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ScyllaDB Cloud Media Player Metrics

Project to store songs that you like to listen daily and keep track of them in a shape of a CLI!


Disclaimer: This gem require system wide dependencies with the cassandra client, so it's required to install on your system (or run the whole application under a docker image).

Running the project

Clone the repository into your machine:

git clone
cd scylla-cloud-getting-started/csharp

Install the project dependencies and run the project:

dotnet run youruser yourpassword node-0 node-1 node-2

Replace the variables with your cluster information

Available Commands

Check which commands are currently available on this sample:

Command Description
!new Add a new song to your liked songs list
!delete Delete a specific song from your liked songs list
!listen Creates a register of which song and when you listened to it
!stress Retrieve all songs and create a 'stressing' loop to test a ScyllaDB Cloud Cluster

CQL Queries

All the CQL queries used on the project

CREATE KEYSPACE media_player
  WITH replication = {
    'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
    'replication_factor': '3'
  } AND durable_writes = true

CREATE TABLE media_player.playlist (
  id uuid,
  title text,
  album text,
  artist text,
  created_at timestamp,
  PRIMARY KEY (id, created_at)

CREATE TABLE media_player.song_counter (
  song_id uuid,
  times_played counter,
  PRIMARY KEY (song_id)

INSERT INTO media_player.playlist (id,title,artist,album,created_at) VALUES (now(),?,?,?,?);
SELECT * FROM media_player.playlist LIMIT 1;
UPDATE media_player.song_counter SET times_played = times_played + 1 WHERE song_id = ?

SELECT * FROM media_player.playlist;

DELETE FROM media_player.playlist WHERE id = ?