The ready-to-read documentation is available at The documentation of our software is built with Sphinx at
In the demo, folder data
is intentionally left empty.
The data file ( is about 2.4Gb in size and
will be downloaded with the
Note that the HCA BM1 data contains ~50000 sequenced cells, requiring more than 60Gb of RAM (we recommend to use High Performance Computers). If you want to run our example on a regular PC or a laptop, you can use a randomly chosen small number (~5000) of cells.
In our example we use the data of BM1 only, howerver all 8 bone marrow samples are downloaded.
Create a local variable that points to location where the
script was executed:
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
The following URL points to data file at Data Portal of Human Cell Atlas:
url = ""
Create a variable to point to where the data will be downloaded and extracted:
extractPath = os.path.join(here, 'data', os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))[0])
Import a module from DigitalCellSorter necessary to unpack the data:
import DigitalCellSorter.ReadPrepareDataHCA as prep
Download and read one dataset, the file will be downloaded from github if not found locally:
id = '085e737d-adb5-4597-bd54-5ebeda170038'
if not os.path.exists(extractPath):
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(extractPath, 'dfDonorID %s.h5' % id)):
print('Downloading 110 Mb data file (50000 cells)')
temp = ' %s.h5' % id
urllib.request.urlretrieve(temp.replace(' ', '%20'), os.path.join(extractPath, 'dfDonorID %s.h5' % id))
except Exception as exception:
print('Could not download the file\n', exception)
Load gene expression data from h5 file:
df_expr = prep.getDataframeByDonorID(extractPath, id)
df_expr.columns.names = ['batch', 'cell']
In your script import the package and create an instance of class DigitalCellSorter
import DigitalCellSorter
DCS = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter(geneNamesType = 'ensembl')
Let's modify some of the DCS
DCS.dataName = 'BM1'
DCS.saveDir = os.path.join(here, 'output', 'BM1', '')
DCS.geneListFileName = 'CIBERSORT_LM22_7'
Now we are ready to load the data, prepare
(validate) it and process
Validate the expression data, so that it has correct form:
Delete df_expr as now DCS contains the master copy of it:
del df_expr
Process the expression data, i.e. quality control, dimensionality reduction, clustering:
Load markers and annotate the processe data:
Then generate all the default plots by:
Make CD19 and CD33 gene expression plots:
for name in DCS.getHugoName('CD19'):
for name in DCS.getHugoName('CD33'):
Make anomaly scores plots:
cells = DCS.getCells(clusterIndex='7.0.0')
cells = DCS.getCells(celltype='B cell')
cells = DCS.getCells(celltype='T cell')
Calling function makeAnomalyScoresPlot
with no arguments will do analysis on all cells of the DCS expression data.
Due to complexity of the underlying algorithm of anomaly score calculation this example make take significant amount of time (~40 min):
Further analysis can be done on cell types of interest, e.g. here 'T cell'. Let's create a new instance of DigitalCellSorter to run "sub-analysis" with it:
DCSsub = DigitalCellSorter.DigitalCellSorter(dataName='BM1',
subclusteringName='T cell')
It is important to disable Quality control, because the low quality cells have already been identified and filtered with DCS
Also dataName
parameter points to the location processed with DCS
Next modify a few other attributes and process cell type 'T cell':
DCSsub.saveDir = os.path.join(here, 'output', 'BM1', 'subclustering T cell', '')
DCSsub.geneListFileName = os.path.join('here', 'docs', 'examples', 'CIBERSORT_T_SUB.xlsx')
Get index of T cells:
indexOfTcells = DCS.getCells(celltype='T cell')
Get expression of these T cells using their index:
df_expr = DCS.getExprOfCells(indexOfTcells)
Insert expression data into DCSsub:
Process subtype 'T cell':
Load marker genes and annotate cells:
Make plots of annotated data:
This way the 2D layout with annotated clusters (left) of T cell sub-types and the corresponding voting matrix (right)
are generated by the function process()
All the output files are saved in output
directory inside the directory where the
script is.
If you specify any other directory, the results will be generetaed in it.
If you do not provide any directory the results will appear in the root where the script was executed.