- An Ubuntu Linux box
- The sonic docker image in your home directory.
- Pre-built sonic-mgmt can also be downloaded from here
- Basic knowledge of docker commands.
- Docker-tools should be there installed in your system.
Installing docker
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io
sudo apt install docker.io
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
Unzip sonic Image
gzip -d docker-sonic-mgmt.gz
Load the docker Image
sudo docker images
sudo docker load -i docker-sonic-mgmt
sudo docker run -it --name sonic docker-sonic-mgmt
Stopping a docer session
sudo docker stop sonic
Reconnect to a stopped docer session
sudo docker start -i sonic
When you are done you may remove the image sonic
sudo docker rm sonic
Remove docker by image Id
sudo docker rmi -f <image-id>
Running a sonic docker with local directoy mounted in it.
sudo docker run -it --name sonic --privileged -v /home/ubuntu/adhar/:/var/johnar/adhar --workdir /var/johnar/adhar --user johnar:gjohnar docker-sonic-mgmt
Run a docker container with port number -p
- -itd will run docker in a detached state, I'm using port 2222 you can use any port
sudo docker run -itd --name sonic -p 2222:22 docker-sonic-mgmt
Enter the docker container using exec
sudo docker exec -it sonic bash
Check ssh service is running inside the docker
johnar@1ed3a9afe70f:~$ service --status-all
If ssh service is not running start ssh
johnar@1ed3a9afe70f:~$ sudo service ssh start
update johnar user passwd
- update passwd of your choice
johnar@1ed3a9afe70f:~$ sudo passwd johnar
use ssh from any machine in the network to login to docker directly
ssh johnar@ -p 2222