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777 lines (617 loc) · 23.9 KB

File metadata and controls

777 lines (617 loc) · 23.9 KB
id title

In this tutorial, you will learn how to

  • write unit tests for rewrite and linter rules
  • use pattern matching to find interesting tree nodes
  • use SymbolInformation to look up method signatures
  • use Diagnostic to report linter errors
  • use withConfiguration to make a rule configurable
  • publish the rule so others can try it on their own codebase

We are going to implement two different rules. The first rule is a semantic rewrite NamedLiteralArguments that produces the following diff

  def complete(isSuccess: Boolean): Unit = ???
- complete(true)
+ complete(isSuccess = true)

The second rule is a syntactic linter NoLiteralArguments that reports an error when a literal is used in argument position

test/NamedLiteralArguments.scala:9:12: error: [NoLiteralArguments]:
Use named arguments for literals such as 'parameterName = true'

Let's get started!

Import the build

Start by cloning the repository olafurpg/named-literal-arguments.

git clone
cd named-literal-arguments
cd scalafix
[info] sbt server started at local://$HOME/.sbt/1.0/server/93fc24de3bb97dec3e5b/sock

This starts an sbt shell session from where you can run the test suite with tests/test.

Optionally, if you use IntelliJ, import the build like normal with the action "New project from existing sources" and select the scalafix/build.sbt file.

The sections in this tutorial follow the chronological order of the git history so feel free to checkout older commits.

First we implement NamedLiteralArguments.

Write unit tests

The build we just cloned is composed of four sub-projects

  • rules: where the NamedLiteralArguments rewrite rule is implemented
  • input: where the code before the rewrite gets applied is written
  • output: a mirror of the input project except with the expected code after the rewrite has applied to the input files
  • tests: where we run the unit tests

For every file in the input project there should be a matching file in the output project

└── main
    └── scala
        └── fix
            └── NamedLiteralArguments.scala
└── main
    └── scala
        └── fix
            └── NamedLiteralArguments.scala

Checkout the commit 55f9196163ab0a, run tests/test and see the tests fail

 > ~tests/test
--- obtained
+++ expected
@@ -4,3 +4,3 @@
   def complete(isSuccess: Boolean): Unit = ()
-  complete(true)
+  complete(isSuccess = true)

The diff tells us that the expected fix (contents of output file) does not match the output from running NamedLiteralArguments on the input file. We expected the output to be complete(isSuccess = true) but the obtained output was complete(true). The NamedLiteralArguments rule currently returns Patch.empty so the test failure is expected.

Use pattern matching to find interesting tree nodes

We update the rule implementation to traverse the syntax tree and find occurrences of the literal true.

doc.tree.collect {
  case t @ q"true" => Patch.addLeft(t, "isSuccess = ")

Let's break this down:

  • doc.tree.collect { case => ...}: perform a top-to-bottom traversal of the syntax tree
  • we construct a Scalameta "quasiquote" pattern q"true" which matches any tree node that represents the boolean literal true.
  • Patch.addLeft(t, "isSuccess = "): describes a refactoring on the source code that adds the string isSuccess = to the left side of the true literal.
  • List[Patch].asPatch: helper method to convert a list of patches into a single patch.

This solution is simple but it is incomplete

  • the rewrite triggers only for the literal true but not false
  • the rewrite triggers for any true literal even if it is not a function argument. For example, val done = true becomes val done = isSuccess = true.

The first improvement we make is to handle both true and false literals.

-  case t @ q"true" =>
+  case t @ Lit.Boolean(_) =>

We replace the q"true" quasiquote with Lit.Boolean(_). Quasiquotes are great for constructing static tree nodes but pattern matching against named tree nodes like Lit.Boolean(_) can be more flexible when you need fine-grained control.

To find the name of a tree node you can use AST Explorer or tree.structure. First, make sure you have the following imports

import scalafix.v1._
import scala.meta._

Next, use the .structure and .structure(width: Int) extension methods on trees.

println(q"complete(true)".structure)     // line wrap at 80th column
println(q"complete(true)".structure(30)) // line wrap at 30th column

The output of tree.structure can be copy-pasted for use in pattern matching.

The next improvement is to ensure we only rewrite boolean literals that appear in function argument position. Previously, the rewrite would replace appearances of true anywhere, producing problematic diffs like this

- val isComplete = true
+ val isComplete = isSuccess = true

To fix this bug, we first match function call nodes Term.Apply and pattern match only Lit.Boolean that appear in argument position

case Term.Apply(_, args) =>
  args.collect {
    case t @ Lit.Boolean(_) =>
      Patch.addLeft(t, "isSuccess = ")

Use SymbolInformation to lookup method signatures

Our rule is still unfinished because we have hard-coded isSuccess. Let's add a test case to reproduce this bug

def complete(isSuccess: Boolean): Unit = ()
def finish(isError: Boolean): Unit = ()

The rule currently produces finish(isSuccess = true) but the correct solution is to produce finish(isError = true).

To fix this bug, we start by capturing the called method into a variable fun

- case Term.Apply(_, args) =>
+ case Term.Apply(fun, args) =>

We update the call to args.collect to include the index of the argument

- args.collect { case Lit.Boolean(_) => ...
+ args.zipWithIndex.collect { case (Lit.Boolean(_), i) => ...

Next, we use the method to query information about the method we are calling

  case Lit.Boolean(_) =>
+ match {
+     case Some(info) =>
        // ...
+     case None =>
+       // Do nothing, no information about this symbol.
+       Patch.empty
+   }
  • Tree.symbol returns a Symbol, which represents the unique identifier of definition such as a val or a class.
  • returns a SymbolInformation, which contains metadata about that symbol.

Next, we use SymbolInformation.signature to see if the symbol is a method with a non-empty parameter list.

+ info.signature match {
+   case method: MethodSignature if method.parameterLists.nonEmpty =>
      // ...
+   case _ =>
+     // Do nothing, the symbol is not a method with matching signature
+     Patch.empty
+ }

The final step is to extract the parameter at the index of the argument

val parameter = method.parameterLists.head(i)
val parameterName = parameter.displayName
Patch.addLeft(t, s"$parameterName = ")

That completes the NamedLiteralArguments rule! Run all tests and we see they pass. Putting it together, the final code for the rule looks like this

// NamedLiteralArguments.scala
package fix

import scalafix.v1._
import scala.meta._

class NamedLiteralArguments
    extends SemanticRule("NamedLiteralArguments") {
  override def fix(implicit doc: SemanticDocument): Patch = {
    doc.tree.collect {
      case Term.Apply(fun, args) =>
        args.zipWithIndex.collect {
          case (t @ Lit.Boolean(_), i) =>
   match {
              case Some(info) =>
                info.signature match {
                  case method: MethodSignature
                      if method.parameterLists.nonEmpty =>
                    val parameter = method.parameterLists.head(i)
                    val parameterName = parameter.displayName
                    Patch.addLeft(t, s"$parameterName = ")
                  case _ =>
                    // Do nothing, the symbol is not a method with matching signature
              case None =>
                // Do nothing, no information about this symbol.

Next, we learn how to implement a syntactic linter.

Use Diagnostic to report linter errors

Let's say we want to report an error message when an argument is a literal instead of automatically inserting the parameter name. The user would see a diagnostic like this

test/NamedLiteralArguments.scala:9:12: error: [NoLiteralArguments]:
Use named arguments for literals such as 'parameterName = true'

The benefit of making NamedLiteralArguments a syntactic linter instead of a semantic rewrite is that it's simpler to run syntactic rules since they don't require compilation. However, the downside is that we can't look up the correct parameter name. The linter can be syntactic because it doesn't need to use SymbolInformation to look up the parameter name.

First, let's create a diagnostic that produces the error message

case class LiteralArgument(literal: Lit) extends Diagnostic {
  override def position: Position = literal.pos
  override def message: String =
    s"Use named arguments for literals such as 'parameterName = $literal'"

Next, we create a new syntactic rule NoLiteralArguments.

class NoLiteralArguments extends SyntacticRule("NoLiteralArguments") {
  override def fix(implicit doc: SyntacticDocument): Patch = {
    // ...

Next, update META-INF/services/scalafix.v1.Rule to include the new rule so that Scalafix can load the rule by it's name rules = [ NoLiteralArguments ]. Consult the JDK ServiceLoader documentation to learn more about how Scalafix loads rules

+ fix.NoLiteralArguments

We create a new input file to test NoLiteralArguments.

rule = NoLiteralArguments
package test

class NoLiteralArguments {
  def complete(isSuccess: Boolean): Unit = ()
  complete(true) // assert: NoLiteralArguments

The comment // assert: NoLiteralArguments asserts that a diagnostic is reported at the line of complete(true). There is no need to write an output file since linters don't modify the input source code.

Next, we write the same pattern matching logic as in NamedLiteralArguments

doc.tree.collect {
  case Term.Apply(_, args) =>
    args.collect {
      case t @ Lit.Boolean(_) =>
        // ....

Finally, to report a diagnostic we use Patch.lint


We run the tests and see that they pass. Let's add a /* multi-line assertion to make sure the position and message of the diagnostic make sense

  complete(true) // assert: NoLiteralArguments
+ complete(false) /* assert: NoLiteralArguments
+          ^^^^^
+ Use named arguments for literals such as 'parameterName = false'
+ */

It's a good practice to write at least one /* multi-line assertion for the position and message contents of a diagnostic.

Use withConfiguration to make a rule configurable

The NoLiteralArguments linter reports errors for boolean literals but in some cases we might want an error for other types of literals such as magic numbers and strings. Since users may have different preferences, let's allow them to decide which literal types to prohibit through configuration in .scalafix.conf

// .scalafix.conf
NoLiteralArguments.disabledLiterals = [

Let's start by adding a failing test suite by adding a new input file NoLiteralArgumentsConfig.scala

rule = NoLiteralArguments
NoLiteralArguments.disabledLiterals = [
package test

class NoLiteralArgumentsConfig {
  def complete(message: String): Unit = ()
  def complete(count: Int): Unit = ()
  def complete(isSuccess: Boolean): Unit = ()
  complete("done") // ok, no error message
  complete(42) // assert: NoLiteralArguments
  complete(true) // assert: NoLiteralArguments

The top of the file contains .scalafix.conf configuration that is passed to rules when they're loaded.

If we run tests/test we get an error like this

===========> Unreported <===========
test/NoLiteralArgumentsConfig.scala:16:20: error
  complete("done") // assert: NoLiteralArguments

An "unreported" error message means we asserted a diagnostic would be reported at this line but no diagnostic was reported. This is expected since we don't read the configuration yet.

Start by writing a case class to hold the configuration

case class NoLiteralArgumentsConfig(
    disabledLiterals: List[String] = List("Boolean")
) {
  def isDisabled(literal: Lit): Boolean = {
    val kind = lit.productPrefix.stripPrefix("Lit.")

Next we update the rule to have an instance of the configuration

- class NoLiteralArguments extends SyntacticRule("NoLiteralArguments")
+ class NoLiteralArguments(config: NoLiteralArgumentsConfig)
+     extends SyntacticRule("NoLiteralArguments")
+   def this() = this(NoLiteralArgumentsConfig())

It's important to keep an empty constructor def this() = ... so that Scalafix can load the rule. If we forget the empty constructor we get an error like this: "java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Provider fix.NoLiteralArguments could not be instantiated"

Next, we create a companion object with decoders to read .scalafix.conf configuration into NoLiteralArgumentsConfig.

object NoLiteralArgumentsConfig {
  def default = NoLiteralArgumentsConfig()
  implicit val surface =
  implicit val decoder =

To learn more about decoding configuration, consult the metaconfig docs.

Next, we override the withConfiguration method to read user configuration.

  class NoLiteralArguments(config: NoLiteralArgumentsConfig)
      extends SyntacticRule("NoLiteralArguments") {
+   override def withConfiguration(config: Configuration): Configured[Rule] =
+     config.conf
+       .getOrElse("NoLiteralArguments")(this.config)
+       .map { newConfig => new NoLiteralArguments(newConfig) }

The withConfiguration method is called once after the rule is loaded. The same rule instance is then used to process multiple files in the same project.

The final step is to use the configuration to report errors only for literals types the user has configured to prohibit

- case t: Lit.Boolean =>
+ case t: Lit if config.isDisabled(t) =>

Congrats! The NoLiteralArguments linter is now configurable. Putting it together, the final code looks like this

// NoLiteralArguments.scala
package fix

import metaconfig.Configured
import scala.meta._
import scalafix.v1._

case class LiteralArgument(literal: Lit) extends Diagnostic {
  override def position: Position = literal.pos
  override def message: String =
    s"Use named arguments for literals such as 'parameterName = $literal'"

case class NoLiteralArgumentsConfig(
    disabledLiterals: List[String] = List("Boolean")
) {
  def isDisabled(lit: Lit): Boolean = {
    val kind = lit.productPrefix.stripPrefix("Lit.")

object NoLiteralArgumentsConfig {
  val default = NoLiteralArgumentsConfig()
  implicit val surface =
  implicit val decoder =

class NoLiteralArguments(config: NoLiteralArgumentsConfig)
    extends SyntacticRule("NoLiteralArguments") {
  def this() = this(NoLiteralArgumentsConfig.default)
  override def withConfiguration(config: Configuration): Configured[Rule] = {
      .map(newConfig => new NoLiteralArguments(newConfig))
  override def fix(implicit doc: SyntacticDocument): Patch = {
      .collect {
        case Term.Apply(_, args) =>
          args.collect {
            case t: Lit if config.isDisabled(t) =>

That completes the tutorial in implementing rules. Now let's run the rule on real-world codebases.

There are two ways to run a custom rule: from source or from pre-compiled artifacts.

Run the rule from source code

Running a rule from source code is the simplest way to run a custom rule. However, rules that are compiled from source have the following limitations:

  • Inflexible, rules must be implemented in a single source file
  • No dependencies, rules can only use the Scalafix public API
  • Slow, rule is re-compiled on every invocation so it's not great for interactive usage.
  • No tab completion in the sbt shell, users need to manually type the path to the source file

The steps below assume you have scalafix setup according to the installation instructions. The SemanticDB compiler plugin must be enabled to run semantic rules like NamedLiteralArguments. Syntactic rules like the linter NoLiteralArguments work without SemanticDB and don't require a --classpath (when using the command-line interface).

You have different options to run the rule from source: file:, http: or github:

Using file:

If you have the source code for the rule on your local machine, you can run a custom rule using the file:/path/to/NamedLiteralArguments.scala syntax.

scalafix --rules=file:/path/to/NamedLiteralArguments.scala

Using http:

Another way to run a rule from source is to publish it as a gist and share the raw URL

scalafix --rules=

Using github:

Another way to run custom rules from source is to use the github:org/repo scheme.

scalafix --rules=github:olafurpg/named-literal-arguments

The expansion rules for github:org/repo are the following:

Before After
github:org/repo scalafix/rules/src/main/scala/fix/Repo.scala
github:org/some-repo scalafix/rules/src/main/scala/fix/SomeRepo.scala
github:org/repo/RuleName scalafix/rules/src/main/scala/fix/RuleName.scala
github:org/repo/RuleName?sha=HASH125 (at commit HASH125) scalafix/rules/src/main/scala/fix/RuleName.scala

Publish the rule to Maven Central

If your rule only targets a single codebase and is not meant to be distributed, you might want to develop it as part of your existing build instead.

Run the following sbt command to publish a rule locally.

> rules/publishLocal

To publish a rule online you need additional steps. First, add the settings below to your build.sbt (replacing ch.epfl.scala, scalacenter/scalafix and olafurpg with your own organization and project name)

// build.sbt
  organization := "ch.epfl.scala",
  homepage := Some(url("")),
  licenses := List("Apache-2.0" -> url("")),
  developers := List(
      "Ólafur Páll Geirsson",

Next, add the sbt-ci-release plugin to project/plugins.sbt

// project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.geirsson" % "sbt-ci-release" % "1.2.2")

If you have not setup GPG on your machine, run the following command

gpg --gen-key

Finally, create a Sonatype account if you have never published to Sonatype before. Follow the instructions here. If you don't have a domain name, you can use com.github.@username. Here is a template you can use to write the Sonatype issue:

Publish rights for com.github.olafurpg
Hi, I would like to publish under the groupId: com.github.olafurpg.
It's my GitHub account

Once Sonatype and GPG are setup, run the following command to publish the rule online.

> rules/publishSigned
> sonatypeRelease

Once published, users can run your rule with the following sbt command.

// sbt shell
> scalafix dependency:NamedLiteralArguments@com.geirsson:named-literal-arguments:VERSION

To permanently install the rule for a build, users can add the dependency to build.sbt by updating scalafixDependencies in ThisBuild.

// build.sbt
scalafixDependencies in ThisBuild +=
  "com.geirsson" %% "named-literal-arguments" % "VERSION"
// sbt shell
> scalafix NamedLiteralArguments

For builds using project/*.scala files, add the following auto import

import scalafix.sbt.ScalafixPlugin.autoImport._

Users of the Scalafix command-line interface can use the --tool-classpath flag

scalafix \
  --tool-classpath $(cs fetch com.geirsson:named-literal-arguments_2.12:VERSION -p) \
  -r NamedLiteralArguments \
  --classpath MY_PROJECT_CLASSPATH \

Note that for syntactic rules like NoLiteralArguments, the --classpath argument is not required.

Adding custom resolver

Update the scalafixResolvers setting to resolve rules that are published to a custom repository like Bintray or a private Nexus.

// build.sbt ++= List(

Notice for Ivy resolvers, coursierapi.IvyRepository.of is interpolated as a pattern. Appending [defaultPattern] uses this convenience method to substitute in this default pattern. Tests showing a working example can found here.


Don't be intimidated by publishing to Maven Central, it gets easier once you've done it the first time. A more detailed guide on how to publish libraries can be found here. The benefits of publishing a rule to Maven Central are many.

  • Bring your own dependencies, you can use custom library dependency to implement a published rule.
  • Fast to run, no need to re-compile the rule on every Scalafix invocation.
  • Tab completion in sbt, users can tab-complete your rule when using sbt plugin.