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Power user settings

Serge edited this page Jan 5, 2024 · 33 revisions

General Note

"Power user" settings require editing config located at %AppData%\GHelper\config.json.

  • Quit G-Helper
  • Make your changes / additions co config.json
  • Start G-Helper again

Make sure to keep json structure (i.e. not to break it with extra or missing commas, etc.) or the app will fail to read it and will just recreate an empty config instead.

Manual app language setting

By default the app will use your windows language setting. But you can set language manually (if it supported of course)

"language" : "en",

(by replacing "en" with language of your choice)

Custom windows power plans with each mode

You can manually assign a custom power plan GUID to each mode.

Format is following : "scheme_<mode>" : "GUID" Where mode = 0 (balanced), 1 (turbo), 2 (silent)

Example (for default windows "balanced" power plan):

"scheme_0": "381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e",
"scheme_1": "381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e",
"scheme_2": "381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e",

Alternative Activation for XG Mobile 6850XT

If you experience a situation when your XG Mobile doesn't work on full power when Activated. It's possible it needs an "alternative" command to get activated. To turn it on, add following line to config :

"xgm_special" : 1,

Override UI theme

By default the app would set the UI theme from the "app" theme in Windows setting. You can override it to specific theme, or general windows theme

"ui_mode" : "dark",
"ui_mode" : "light",
"ui_mode" : "windows",

Skip keyboard Aura initialisation on startup

By default the app would set the last remembered RGB mode for the keyboard on each launch. To disable it completely

"skip_aura" : 1,

Disable OSD

Disable app's OSD (for performance modes, keyboard backlight, etc.)

"disable_osd": 1,

Disable "Tablet mode" on X13/X16

To disable automatic touchpad toggling when laptop enters / leaves tablet mode

"disable_tablet": 1,

Extra Keybindings

  • Ctrl + Shift + F5 / Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F5 - Toggle Performance Modes
  • Ctrl + Shift + F12 - Open G-Helper window
  • Ctrl + M1 / M2 - Screen brightness Down / Up
  • Shift + M1 / M2 - Backlight brightness Down / Up

If you don't want this bindings to work you can add


Toggle Performance Mode or Toggle App Window key binding

To change binding for Toggle Performance Modes forward / backward to Ctrl + Shift + KEY / Ctrl + Shift + Alt + KEY

"keybind_profile": 116,

To change binding for Toggle App Window to Ctrl + Shift + KEY

"keybind_app": 123,

Where 116 is numerical code for desired key. Put 0 to completely disable this binding.

Higher Maximum and Minimum GPU Clock / Memory Offsets

By default under the GPU section you can set up to +250/+250 for Core and Memory Clock Offset. To increase this value:

  "max_gpu_core": 300,
  "max_gpu_memory": 1500,
  "min_gpu_core": -300,
  "min_gpu_memory": -1500,

Lid-close action when clamshell mode is OFF

What to set as "lid-close" action when clamshell is being turned off (i.e. when laptop is unplugged or external monitor is disconnected)

0 = Do nothing 1 = Sleep (default) 2 = Hibernate 3 = Shutdown

"clamshell_default_lid_action" : 1,

Custom hotkey actions

Select Custom next to appropriate hotkey under Extra settings and do one of the following:

  1. To run any custom application - put a full path to exe into action text field, preferably in quotes, for example:

"C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2042\BF2042.exe"

  1. To simulate any windows key or key-combination - put appropriate keycode(s) into the "action" field separated by space. For example 0x2C for Print Screen or 0x11 0xA0 0x31 for Ctrl+Shift+1

Full list of keycodes

Screenshot 2023-07-17 192155

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