One easy way to get started processing Kinesis Data is to use AWS Lambda. By extending the index.js file, you can take advantage of KPL deaggregation features without having to write the boilerplate code. To do this, fork the GitHub codebase to a new project, select whether you want to build on the exampleSync or exampleAsync interfaces, and write your Kinesis processing code as normal. You can use node test.js
to test your code (including both aggregated protobuf formatted data, as well as non-aggregated plain Kinesis records). Give your function a name and version number in package.json and then when you are ready to run from AWS Lambda, use:
This will build your code, with the required dependencies, as
.zip. You can then configure AWS Lambda as normal with handler name index.example(A)Sync
or with the new name you added in your code. You can continue to modify and test locally, and push new versions directly to AWS Lambda by using:
./build.js true
which requires a local install of the AWS Command Line Interface and which invokes aws lambda upload-function-code
directly. When you are finally happy with your AWS Lambda module, consider changing common.js.debug
to false to reduce the amount of output messages generated in CloudWatch Logging.