Use the following command:
This command will generate the databunker
executable, bundled with the web UI interface.
To generate the securitybunker/databunker
container, use the following command:
VERSION=$(cat ./version.txt)
docker build -t securitybunker/databunker:$VERSION .
For project admins only:
docker login
VERSION=$(cat ./version.txt)
docker push securitybunker/databunker:$VERSION
# Optionally, push container with the latest tag
docker tag securitybunker/databunker:$VERSION securitybunker/databunker:latest
docker push securitybunker/databunker:latest
docker container stats databunker
docker run --rm -ti alpine
/bin/busybox wget localhost:3000
go list -f "{{if .CgoFiles}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}" $(go list -f "{{.ImportPath}}{{range .Deps}} {{. }}{{end}}")