The plugin implements work with functions list
and fetch
- Listing all repositories in a VCS from the master/main branch.
- Listing repositories by a project in a VCS from the master/main branch.
- Fetching from an input file using an ssh-key/ssh-agent/HTTP authentification.
This page is a short plugin description.
You may find additional information in our articles:
- Listing all repositories in a VCS.
scanio list --vcs bitbucket --vcs-url -i /Users/root/.scanio/output.file
- Listing all repositories by a project in a VCS.
scanio list --vcs bitbucket --vcs-url --namespace PROJECT -i /Users/root/.scanio/PROJECT.file
- Listing all repositories in a VCS using URL.
scanio list --vcs bitbucket -i /Users/root/.scanio/PROJECT.file
- Listing all repositories by a project using URL.
scanio list --vcs bitbucket -i /Users/root/.scanio/PROJECT.file
- Fetching from an input file using an ssh-key authentification.
scanio fetch --vcs bitbucket --input-file /Users/root/.scanio/output.file --auth-type ssh-key --ssh-key /Users/root/.ssh/id_ed25519 -j 1
- Fetching using an ssh-key authentification and URL that points a specific repository.
scanio fetch --vcs bitbucket --auth-type ssh-key --ssh-key /Users/root/.ssh/id_ed25519 -j 1
- Fetching from an input file using an ssh-agent authentification.
scanio fetch --vcs bitbucket --input-file /Users/root/.scanio/output.file --auth-type ssh-agent -j 1
- Fetching from an input file with an HTTP.
scanio fetch --vcs bitbucket --input-file /Users/root/.scanio/output.file --auth-typ http -j 1
The application supports a few different formats of url:
- URL points to a VCS using Web UI format -
You could use the format with list command to list all repositories from your VCS.
scanio list --vcs bitbucket -i /Users/root/.scanio/PROJECT.file
- URL points to a specific project using Web UI format -<PROJECT_NAME>/
You could use the format with list command to list all repositories from the project.
scanio list --vcs bitbucket -i /Users/root/.scanio/PROJECT.file
- URL points to a specific project and repository using Web UI format -<PROJECT_NAME>/repos/<REPO_NAME>/browse
You could use the format with fetch command to fetch a specific repository.
scanio fetch --vcs bitbucket --auth-type ssh-key --ssh-key /Users/root/.ssh/id_ed25519 -j 1
- URL points to a specific project and repository using API format and ssh type -
You could use the format with fetch command to fetch a specific repository.
You also can change the port using ssh scheme.
scanio fetch --vcs bitbucket --auth-type ssh-key --ssh-key /Users/root/.ssh/id_ed25519 -j 1 ssh://
- URL points to a specific project and repository using API format and http type -<PROJECT_NAME>/<REPO_NAME>.git
You could use the format with fetch command to fetch a specific repository.
scanio fetch --vcs bitbucket --auth-type ssh-key --ssh-key /Users/root/.ssh/id_ed25519 -j 1
As a result, the command prepares a JSON file:
"args": {
"Namespace": "<project_name>",
"VCSURL": "<vcs_domain>"
"result": [
"namespace": "<project_name>",
"repo_name": "<repo_name>",
"http_link": "<project_name>/<repo_name>.git",
"ssh_link": "ssh://<project_name>/<repo_name>.git"
"status": "<status>",
"message": "<err_message>"
The fetching works without an direct output.
The command saves results into a home directory ~/.scanio/projects/+<VCSURL>+<Namespace>+<repo_name>
If you find the error check your .ssh/config. If you do use not a default 22 port for fetching and .ssh/config rules for this host, you have to determine a port too:
Port 7989
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Or just not use .ssh/config and the port will be identified automatically.
ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain
The algorithm is the same - determine a port in .ssh/config for your host or don't use .ssh/config rules.
It means that a branch in a remote repo doesn't exits. Try to fix the name of the branch or project.
It means that a default branch in a remote repo (master/main) is empty. Try to fix the name of the branch or project.
You might face this error if your repository was fetched by ssh and you are trying to fetch a repo with HTTP authentification.
It means that git pull
is trying to pull code with HTTP authentification but the origin of the repo is "ssh://....".
To fix this issue just change the authentification type to ssh-key or ssh-agent. We recommend not mixing approaches for a fetch command.
- SCANIO_BITBUCKET_SSH_KEY_PASSOWRD - your password for ssh. The default is an empty value!
- SCANIO_BITBUCKET_USERNAME - your username in BitBucket.
- SCANIO_BITBUCKET_TOKEN - your Bitbucket token.
- It may be a plain text password or a personal access token from <your_bb_domain>/plugins/servlet/access-tokens/manage.