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103 lines (72 loc) · 2.68 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (72 loc) · 2.68 KB


Test Deployment

You will need to have an account in Heroku.

Log in to Heroku:

heroku login

If creating, run:

heroku create meeseeksdev-$USER

Otherwise, run:

heroku git:remote -a meeseeksdev-$USER

Then run:

git push heroku $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD):master
heroku open

To view the logs in a terminal window, use:

heroku logs --app meeseeksdev=$USER -t

GitHub App Configuration

Create a GitHub App for testing on your account Homepage URL: https://meeseeksdev-$ Webhook URL: https://meeseeksdev-$ Webhook Secret: Set and store as WEBHOOK_SECRET env variable Private Key: Generate and store as B64KEY env variable

Grant write access to content, issues, and users. Subscribe to Issue and Issue Comment Events.

Install the application on your user account, at least in your MeeseeksDev fork.

Heroku Configuration

You will need a Github token with access to cancel builds. This

This needs to be setup on the Heroku Application settings

On the Config Vars. section set the following keys::

GITHUB_INTEGRATION_ID="<App ID of the Application>"
B64KEY="<B64 encoding of entire pem file>"
WEBHOOK_SECRET="<value from the webhooks add above>"
PERSONAL_ACCOUNT_NAME="<account name>"
PERSONAL_ACCOUNT_TOKEN="<github personal access token with repo access>"

Code Styling

MeeseeksDev has adopted automatic code formatting so you shouldn't need to worry too much about your code style. As long as your code is valid, the pre-commit hook should take care of how it should look. pre-commit and its associated hooks will automatically be installed when you run pip install -e ".[test]"

To install pre-commit manually, run the following::

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

You can invoke the pre-commit hook by hand at any time with:

pre-commit run

which should run any autoformatting on your code and tell you about any errors it couldn't fix automatically. You may also install black integration into your text editor to format code automatically.

If you have already committed files before setting up the pre-commit hook with pre-commit install, you can fix everything up using pre-commit run --all-files. You need to make the fixing commit yourself after that.

Some of the hooks only run on CI by default, but you can invoke them by running with the --hook-stage manual argument.