Jonas Juselius <> HPC@UiT
- Over time software tends to become harder and harder to reason about
- The code base easily becomes untidy ("I'll fix it later")
- Small changes become harder to implement
- Hacks and workarounds trump design
- Bugs start appearing where in unexpected places
- More time is spent debugging than developing
- Complexity strangles development
- Our tools and languages
- Poor design or wrong design
- Not enough resources (e.g. time)
We distinguish between two types of complexity:
- Inherent complexity of the problems space
- Incidental complexity in the solution space
- Complexity implies braiding and intertwining
- Simplicity implies "one foldedness", i.e. one braid, single entity
- Simple is not the same as easy
- Simple means:
- One role or tasks
- One concept or dimension
- Easy means:
- Familiarity
- Near at hand
- Just because you know it does not make it simple
- Simplicity is the prerequisite of reliability (E. Dijkstra)
- We can only consider a very limited number of things at once
- Complex things must be considered together, undermining understanding
- We can only hope to make reliable things we understand
- Easy to understand
- Easy to change
- Easy to debug
- Simplicity is much harder than complexity!
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. L. da Vinci."
- The no. 1 cause of complexity is state, i.e. variables
- Every mutable variable is stateful
- For every bit of state in your program, there are two tests: A program with 100 integer variables has 2^{3200} distinct states.
f(x) = (n+1)(n+2)
def f(x):
x = x + 1
y = x + 1
return x * y
f(x) = (n+1)^2
def f(x):
y = x + 1
x = x + 1
return x * y
def f(x):
x1 = x + 1
y1 = x1 + 1
return x1 * y1
Haskell example:
f :: (Num a) => a -> a
f x = x' * y'
y' = x' + 1
x' = x + 1
- Information vs. place
- PLOP: New information replaces old
- Facts don't change because we ignore them
- PLOP grew out of tiny computer memories
- Information is simple, don't ruin it
- We use values on the wire, why not in our codes?
- Values are immutable
- Values can be shared
- Values are easy to fabricate
- Values are language agnostic
- Values aggregate. Objects don't (usually)
- Values are stable: reproducible results
- Values don't need methods
- Values have representation, not implementation
- Concurrency in imperative code is very hard
- You are totally lost in the dark without a good thread checker
- In a pure, immutable world concurrency is nearly trivial!
- Composition enables us to build complex behavior from simple components
- We can reason about the components, and we can reason about the composite
- Composition is key to managing complexity
- Modularity does not imply simplicity, but is enabled by it
- Can you move sub-systems?
- To another language?
- To another machine?
- Without changing much?
- Encapsulation: Adding implementation to information?
- Complects both state and information
- OOP lures us to implement with little, moving machines
The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this implicit environment
that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla
holding the banana and the entire jungle.
Joe Armstrong
class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self.a = 1
def addone(self, x):
self.a += 1
return x + self.a
def inc(self, x):
return x + self.a
Hidden state, crouching dragon
class B(A):
def __init__(self):
def np1np2(self, x):
a = self.addone(x)
b =
return a * b
b = B()
print b.np1np2(5)
Every bug has passed both the type checker and the test suite.