A Material Design Button with drop shadow animations on tap
Submodules include: SVNTheme
Add Carthage files to your .gitignore
Check your Carthage Version to make sure Carthage is installed locally:
Carthage version
Create a CartFile to manage your dependencies:
Touch CartFile
Open the Cartfile and add this as a dependency. (in OGDL):
github "sevenapps/PathToRepo*" "master"
Update your project to include the framework:
Carthage update --platform iOS
IMPORTANT Add the framework to 'Embedded Binaries' in the Xcode Project by dragging and dropping the framework created in
Add this run Script to your xcodeproj
/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
Add this input file to the run script:
If Xcode has issues finding your framework Add
To 'Framework Search Paths' in Build Settings
If you receive errors from building submodules delete