SEDA chain core contract written in CosmWasm.
To learn how to build a local version, please read developing. To learn how to contribute, please read contributing.
The core contract enables some of the core features of the SEDA protocol. It allows:
- Users to post data requests.
- Users can also stake to become executors allowing them to commit & reveal on data requests.
- The chain, via sudo functions, to timeout & remove data requests, while rewarding/burning funds for the later.
- Owner to transfer ownership, change configurations, and management of the allowlist.
Before starting, make sure you have rustup along with a recent rustc
and cargo
version installed. Currently, we are testing on 1.70.0+. You need to have the wasm32-unknown-unknown
target installed as well.
You can check that via:
rustc --version
cargo --version
rustup target list --installed
# if wasm32 is not listed above, run this
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Install [wasm-opt][]: cargo install wasm-opt --locked
, this produces a optimized version of the contract small enough to be uploaded to the chain.
Contents of this repository are open source under MIT License.