Most of the tipocket test cases are supposed to run on K8s and tipocket use argo workflow to schedule them. Test case developers need to write several yaml files to describe the argo workflow. However, most of the test case developer are not familiar with K8s, let alone argo. It is pretty hard for us to write and maintain those yaml files.
Tipocket-ctl is designed to auto-generate argo workflow yaml files and provide step-by-step guide for developers to debug and run tipocket test case on K8s.
# Please ensure that you have python3.6+ installed
pip3 install 'git+'
# Development install
git clone
cd tidb-testing/tipocket-ctl
pip3 install -e ./
# Help
tpctl --help
tpctl deploy --run-time='5m' --subscriber '@slack_id' -- bin/resolve-lock -enable-green-gc=false
The command output looks like the following:
Case name is resolve-lock
Generating command for running case...
/bin/resolve-lock -enable-green-gc=false -run-time="5m" -round="1" -client="5" -nemesis="" -purge="false" -delNS="false" -namespace="tpctl-resolve-lock-universal" -hub="" -repository="pingcap" -image-version="nightly" -tikv-image="" -tidb-image="" -pd-image="" -tikv-config="" -tidb-config="" -pd-config="" -tikv-replicas="5" -tidb-replicas="1" -pd-replicas="1" -storage-class="local-storage" -loki-addr="" -loki-username="" -loki-password=""
Generating argo workflow tpctl-resolve-lock-universal.yaml...
Run following commands to deploy the case
argo submit tpctl-resolve-lock-universal.yaml