1. What is Pi Node?
Node is the fourth role in the Pi ecosystem, it runs on desktop and laptop
computers. Similar to other blockchains, pi nodes confirm and record
transactions in the distributed ledger. It shares all transactions by reaching
agreement with all nodes. Thus, the currency is protected.
2. What is not Pi Node?
Pi Node application is not an application like Bitcoin or Ethereum mining
application. It does not put a CPU or video card load on your computer.
3. Can I earn pi by running a Pi Node?
Users running a Pi Node earn a bonus based on the computer they run, duration,
and port opening status. According to this bonus, you can earn more pi when you
dig on mobile.
4. What are the bonus earning criteria?
There are 3 criteria.
4.1 Number of CPU cores of your processor.
4.2 Pi Node app uptime (power or internet
disconnection affects this time).
4.3 Having ports 31400-31409 open.
You earn bonus according to these 3 criteria and you can earn more pi
accordingly. Having a very high RAM or internet speed does not add much extra
bonus. Enough RAM and a stable internet line that is not too slow is sufficient.
5. Is it important to open a port?
There are 2 types of nodes; Normal Node and Super Node. To become a Super
Node, you need to open port. Also, opening a port is one of the bonus
criteria. You get more bonuses when the port is open.
6. Why does the incoming value show 0?
One of the most common problems is that the Incoming number is 0. Sometimes
the incoming value can be 0 even if the ports are open. There is nothing to
worry about. It is enough to have the ports open. But if the ports seem closed
when you check the port from
https://pi-mods.de/nodeports/, you should check your settings. If the port
was turned off while it was open, it is likely that your computer's local IP
address has changed. You need to redirect to the new local IP from the modem
settings. In fact, if your modem settings support it, it is recommended to fix
the local IP value for the computer running the node.
To increase the number of incomings, you need to run the Pi Node application
24/7. As your WAN IP address is learned by computers running other nodes, the
number of incomings will increase. And having a static WAN IP will be
7. Is it important to have a large number of incomings?
No, it doesn't matter. Being 1 or 64 does not affect the bonus value you
will earn. The important thing is that the ports are open.
8. Is it okay to have too many Joining SCPs or Catching?
No, it doesn't matter. These numbers don't matter if the blocks are
equalized. It does not affect the amount of bonus you will earn.
9. Blocks are not syncing, what should I do?
Sometimes there are situations such as blocks not being synchronized. First
of all, be patient and wait 3-4 hours. If the problem still persists, turn off
the mark on the "Turn the Node on" screen in the Pi Node application and restart
the computer. If possible, wait 1 day. If the blocks are still not
synchronized, follow the steps below.
9.1 From the Troubleshooting screen in the Pi
application, click the "Remove all blockchain data" field and click the "OK"
9.2 In the Docker application, go to the Image tab.
Find the pinetwork image and remove it.
9.3 Close Docker and Pi applications and restart the
9.4 Open the Docker app first, then open the Pi app.
9.5 In the Pi app, go to the "Turn the Node on" page
and turn on the switch.
9.6 The new pi-consensus image will be downloaded and
all blocks will be pulled again.
9.7 Do not turn off your computer during this process
and check that your internet connection is OK.
9.8 This process may take 2-3 hours depending on the
performance of your machine and internet.
10. Why does the Docker image get corrupted?
The biggest reason is that the computer turns off somehow without closing
the sign on the "Turn the Node on" page in the Pi Node application. The computer
shuts down or restarts when the Node is open for reasons such as power cuts or
windows update. In such cases, the Docker image may become corrupted and blocks
may not be synchronized. If you experience such a situation, you can apply
article 9.
11. What is Pi Check?
Pi Check application is an application that checks the Pi Node application
running on your computer and generates statistical reports about it. It warns
you when there is a problem with the Pi Node application and allows you to run
the node in a healthy field. The goal is to make work a little more fun.
The Pi Check app does not give you any more bonuses. However, it allows you to
run a healthier node by warning you in case the blocks are synchronized or your
internet connection is disconnected. Only in this way will it contribute to the
You can become a member of the PiCheck telegram channel to get support for the
Pi Check application or node problems.
Recommended links
Pi Node : https://node.minepi.com/node/
Docker Desktop :
Port Control : https://pi-mods.de/nodeports/
Pi Network Daskboard :
Pi Check :
Pi Check Telegram : https://t.me/picheck_chat