We are a team of 7 members who will be working on the variety requirements for the game. Our team is composed of members from different backgrounds and experiences. We are excited to work on this project and are looking forward to contributing to the game.
- Members
Jules Ollivier
(@OllivierJu) : Team Leader & Developer- Team coordination & implementation of new enemies
(@YIXUAN1130) : Developer- Implementation of new bullet patterns for the player ships
Brewen Couaran
(@brewcoua) : Technical Lead & Developer- Git/GitHub management & implementation of new player ship mechanics and attributes
John Young Kim
(@dudghks) : Developer- Implementation of new enemy mechanics and movements
Yoon Jae Wook
(@joshmal9999) : Designer- Design of new playable ships
Muhammad Akmal Hasif Bin Zamri
(@akmal1649) : Developer- Implementation of a ship swapping system inside the settings menu
Gu Leonid
(@leong12344) : Designer- Design of new enemies (including animations and special enemies)
Design 3 additional playable ships that features different attributes from the original ship. This includes weapons, speed, durability, etc.
- The new ship should have unique characteristics that differentiate it from the original ship.
- The ship should have different weapons, speed, durability, and other attributes that affect gameplay.
- The ship should be visually distinct from the original ship to avoid confusion.
Design 3 new enemies. These enemies will have unique characteristics such as their size, movement patterns, attacks, and durability.
- The new enemies should have different movement patterns and/or attacks to provide variety in gameplay.
- The enemies should have different sizes and/or durability to create a diverse set of challenges for the player.
- The enemies should be visually distinct from each other to avoid confusion.
Allow switching between the different playable ships at the beginning of the game
- The player should be able to choose from the available ships before starting the game.
- The ship selection should be implemented in the main menu or settings menu.
Implement "special enemies." These elite enemies will be similar to their normal versions, but they can have a specific attribute enhanced such as their speed or attack.
- The special enemies should be visually distinct from the normal enemies to indicate their enhanced attributes.
- The special enemies should provide a greater challenge to the player compared to the normal enemies.
Support items modification on top of the new ships and enemies
- The new ships and enemies should allow for the addition of items that can modify their attributes.
- The ship may have a change in its appearance when equipped with certain items. (?)
- Items that can be equipped to the player's ship
- Currency to purchase items that can be equipped to the player's ship
- Sound effects for the new ships and enemies