The ControlFileGenerator is a graphical utility for generating control files for your G-PhoCS analysis.
The GUI consists of the following tabs: (follow them one by one to generate your control file)
General - set the general setup features of your analysis (i/o, print factors, modeling features, and MCMC finetune values). You may use the given default values for quick generation of a setup file
Tree - specify the population phylogeny using extended Newick format, associate each current population with a set of samples and each ancestral population with an initial split time value for sampling
Mig-Bands - specify ordered pairs of migration bands (optional)
Save - save your control file locally
*) Load - Load the settings of a previous made control file into the GUI
The ControlFileGenerator is written in Java and runs under JRE version 7 and up If you don't have it installed on your computer, you may download it from
To run the ControlFileGenerator just run the following from the command line (from the main G-PhoCS directory): ==> java -jar ControlFileGenerator/ControlFileGenerator.jar
or click on the jar file from your file system explorer
The ControlFileGenerator was written by Tal Bigel @ IDC Herzliya For comments and questions, please contact Ilan Gronau (