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Assignment 4: Read mapping and variant calling

Assignment Date: Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018
Due Date: Thursday, Mar. 1, 2018 @ 11:59pm

Assignment Overview

In this assignment, you will align reads to a reference genome to call SNPs and short indels. Then, you will perform an experiment to empirically determine the "mappability" of a genomic region. Finally, you will investigate some empirical behavior of the binomial test for heterozygous variant calling.
As a reminder, any questions about the assignment should be posted to Piazza. Don't forget to read the Resources section at the bottom of the page!

Question 1. Small Variant Analysis [10 pts]

Download chromosome 22 from build 38 of the human genome from here:

Download the read set from here:

For this question, you may find this tutorial helpful:

  • 1a. How many reads align to the reference? How many reads did not align? How many aligned reads had a mate that did not align (AKA singletons)? Count each read in a pair separately.
    [Hint: Build the index using bowtie2-build, align reads using bowtie2, analyze with samtools flagstat.]

  • 1b. How many reads are mapped to the reverse strand? Count each read in a pair separately.
    [Hint: Find out what SAM flags mean here and use samtools view.]

  • 1c. How many high-quality (QUAL > 20) single nucleotide and indel variants does the sample have? Of the high-quality SNPs, what is the transition / transversion ratio? Of the indels, how many are insertions and how many are deletions?
    [Hint: Identify variants using freebayes - sort the SAM file first. Filter using bcftools filter, and summarize using bcftools stats.]

  • 1d. Does the sample have any nonsense or missense mutations?
    [Hint: try the Variant Effect Predictor using the Gencode basic transcripts]

Question 2. Read Mapping Uncertainty [10 pts]

For the region chr22:21000000-22000000 of the reference sequence for chromosome 22, extract every substring of length 35. Format the substrings as a FASTA file and use read names that indicate the origin. (No need to construct quality values or read pairs: use bowtie2 with -f and -U respectively). Make a new index and align these "reads" to chr22:21000000-22000000.
[Hint: On the command line or in a script, load the sequence once and extract substrings in a loop.]

  • 2a. How many reads align more than one time to the reference? How many reads did not align?

  • 2b. How many reads align correctly? Consider a read aligned correctly if the left end of the alignment is within 5bp of the true location.
    [Hint: Investigate the SAM file format specification.]

  • 2c. For 1000bp nonoverlapping windows, plot the average mapping quality of the reads that mapped to this location, regardless of correctness. On the plot, the x-axis is starting coordinate of the bin and y-axis is the value.

  • 2d. For 1000bp nonoverlapping windows, plot the fraction of reads that belonged there that were correct. On the plot, the x-axis is starting coordinate of the bin and y-axis is the valuez

  • 2e. What do you observe about how well reads map within this region of chromosome 22? Look at the UCSC Genome Browser umap24Quantitative "mappability" track in this region, and qualitatively compare the results from your plot to the track.

Question 3. Binomial Distribution [10 pts]

  • 3a. For coverage n = 10 to 200, calculate the maximum number of minor allele reads (round down) that would make your one-sided binomial test reject the null hypothesis p=0.5 at 0.05 significance. Plot coverage on the x-axis and (number of reads)/(coverage) on the y-axis.

  • 3b. What asymptote does the plot seem to approach? Why is this?


FreeBayes - Small Variant Identification

conda install freebayes
freebayes -f chr22.fa sample.bam > sample.vcf

bcftools - VCF Summarry

conda install bcftools
bcftools filter -e "QUAL<20" sample.vcf > filtered.vcf
bcftools stats filtered.vcf > stats.txt

Bowtie2 - Short read aligner

conda install bowtie2
bowtie2-build chr22.fa chr22
bowtie2 -x chr22 -1 sample/pair.1.fq -2 sample/pair.2.fq > sample.sam

While running alignments, if you get an error Warning: Exhausted best-first chunk memory for read XXXX; skipping read increase the command-line parameter --chunkmbs.

Variant Effect Predictor - Variant Interpretation

Nothing to install, just upload the VCF