Photon devbox contains everything needed to develop, test and build python agent.
See here for details of how to use Photon devbox.
Thrift 0.9.1 is required. However, Homebrew recently updates thrift to a newer version. Follow the following steps to install thrift:
cd $( brew --prefix )
git checkout -b thrift-0.9.1 a61e5573f1e2bf06698038802b653f4a005e0743
brew install thrift
git checkout master
git branch -d thrift-0.9.1
System python can be used locally to build and test python code. Make sure you have both python 2.6 and 2.7 installed.
virtualenv 1.9.1 is also required to be installed. Newer or older version could cause agent incompatibility issue while running in ESX server.
Vibauthor is the tool to package all the python code into a bundle that can be installed on ESX server. Unfortunately, the tool isn't available in OS X. Thus, to build agent, you have to find a Linux box.
Check the official document to install thrift 0.9.1.
System python can be used locally to build and test python code. Make sure you have both python 2.6 and 2.7 installed.
virtualenv 1.9.1 is also required to be installed. Newer or older version could cause agent incompatibility issue while running in ESX server.
See the ESX section of the document for details on using the esx hypervisor.
Follow the instruction here:
Only RPM is available, so all the DEB based OSes are not supported.
We use make for building the python components. There is a single top level Makefile which calls out to per-package Makefiles in src/*/Makefile.
The python/Makefile defines aggregate targets that will be run on all the src packages. You can also run the targets on the individual package.
To setup development environment:
make develop
Activate virtualenv, so you can run nosetests and other commands without
specifying the absolute path. The develop directory is automatically created
when you run make develop
or make test
. develop/bin/activate
To run unit tests:
make test
make test # Runs all of the tests
cd src/agent
make test # Runs just the agent tests
To deactivate virtualenv:
# only works if you used the step above to activate
To clean up the build artifacts:
make clean
The following examples assume virtualenv has been activated.
Test a single module:
nosetests src/host/host/tests/unit/
Or use the package name:
nosetests host.tests.unit.test_host_handler
Run a specific test within a module:
nosetests host.tests.unit.test_host_handler:HostHandlerTestCase.test_get_resources
To run integration tests:
Integration test only runs while ZOOKEEPER_PATH environment variable is provided and points to an extracted Zookeeper installation:
ZOOKEEPER_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/zookeeper/3.4.5/libexec make test INTEGRATION=1
Zookeeper tests will only run if ZOOKEEPER_PATH environment variable is provided and points to an extracted Zookeeper installation:
ZOOKEEPER_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/zookeeper/3.4.5/libexec make test
ZOOKEEPER_PATH environment variable must be set in order to run integration tests agaist chairman and root scheduler:
ZOOKEEPER_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/zookeeper/3.4.5/libexec make test SCHEDULER_INTEGRATION=1
There is a stress test that creates multiple VMs concurrently. To run it, do:
nosetests -s --tc$ESX_IP \
or, using a host file with 5 hosts ips (one per line), start 2*5 concurrent threads creating a total of 2*5*7 VMs
nosetests -s --tc agent_remote_stress_test.threads_per_host:2 \
--tc agent_remote_stress_test.vms_per_thread:7 \
--tc agent_remote_stress_test.hostfile:hostfile \
To build and run the agent server locally (it will hang until you ctrl-c):
# photon-controller-agent is located in develop/bin which is added to the PATH by
# virtualenv activation
To build and deploy a VIB:
make vib REMOTE_SERVER=host IMAGES_DIR=$PWD/develop/images
To build and deploy a VIB for debug purposes (i.e. with tests and .py files)
make vib REMOTE_SERVER=host IMAGES_DIR=$PWD/develop/images DEBUG=1
ZOOKEEPER_PATH environment variable must be set in order to run remote host tests:
ZOOKEEPER_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/zookeeper/3.4.5/libexec make test INTEGRATION=1 \
DATASTORES=datastore1 REMOTE_ISO="[datastore1] path/to/test.iso" REMOTE_SERVER=host1