This example shows how to use @neodx/svg
as Vite plugin and simple step-by-step setup for React.
Based on next guides which you can find in our documentation:
In addition, you can see how to use multicolored icons with TailwindCSS and CSS variable (it's not very pleasant, but it works 🌝).
# npm
npm i -D @neodx/svg
# yarn
yarn add -D @neodx/svg
# pnpm
pnpm i -D @neodx/svg
// vite.config.ts
import svg from '@neodx/svg/vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import tsconfigPaths from 'vite-tsconfig-paths';
export default defineConfig(({ command }) => ({
// ...
plugins: [
root: 'assets', // Root folder for SVG files, all source paths will be relative to this folder
group: true, // Group SVG files by folder
output: 'public/sprites', // Output folder for generated files
fileName: '{name}.{hash:8}.svg', // Add hash to file name
metadata: {
path: 'src/shared/ui/icon/sprite.gen.ts', // Output file for generated TypeScript definitions
runtime: {
// Generate additional runtime information
size: true,
viewBox: true
resetColors: {
exclude: [/^flags/, /^logos/], // Exclude some icons from color reset
replace: ['#000', '#eee', '#6C707E'], // Resets all known colors to `currentColor`
replaceUnknown: 'var(--icon-color)' // Replaces unknown colors with custom CSS variable
import clsx from 'clsx';
import type { SVGProps } from 'react';
import { SPRITES_META, type SpritesMap } from './sprite.gen';
// Our icon will extend an SVG element and accept all its props
export interface IconProps extends SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> {
name: AnyIconName;
// Merging all possible icon names as `sprite/icon` string
export type AnyIconName = { [Key in keyof SpritesMap]: IconName<Key> }[keyof SpritesMap];
// Icon name for a specific sprite, e.g. "common/left"
export type IconName<Key extends keyof SpritesMap> = `${Key}/${SpritesMap[Key]}`;
export function Icon({ name, className, ...props }: IconProps) {
const { viewBox, filePath, iconName, axis } = getIconMeta(name);
return (
// "icon" isn't inlined because of data-axis attribute
className={clsx('icon', className)}
* This prop is used by the "icon" class to set the icon's scaled size
* @see
// prevent icon from being focused when using keyboard navigation
// hide icon from screen readers
{/* For example, "/sprites/common.svg#favourite". Change a base path if you don't store sprites under the "/sprites". */}
<use href={`/sprites/${filePath}#${iconName}`} />
* A function to get and process icon metadata.
* It was moved out of the Icon component to prevent type inference issues.
const getIconMeta = <Key extends keyof SpritesMap>(name: IconName<Key>) => {
const [spriteName, iconName] = name.split('/') as [Key, SpritesMap[Key]];
const {
items: {
[iconName]: { viewBox, width, height }
} = SPRITES_META[spriteName];
const axis = width === height ? 'xy' : width > height ? 'x' : 'y';
return { filePath, iconName, viewBox, axis };
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@layer base {
:root {
--icon-color: currentColor;
@layer components {
Our base class for icons inherits the current text color and applies common styles.
We're using a specific component class to prevent potential style conflicts and utilize the [data-axis] attribute.
.icon {
@apply select-none fill-current inline-block text-inherit box-content;
/* Set icon size to 1em based on its aspect ratio, so we can use `font-size` to scale it */
.icon[data-axis*='x'] {
/* scale horizontally */
@apply w-[1em];
.icon[data-axis*='y'] {
/* scale vertically */
@apply h-[1em];
export function SomeComponent() {
return (
<h1 className="inline-flex items-center gap-2">
Text with icon <Icon name="common/favourite" />
Under this example I want to cover all planned features of @neodx/svg
, you can track it here:
- Colors: auto replaces unknown colors
- Colors: replace known to CSS variables
- Colors: exclude specific icons
- Colors: exclude specific colors
- Non-standard sizes: generate
attributes - Non-standard sizes: example of enhanced
component - Inline SVG: auto-detection of internal references
- Inline SVG: injection into HTML
- Remove unnecessary attributes
- Remove unnecessary elements and prevent inlining