The tutorials for this course are listed below.
- Tutorial 1: Introduction to Unix
- Tutorial 2: Debugger
- There are two different tutorials, depending on whether you want to use gdb or lldb; only one is required. Pick the one that works best in your environment (lldb is preferred, but that does not work in the Ubuntu VirtualBox image). The source code provided is the same.
- Tutorial 2: GDB
- Tutorial 2: LLDB
- Tutorial 3: More Unix, part 1, which is sections 1-4; this tutorial is originally from here
- Tutorial 4: More Unix, part 2, which is sections 5-8; this tutorial is originally from here
- Tutorial 5: make, and the necessary
- Tutorial 6: Shell scripting, part 1
- This part of the Wikibooks article on Bash Shell Scripting
- In particular, it is section 1 (introduction) through section 4 (variables), as well as section 12 (shell arithmetic) and section 14 (input/output)
- Tutorial 7: Shell scripting, part 2
- This is the remainder of the Wikibooks article on Bash Shell Scripting
- Tutorial 8: nasm
- This two PDF book chapters that are contained in this repository: x86 Assembly and The x86 C Calling Convention
- Tutorial 9: C
- (no tutorial 10)
- Tutorial 11: Doxygen
- Source code: average.cpp (src)
- Tutorial 12: Objective C
- Source code: helloworld.m (src)