- #9334
Thanks @smartcontracts! - Adds a new validator for address types.
Thanks @roninjin10! - Updated dev dependencies related to testing that is causing audit tooling to report failures -
Updated dependencies [
]:- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.13.1
- Updated dependencies [
]:- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.13.0
- #6887
Thanks @roninjin10! - Updated npm dependencies of common-ts
- Updated dependencies [
]:- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.12.3
- Updated dependencies [8d7dcc70c]
- Updated dependencies [d6388be4a]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.12.1
- fecd42d67: Fix BaseServiceV2 configuration for caseCase options
- 4ae94b412: Add option to configure body parser
- 0e179781b: Fixes a minor bug where the provider name was incorrectly logged when using waitForProvider
- f04e5db2d: Fix unknown option error in base service v2
- ab8ec365c: Updates BaseServiceV2 so that options are secret by default. Services will have to explicitly mark options as "public" for those options to be logged and included in the metadata metric.
- 9b2891852: Refactors BaseServiceV2 slightly, merges standard options with regular options
- e23f60f63: Fixes a bug in BaseServiceV2 where options were not being parsed correctly when passed into the constructor rather than via environment variables or command line arguments
- c6c9c7dbf: Adds a function for waiting for ethers providers
- ffcee1013: Make logLevel a default option of BaseServiceV2
- eceb0de1d: Adds new standard options to disable parsing variables from environment and command line.
- Updated dependencies [c975c9620]
- Updated dependencies [136ea1785]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.12.0
- Updated dependencies [1e76cdb86]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.11.0
- ce7da914: Minor update to BaseServiceV2 to keep the raw body around when requests are made.
- 7215f4ce: Bump ethers to 5.7.0 globally
- d7679ca4: Add source maps
- Updated dependencies [7215f4ce]
- Updated dependencies [206f6033]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.10.1
- Updated dependencies [dbfea116]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.10.0
- Updated dependencies [0df744f6]
- Updated dependencies [8ae39154]
- Updated dependencies [dac4a9f0]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.9.3
- Updated dependencies [0bf3b9b4]
- Updated dependencies [8d26459b]
- Updated dependencies [4477fe9f]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.9.2
- Updated dependencies [f9fee446]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.9.1
- 3d1cb720: Add version to healthz for convenience
- Updated dependencies [700dcbb0]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.9.0
- cb71fcde: Make typescript type more permissive for MetricsV2
- 10e41522: Fix potential metrics DoS vector in recent commit to BSV2
- 52b26878: More gracefully shut down base service
- c201f3f1: Collect default node metrics
- 29ff7462: Revert es target back to 2017
- Updated dependencies [29ff7462]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.8.7
- 9ba869a7: Log server messages to logger instead of stdout
- 050859fd: Include default options in metadata metric
- d9e39931: Minor upgrade to BaseServiceV2 to expose a full customizable server, instead of just metrics.
- 84a8934c: BaseServiceV2 exposes service name and version as standard synthetic metric
- 9ecbf3e5: Expose service internal options as environment or cli options
- Updated dependencies [17962ca9]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.8.6
- f16383f2: Have legacy BaseService metrics bind to by default
- d18ae135: Updates all ethers versions in response to BN.js bug
- Updated dependencies [d18ae135]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.8.5
- Updated dependencies [5cb3a5f7]
- Updated dependencies [6b9fc055]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.8.4
- b57014d1: Update to typescript@4.6.2
- Updated dependencies [b57014d1]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.8.3
- e36b085c: Adds hard stop to BaseServiceV2 when multiple exit signals are received
- c1957126: Update Dockerfile to use Alpine
- 51673b90: Have BaseServiceV2 throw when options are undefined
- 7a179003: Adds the jsonRpcProvider validator as an input validator
- Updated dependencies [c1957126]
- @eth-optimism/core-utils@0.8.2
- f981b8da: Properly exposes metrics as part of a metrics server at port 7300
- f7761058: Update log lines for service shutdown
- 5ae15042: Update metric names to include proper snake_case for strings that include "L1" or "L2"
- 5cd1e996: Have BaseServiceV2 add spaces to environment variable names
- b3f9bdef: Have BaseServiceV2 gracefully catch exit signals
- e53b5783: Introduces the new BaseServiceV2 class.
- 243f33e5: Standardize package json file format
- 81ccd6e4:
- 6d3e1d7f: Update dependencies
- c73c3939: Update the typescript version to
- 5c89c45f: Move the metric prefix string to a label #1047
- baa3b761: Improve Sentry support, initializing as needed and ensuring ERROR logs route to Sentry
- 0c16805: add metrics server to common-ts and batch submitter
- 1d40586: Removed various unused dependencies
- 575bcf6: add environment and network to dtl, move metric init to app from base-service
- 28dc442: move metrics, logger, and base-service to new common-ts package