bug in, android bug #73437, prevents PackagingOptions from working correctly with JNI libraries. A workaround is implemented copy all JNI to a single location first.
  • NDK build process, similarly to ANDROID_HOME, set ANDROID_NDK_HOME to the location where the Android NDK is installed. Alternatively, ndk.dir can be set in a file for the project.
    • libs will be generated into binPath / "jni" and obj will drop into binPath / "obj"
    • Pre-generated JNI libraries will no longer be pulled out of jni (nor src/main/jni) -- they will be taken from libs (or src/main/libs)
      • This does not apply to aar and apklib--they will be pulled out of appropriate locations per their spec.
    • javah is automatically executed on all classes that have native methods in their signatures. The header files are generated into sourceManaged and are available to include in native sources and by adding LOCAL_CFLAGS := -I$(SBT_SOURCE_MANAGED)
    • collect-jni no longer copies libraries, it only assembles a list of directory names for packaging
  • Global plugin installation friendly
    • For sbt 0.13, add to ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/android.sbt
    • addSbtPlugin("com.hanhuy.sbt" % "android-sdk-plugin" % "1.4.15")
  • New commands, all commands have proper tab-completion:
    • gen-android - creates android projects from scratch with sbt plumbing
    • gen-android-sbt - creates SBT files for an existing android project
    • logcat - supports all regular options, non-polling (-d by default)
    • pidcat - logcat the current package or specified package with TAG filters
    • adb-ls - ls on-device
    • adb-cat - cat a file on-device
    • adb-rm - rm a file on-device
    • adb-shell - execute a shell command on-device
    • adb-push - push a file to device
    • adb-pull - pull a file from device
    • reboot-device renamed to adb-reboot
  • Existing commands available globally
    • devices, device, adb-wifi
  • AutoBuild support, (created automatically with gen-android), set your build to be object Build extends android.AutoBuild and settings will be automatically applied to projects as necessary.
  • Update to latest 0.12.x
    • Now requires android build-tools 19.1.0 or newer
  • minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion are now SettingKey[String] and no longer SettingKey[Int] (support android-L)
  • Instrumentation tests are now located in src/main/androidTest instead of src/main/instrumentTest (match layout generated by android create project)
  • android:dex task now returns a folder for the output dex not a classes.dex file.

New features in 1.2.x (last version: 1.2.20)

  • Add setting android:debug-includes-tests (default = true) to automatically include instrumented test cases in the debug APK instead of using a separate test APK. This feature improves IntelliJ testing integration.
    • As a result of this new feature, if there are any libraryDependencies in test that must be honored, the setting must be disabled, and a separate test APK must be created. An alternative is to include the test dependencies in the normal compile. Proguard will automatically strip these out in release builds if they are unused.

    • This setting may be ignored, or set to false if one does not have tests or does not want to include the test cases in the debug package.

    • If the setting is disabled, test cases will be generated into a test APK when running android:test

    • When generating release builds, it is important to clean, otherwise test artifacts may be left over and present in the released apk.

    • When using included tests, it is necessary to add the following proguard options, or else proguard will mistakenly remove test cases from the output:

      proguardOptions in Android ++= Seq(
        "-keep public class * extends junit.framework.TestCase",
        "-keepclassmembers class * extends junit.framework.TestCase { *; }"
  • Add ability to disable manifest merging if upstream libraries have bad manifest settings, set mergeManifests in Android := false, default is true
    • Disabling manifest merging will remove automatic import of Activities, Services, BroadcastReceivers, etc. from the library's manifest into the main application manifest
  • Increase test timeout to 3 minutes, from 5 seconds, configurable by using the instrumentTestTimeout setting key, in milliseconds
  • 1.2.18: zipalignPath has changed from a Setting into a Task