To use Scotch (requires MUMPS >= 5.0 and Scotch built with libesmumps):
cmake -Dscotch=yes
To use METIS:
cmake -Dmetis=yes
To use parMETIS (metis option is ignored (overridden) by parmetis=yes):
cmake -Dparmetis=yes
The path to METIS and Scotch can be specified via variables METIS_ROOT and Scotch_ROOT, respectively.
Optionally, METIS can be built from source via CMake before MUMPS. NOTE: the "-Dintsize64" must be the same for METIS and MUMPS -- default is "off" for METIS and MUMPS.
cmake -Dprefix=~/mumps -P scripts/build_metis.cmake
cmake -Bbuild -DMETIS_ROOT=~/mumps -Dmetis=on
cmake --build build
Optionally, Scotch can be built from source via CMake before MUMPS. NOTE: the "-Dintsize64" must be the same for Scotch and MUMPS -- default is "off" for Scotch and MUMPS.
cmake -Dprefix=~/mumps -P scripts/build_scotch.cmake
cmake -Bbuild -DMETIS_ROOT=~/mumps -DScotch_ROOT=~/mumps -Dscotch=on
cmake --build build
Build MUMPS example:
cmake -S example -B example/build -Dscotch=on
cmake --build example/build
If 64-bit integers are needed, use:
cmake -Dintsize64=true