A library to help auto-generate screenshot tests from Composable Previews with any screenshot testing library: JVM-based (i.e. Paparazzi, Roborazzi) as well as Instrumentation-based (i.e. Shot, Dropshots, Android-Testify, etc.)
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Composable Preview Scanner | Showkase | Compose Preview Screenshot Testing | |
Independent of AGP version | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Library-agnostic solution | ✅ | ✅ | ❌1 |
Scans previews in different sources sets2 | ✅ main ✅ screenshotTest ✅ androidTest |
✅ main ❌ screenshotTest ❌ androidTest |
❌ main ✅ screenshotTest ❌ androidTest |
Preview Infos available | ✅ | ❌3 | ✅ |
Specific Config (e.g. for Libs) available | ✅4 | ❌ | |
Compose Multiplatform Previews support | *✅6 | ❌7 | ❌ |
1 Compose Preview Screenshot Testing is a standalone solution based on LayoutLib, whereas ComposablePreviewScanner and Showkase provide Composables' infos so you can run screenshot tests with your favourite screenshot testing library.
2 From version 0.5.0, ComposablePreviewScanner can scan previews in any source set. Compose Preview Screenshot Testing requires to put the previews in a brand-new "screenshotTest" source.
3 Showkase components only hold information about the Composable, but not about the Preview Info (i.e. ApiLevel, Locale, UiMode, FontScale...).
4 ComposablePreviewScanner supports adding extra lib-config (e.g. Paparazzi's Rendering Mode or Roborazzi's compare options) in the form of annotations that are additionally added to the preview. You can check how in the examples below in Jvm Screenshot Tests and Instrumentation Screenshot Tests respectively.
5 Compose Preview Screenshot Testing supports only general tolerance via gradle plugin from version 0.0.1-alpha06
6 ComposablePreviewScanner provides some Compose Multiplatform support: It can scan @Preview
s in common
, as described in the Compose-Multiplatform section. Compose-Desktop @Preview
s are still not supported out of the box because of this issue, but you can check the Compose-Desktop support section for a workaround.
7 Showkase: Compose Multiplatform Support
ComposablePreviewScanner also works with:
- Multi-Previews, including
, and@PreviewDynamicColors
. - private
(from version 0.1.3+) @Previews
inside public classes1 (from version 0.3.0+), not nested classes though@Previews
located in any source set, like "main", "screenshotTest" and "androidTest" (from version 0.5.0+)@Previews
with default-parameters (from version 0.5.1+)
1 The Compose Preview Screenshot Testing tool from Google requires to put your @Previews
inside a class.
Beware the prefixes:
Maven Central -> io.github
Jitpack -> com.github
dependencies {
// jvm tests (e.g. with Roborazzi & Paparazzi)
// instrumentation tests (e.g. with Shot, Dropshots & Android-Testify)
// compose multiplatform (jvm-targets)
Add jitpack to your root build.gradle file:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
// jvm tests (e.g. with Roborazzi & Paparazzi)
// instrumentation tests (e.g. with Shot, Dropshots & Android-Testify)
// compose multiplatform (jvm-targets), from 0.2.0
- Jvm Screenshot Tests
1.1 Paparazzi
1.2 Roborazzi - Instrumentation Screenshot Tests
- Compose Multiplatform Support
Roborazzi has integrated ComposablePreviewScanner in its plugin since version 1.22
The API is pretty simple:
// Optional to scan previews in compiled classes of other source sets, like "screenshotTest" or "androidTest"
// If omitted, it scans previews in 'main' at build time
Classpath(SourceSet.SCREENSHOT_TEST) // scan previews under "screenshotTest"
// Compulsory to define where to scan for Previews.
// See 'Scanning source Options (packages, files, inputStreams)'
include = listOf("your.package", "your.package2"),
exclude = listOf("your.package.subpackage1", "your.package2.subpackage1")
// Optional to filter out scanned previews with any of the given annotations
// Optional to include configuration info of the screenshot testing library in use
// See 'How to use -> Libraries' above for further info
// Optional to also provide private Previews
// Optional to filter by any previewInfo: name, group, apiLevel, locale, uiMode, fontScale...
.filterPreviews {
previewInfo -> previewInfo.apiLevel == 30
// ---
By default, ComposablePreviewScanner scans @Preview
s in the main
Source Set at build time.
However, one can scan previews in other Source Sets different from main
by using .setTargetSourceSet(classpath:Classpath)
where classpath
is the local path to the compiled classes of that Source Set.
ComposablePreviewScanner provides some default values to facilitate this:
// Previews under "screenshotTest"
// Previews under "androidTest"
You have to make sure the corresponding compiled classes for that Source Set exist and are up to date.
The simplest way is to execute the corresponding compile task before running your tests or dumping the scan result to a file, namely <module>:compile<Variant><Sourceset>Kotlin
, for instance
- ScreenshotTest
- Debug ->
- Release ->
- Debug ->
- AndroidTest
- Debug ->
- Release ->
- Debug ->
To ensure you don't forget it, you can configure gradle accordingly, so those tasks are always executed previously.
For instance, if you're using Roborazzi or Paparazzi and want to scan previews in the screenshotTest
Source Set for the debug
// Create Compiled Classes always before unit tests, including Roborazzi/Paparazzi tests
tasks.withType<Test> {
Last but not least, make sure all the code inside the previews of the target Source Set is also
available in test
(for Roborazzi and Paparazzi) or android test
(for any instrumentation-based library).
So, let's say that you only have @Preview
s in screenshotTest
, and not in main
. Therefore you've only added that dependency to screenshotTest
If you're running Roborazzi or Paparazzi screenshot tests, you'll need to add that dependency to 'test' build Type
For instrumentation tests and Source Sets different from main
or androidTest
, like screenshotTest
, you'll also need to ensure that the classes of those source sets
are also included in the .apk installed on the device or emulator, or it will throw ClassNotFoundErrors.
The easiest way to achieve this is to add the following code snippet to your gradle file:
val includeScreenshotTests = project.hasProperty("includeSourceSetScreenshotTest")
if (includeScreenshotTests) {
sourceSets {
getByName("androidTest") {
java.srcDir("src/screenshotTest/java") //or kotlin
And pass that gradle property when executing the screenshot tests via command-line, e.g.:
./gradlew :tests:screenshotRecord -PincludeSourceSetScreenshotTest
This is NOT necessary for JVM-based screenshot testing libraries like Roborazzi and paparazzi
Apart from scanPackageTrees(include:List<String>, exclude:List<String>)
, there are 2 more options to scan previews:
- All Packages:
. This might require a huge amount of memory since it would scan not only in a set of packages, but in all packages used in your app/module (i.e. also in its transitive dependencies). This is in 99% of the cases unnecessary, and scanning the main package trees of your module should be sufficient. - From a file containing the ScanResult. This speeds up your screenshot tests, since avoids the time-consuming process of scanning each time by reusing the previously scanned data:
2.1.scanFile(jsonFile: File)
. Use this for JVM-based screenshot testing libraries (i.e. Roborazzi & Paparazzi).
2.2.scanFile(targetInputStream: InputStream, customPreviewsInfoInputStream: InputStream)
. This is meant for Instrumentation-based screenshot testing libraries.
You can create a unit test for that:
class SaveScanResultInFiles {
fun `task -- save scan result in file`() {
val scanResultFileName = "scan_result.json"
.setTargetSourceSet(Classpath(SourceSet.ANDROID_TEST)) // optional
// for unit tests
// for instrumentation tests
flavourName = "myFlavour",
fileName = scanResultFileName
You can find executable examples here
Let's say we want to enable some custom Paparazzi Config for some Previews, for instance a maxPercentDifferent value
- Define your own annotation for the Lib config.
annotation class PaparazziConfig(val maxPercentDifferent: Double)
- Annotate the corresponding Previews accordingly (you do not need to annotate all):
@PaparazziConfig(maxPercentDifferent = 0.1F)
@Preview(uiMode = Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES)
fun MyComposable(){
// Composable code here
- Include your annotation info in the Preview
object ComposablePreviewProvider : TestParameter.TestParameterValuesProvider {
override fun provideValues(): List<ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>> =
.scanPackageTrees("my.package", "my.package2")
// any other filtering option ...
- Map the PreviewInfo and PaparazziConfig values. For instance, you can use a custom class for that.
// The DevicePreviewInfoParser used in this method is available since ComposablePreviewScanner 0.4.0
object DeviceConfigBuilder {
fun build(preview: AndroidPreviewInfo): DeviceConfig {
val parsedDevice =
DevicePreviewInfoParser.parse(preview.device)?.inPx() ?: return DeviceConfig()
val conversionFactor = parsedDevice.densityDpi / 160f
val previewWidthInPx = ceil(preview.widthDp * conversionFactor).toInt()
val previewHeightInPx = ceil(preview.heightDp * conversionFactor).toInt()
return DeviceConfig(
screenHeight = when (preview.heightDp > 0) {
true -> previewHeightInPx
false -> parsedDevice.dimensions.height.toInt()
screenWidth = when (preview.widthDp > 0) {
true -> previewWidthInPx
false -> parsedDevice.dimensions.width.toInt()
density = Density(parsedDevice.densityDpi),
xdpi = parsedDevice.densityDpi, // not 100% precise
ydpi = parsedDevice.densityDpi, // not 100% precise
size = ScreenSize.valueOf(parsedDevice.screenSize.name),
ratio = ScreenRatio.valueOf(parsedDevice.screenRatio.name),
screenRound = ScreenRound.valueOf(parsedDevice.shape.name),
orientation = when (parsedDevice.orientation) {
Orientation.PORTRAIT -> ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT
Orientation.LANDSCAPE -> ScreenOrientation.LANDSCAPE
locale = preview.locale.ifBlank { "en" },
nightMode =
when (preview.uiMode and UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK == UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES) {
true -> NightMode.NIGHT
false -> NightMode.NOTNIGHT
object PaparazziPreviewRule {
fun createFor(preview: ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>): Paparazzi {
val previewInfo = preview.previewInfo
return Paparazzi(
deviceConfig = DeviceConfigBuilder.build(preview.previewInfo),
supportsRtl = true,
showSystemUi = previewInfo.showSystemUi,
renderingMode = when {
previewInfo.widthDp > 0 && previewInfo.heightDp > 0 -> SessionParams.RenderingMode.FULL_EXPAND
previewInfo.heightDp > 0 -> SessionParams.RenderingMode.V_SCROLL
else -> SessionParams.RenderingMode.SHRINK
// other configurations...
maxPercentDifference = preview.getAnnotation<PaparazziConfig>()?.maxPercentDifference ?: 0F
// Additional to support @Preview's 'showBackground' and 'backgroundColor' properties
fun PreviewBackground(
showBackground: Boolean,
backgroundColor: Long,
content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
when (showBackground) {
false -> content()
true -> {
val color = when (backgroundColor != 0L) {
true -> Color(backgroundColor)
false -> Color.White
Box(Modifier.background(color)) {
- Create the corresponding Parameterized Test:
class PreviewTestParameterTests(
@TestParameter(valuesProvider = ComposablePreviewProvider::class)
val preview: ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>,
) {
val paparazzi: Paparazzi = PaparazziPreviewRule.createFor(preview)
fun snapshot() {
// Recommended for more meaningful screenshot file names. See #Advanced Usage
val screenshotId = AndroidPreviewScreenshotIdBuilder(preview).ignoreClassName().build()
paparazzi.snapshot(name = screenshotId) {
showBackground = preview.previewInfo.showBackground,
backgroundColor = preview.previewInfo.backgroundColor,
) {
- Run these Paparazzi tests together with the existing ones by executing the corresponding command e.g.
./gradlew yourModule:recordPaparazziDebug
You can find executable examples here
Let's say we want to enable some custom Roborazzi Config for some Previews, for instance a maxPercentDifferent value
- Define your own annotation for the Lib Config.
annotation class RoborazziConfig(val comparisonThreshold: Double)
- Annotate the corresponding Previews accordingly:
@RoborazziConfig(comparisonThreshold = 0.1)
@Preview(uiMode = Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES)
fun MyComposable(){
// Composable code here
- Map the PreviewInfo and RoborazziConfig values. For instance, you can use a custom class for that.
object RoborazziOptionsMapper {
fun createFor(preview: ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>): RoborazziOptions =
preview.getAnnotation<RoborazziConfig>()?.let { config ->
compareOptions = CompareOptions(resultValidator = ThresholdValidator(config.comparisonThreshold))
} ?: RoborazziOptions()
object RoborazziComposeOptionsMapper {
fun createFor(preview: ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>): RoborazziComposeOptions =
RoborazziComposeOptions {
val previewInfo = preview.previewInfo
previewDevice(previewInfo.device.ifBlank { Devices.NEXUS_5 } )
widthDp = previewInfo.widthDp,
heightDp = previewInfo.heightDp
showBackground = previewInfo.showBackground,
backgroundColor = previewInfo.backgroundColor
Check the following link for a full list of Robolectric device qualifiers and this blog post on how to set the cumulative Qualifiers dynamically
- Create the corresponding Parameterized Test:
class PreviewParameterizedTests(
private val preview: ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>,
) {
companion object {
// Optimization: This avoids scanning for every test
private val cachedPreviews: List<ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>> by lazy {
.scanPackageTrees("your.package", "your.package2")
.filterPreviews { previewParams -> previewParams.apiLevel == 30 }
fun values(): List<ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>> = cachedPreviews
@Config(sdk = [30]) // same as the previews we've filtered
fun snapshot() {
// Recommended for more meaningful screenshot file names. See #Advanced Usage
val screenshotId = AndroidPreviewScreenshotIdBuilder(preview).build()
filePath = "${screenshotId}.png",
roborazziOptions = RoborazziOptionsMapper.createFor(preview),
roborazziComposeOptions = RoborazziComposeOptionsMapper.createFor(preview)
) {
- Run these Roborazzi tests together with the existing ones by executing the corresponding command e.g.
./gradlew yourModule:recordRoborazziDebug
You can find executable examples that use ComposablePreviewScanner with the different instrumentation-based libraries in the corresponding links below:
Android does not use the standard Java bytecode format and does not actually even have a runtime classpath. Moreover, the "build" folders, where the compiled classes are located, are not accessible from instrumentation tests. Therefore, the current way to support instrumentation tests, is by previously dumping the relevant classes into a file and moving it into a folder that can be accessed while running instrumentation tests.
- run the scan in a unit test & save it in a file accessible by instrumentation tests e.g. in assets
class SaveScanResultInAssets {
fun `task -- save scan result in assets`() {
val scanResultFileName = "scan_result.json"
fileName = scanResultFileName
fileName = scanResultFileName
Ensure that the .json with the scan result is up-to-date before executing the instrumentation screenshot tests. For instance, execute that test always before your instrumentation screenshot tests. Ideally, this scanning could be done via a Gradle Plugin in the future instead of by running it in a unit test.
- Now proceed to prepare your Composable Preview Tests with, for instance, Dropshots.
Let's say we want to enable some custom Dropshots Config for some Previews, for instance a maxPercentDifferent value.
- Define your own annotation
annotation class DropshotsConfig(val comparisonThreshold: Double)
- Annotate the corresponding Previews accordingly:
@DropshotsConfig(comparisonThreshold = 0.15) @Preview(uiMode = Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES) @Composable fun MyComposable() { // Composable code here }
- Map the PreviewInfo and DropshotsConfig values. For instance, you can use a custom class for that. To map the Preview Info values, I recommend to use the ActivityScenarioForComposableRule of AndroidUiTestingUtils
object DropshotsPreviewRule { fun createFor(preview: ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>): Dropshots = preview.getAnnotation<DropshotsConfig>()?.let { config -> Dropshots( resultValidator = ThresholdValidator(config.comparisonThreshold)) ) } ?: Dropshots() } object ActivityScenarioForComposablePreviewRule { fun createFor(preview: ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>): ActivityScenarioForComposableRule { val uiMode = when (preview.previewInfo.uiMode and UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK == UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES) { true -> UiMode.NIGHT false -> UiMode.DAY } val orientation = when (DevicePreviewInfoParser.parse(preview.previewInfo.device)?.orientation == Orientation.LANDSCAPE) { true -> ComposableConfigOrientation.LANDSCAPE false -> ComposableConfigOrientation.PORTRAIT } val locale = preview.previewInfo.locale.removePrefix("b+").replace("+", "-").ifBlank { "en" } return ActivityScenarioForComposableRule( backgroundColor = Color.TRANSPARENT, config = ComposableConfigItem( uiMode = uiMode, fontSize = FontSizeScale.Value(preview.previewInfo.fontScale), orientation = orientation, locale = locale ) ) } }
- Define your own annotation
- Create the corresponding Parameterized Test:
class PreviewParameterizedTests(
private val preview: ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>,
) {
companion object {
private val cachedPreviews: List<ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>> by lazy {
fun values(): List<AndroidComposablePreview<PreviewInfo>> = cachedPreviews
val dropshots: Dropshots = DropshotsPreviewRule.createFor(preview)
val activityScenarioForComposable: ActivityScenarioForComposableTestRule =
fun snapshot() {
activityScenarioForComposableRule.onActivity {
it.setContent {
view = activityScenarioForComposable.activity.waitForComposeView()
- Run these Dropshots tests together with the existing ones by executing the corresponding command e.g.
./gradlew yourModule:connectedAndroidTest -Pdropshots.record
Beware that Locale Strings in Preview Infos, unlike AndroidUiTestingUtils, use The BCP-47 tag but with + instead of - as separators, and have the prefix b+. Therefore, the BCP-47 tag "zh-Hans-CN" would be written as "b+zh+Hans+CN" instead.
So for this case, you'd have to convert locale "b+zh+Hans+CN" to "zh-Hans-CN" in order to use it with AndroidUiTestingUtils, for instance as showcased above:
val locale = preview.previewInfo.locale.removePrefix("b+").replace("+", "-").ifBlank { "en" }
ComposablePreviewScanner also provides a class to customize the name of the generated screenshots based on its Preview Info. By default, it does not include the Preview Info in the screenshot file name if it is the same as its default value, but it can be configured to behave differently. That means, for @Preview(showBackground = false), showBackground would not be included in the screenshot file name since it is the default.
fun createScreenshotIdFor(preview: ComposablePreview<AndroidPreviewInfo>) =
// Paparazzi screenshot names already include className and methodName
// so ignore them to avoid them duplicated what might throw a FileNotFoundException
// due to the longName
// use this if you have previews in the same file with the same method name but different signature
previewInfoName = "showBackground",
applyInfoValue = {
when (it.showBackground) {
and then in your test
fun snapshot() {
name = createScreenshotIdFor(preview)
) {
So, for the following Preview
class MyClass {
@Preview(widthDp = 33, heightDp = 33, fontScale = 1.5f)
fun MyComposable(){
// Composable code here
createScreenshotIdFor(preview) will generate the following id: "MyClass.MyComposable.FONT_1_5f_WITHOUT_BACKGROUND"
Since 0.4.0, ComposablePreviewScanner also provides DevicePreviewInfoParser.parse(device: String)
which returns a Device
object containing all the necessary information to support different devices in your Roborazzi & Paparazzi screenshot tests!
It can parse ALL possible combinations of "device strings" up to Android Studio Lady Bug, namely:
// The over 80 devices supported either by id and/or name, for instance:
@Preview(device = "id:pixel_9_pro")
@Preview(device = "name:Pixel 9 Pro")
@Preview(device = "spec:parent=pixel_9_pro, orientation=landscape, navigation=buttons")
// And custom devices
@Preview(device = "spec:width = 411dp, height = 891dp, orientation = landscape, dpi = 420, isRound = false, chinSize = 0dp, cutout = corner")
@Preview(device = "spec:id=reference_desktop,shape=Normal,width=1920,height=1080,unit=px,dpi=160") // in pixels
@Preview(device = "spec:id=reference_desktop,shape=Normal,width=1920,height=1080,unit=dp,dpi=160") // in dp
For further info on how to use them, see Roborazzi and Paparazzi sections respectively.
This library is written on top of ClassGraph, an uber-fast parallelized classpath scanner.
Classpath can scan everything that is available either at bytecode level or at runtime.
This is also the case of annotations without retention or with either AnnotationRetention.BINARY
or AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME
, like Android Composable Previews
package androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview
annotation class Preview(
// Preview code here ...
However, those with AnnotationRetention.SOURCE
are not visible to Classgraph. Such annotations are mainly used for IDE tooling, and that is the case for the Compose-Desktop Preview annotation.
package androidx.compose.desktop.ui.tooling.preview
annotation class Preview
Since Compose Multiplatform 1.6.0, Jetbrains has added support for @Preview
s in common
. ComposablePreviewScanner can also
scan such Previews when running on any jvm-target, like
- Android
- Desktop
- Jvm
ComposablePreviewScanner provides a CommonComposablePreviewScanner
for that purpose.
Assuming that you have:
- some Compose Multiplatform
defined incommon
- some Android screenshot tests in place
Here is how you could also run screenshot tests for those Compose Multiplatform @Previews
together, for instance, with Roborazzi (would also work with Paparazzi or any Instrumentation-based library).
dependency for ComposablePreviewScanner 0.2.0+testImplementation("io.github.sergio-sastre.ComposablePreviewScanner:jvm:<version>")
Add an additional Parameterized screenshot test for these Compose Multiplatform
class PreviewParameterizedTests(
private val preview: ComposablePreview<CommonPreviewInfo>,
) {
companion object {
// Optimization: This avoids scanning for every test
private val cachedPreviews: List<ComposablePreview<CommonPreviewInfo>> by lazy {
.scanPackageTrees("your.package", "your.package2") // those where your common @Previews are located
fun values(): List<ComposablePreview<CommonPreviewInfo>> = cachedPreviews
@Config(sdk = [30]) // same as the previews we've filtered
fun snapshot() {
roborazziOptions = RoborazziOptionsMapper.createFor(preview)
) {
- Run these screenshot tests together with the existing ones by executing the corresponding command e.g.
./gradlew yourModule:recordRoborazziDebug
As we've seen in the previous section How it works, Compose-Desktop previews are still not visible to ClassGraph since they use AnnotationRetention.SOURCE
There is already an open issue to change it to AnnotationRetention.BINARY
, which would allow ClassGraph to find them.
In the meanwhile, it is also possible to workaround this limitation with ComposablePreviewScanner as follows.
dependency from ComposablePreviewScanner 0.2.0+ and use Roborazzi, since it is the only Screenshot Testing Library that supports Compose-DesktoptestImplementation("com.github.sergio-sastre.ComposablePreviewScanner:jvm:<version>")
Configure Roborazzi as described in the corresponding "Multiplatform support" section
Define your own annotation. The only condition is not to define
package my.package.path @Target(AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION) annotation class VisibleForScreenshotTesting
Annotate the Desktop Composables you want to generate screenshot tests for with this annotation, e.g.
class MyClass {
@Preview // It'd also work without this annotation
fun MyDesktopComposable() {
// Composable code here
- Create the test. Unfortunately,
doesn't provide any means for parameterized tests, so we'll need to iterate through all previews. That has the disadvantage that, if it fails to record/verify one of the preview screenshots, subsequent screenshots won't be recorded/verified (hard asserts).
class DesktopPreviewScreenshotTests {
fun desktopPreviews() {
val listComposables = JvmAnnotationScanner(
annotationToScanClassName = "my.package.path.VisibleForScreenshotTesting"
.scanPackageTrees("my.package.tree1", "my.package.tree2")
listComposables.forEach { composablePreview ->
runDesktopComposeUiTest {
setContent {
filePath = "$composablePreview.png", // optional, works without it too
- Run these Roborazzi tests by executing the corresponding command e.g.
./gradlew yourModule:recordRoborazziJvm
(if using the Kotlin Jvm Plugin)
In these tech-talks have also been mentioned the benefits of using ComposablePreviewScanner:
- DroidKaigi 2024 [in JA 🇯🇵 with EN 🇬🇧 slides]:
Understand the mechanism! Let's do screenshots testing of Compose Previews with various variations by Sumio Toyama
Composable Preview Scanner logo modified from one by Freepik - Flaticon