All Notable changes to laravel-bigquery
will be documented in this file.
- Add Location Configuration
- Add Compatibility With PHP 8
- Add Compatibility With Laravel 8
- Drop support for Laravel 7
- Minimum PHP 7.3
- Add Compatibility With Laravel 7
- Drop support for Laravel 6
- Minimum PHP 7.2.5
- add support for Laravel 6
- use Symfony's PSR-16 cache adapter
- drop Support for Lumen
- drop support for Laravel <6
- Add Compatibility With Laravel 5.8
- dropped support for anything lower than Laravel 5.5
- Add Compatibility With Laravel 5.7
- Add Compatibility With Laravel 5.6
- Updated Google Cloud BigQuery Package To v1
- First Stable Release
- add compatibility with Laravel 5.5
- dropped support for anything lower than Laravel 5.4