The Course is built off from the main
branch of this repo. The main
branch is protected and only code owners can approve Pull Requests.
- Have a Github accounts and request @WesleyTheGeolien to add you to ClimateMatchAcademy and Content Creators
- Have git (a version control system) installed locally, see documnetation here, if you are not familiar with using a terminal I would recommend installing the Github Desktop Client
- (Optional) Install VS Code which is your "development environment", it also intergrates nicely with Version Control (git)
- (Option) Install miniconda or Anaconda Navigtor This is used to create virtual environments and execute your notebooks.
- First you will need to create a new branch for your work (this can be done locally if you are familiar with using git or from the interface and clicking new branch), please give it a reasonable name!
- Next you have the choice of editing the file locally or online, for quick edits online is quicker and easier but you can not run your notebook / test your notebook.
- Locally: Please follow these instructions to clone the repo then checkout your branch and start work, (see this video for how to change branch inside VS Code, if you need extra help ask @WesleyTheGeolien)
- Online: On the Repo homepage click the icon top left that says "main" and choose your branch. All the code should have updated. If you look at the url it will have changed as well (for example we just need to change to and you will have an online VS Code environemnt to make your changes
- Carry out your work
- Create a Pull request for your branch and request review
- Upon Review your work will be merged into the main branch