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File metadata and controls

188 lines (130 loc) · 6.04 KB

Azure IoT

Creates the following Azure resources (in resource group rg-iotcore-dev-001):

  • IoT Hub, iot-hub001-<OrgId>-dev
  • Device Provisioning Service, dps-iotcore-<OrgId>-dev
  • Digital Twins, dt-iotcore-<OrgId>-dev
  • Connection to the Azure Data Explorer Cluster, dec<OrgId>dev

IoT Hub diagnostics are sent to Azure Monitor from the azure-landing shared services.

The IoT Hub is configured as a linked hub with DPS.

Azure Data Explorer (ADX) is configured with a database dedb-iotcore-<OrgId>-dev, with raw ingestion table IotHub001-raw, and a data connection configured to a consumer group on the hub. (The ADX cluster must be running to deploy this.)

All messages from the hub are ingested into the table as raw JSON.

You should at least include the system properties "iothub-enqueuedtime" and "iothub-connection-device-id", otherwise you may not know when the message arrived or where it came from ("iothub-creation-time-utc" is also important when messages are batched).

Individual applications can then use ADX update policy to split and parse the specific messages they are interested in to a relevant schema table and materialized views. (This recommended approach comes from the Microsoft Azure IoT Architecture summit.)

For a quick demonstration, the raw ingestion table can also be queried directly, e.g. to build an ADX dashboard.



  • PowerShell
  • Azure CLI

The deployment also relies on the landing zone Azure Monitor components, so deploy that first.

Deploy via PowerShell (must have the ADX cluster running for deployment):

az login
az account set --subscription <subscription id>
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'

Azure Data Explorer cost management

The ADX compute cluster can be shut down when not needed to save costs when running an Azure developer subscription. (You still pay for storage.)

To shut down:



This will remove the resource groups, deleting all resources in them.


Azure Synapse

Raw data files, in JSON Line format (.jsonl), contain rows of JSON.


You can open these files as tab-separated values (using CSV format with field terminator '\t'), which will have a single column, and then use JSON_VALUE() to extract out JSON fields as columns.

    TOP 100 
        JSON_VALUE(rawevent, '$.EnqueuedTimeUtc') as EnqueuedTimeUtc, 
        JSON_VALUE(rawevent, '$.SystemProperties.connectionDeviceId') as DeviceId,
        JSON_VALUE(rawevent, '$.Body.voltage') as Voltage,
        JSON_VALUE(rawevent, '$.Body.currentTemperature') as CurrentTemperature,
        BULK '**',
        FORMAT = 'CSV',
        FIELDTERMINATOR = '\t',
        FIELDQUOTE = '\0',
        MAXERRORS = 1000,
        PARSER_VERSION = '1.0'
    WITH ( [rawevent] VARCHAR(MAX) )
    AS [result]
ORDER BY EnqueuedTimeUtc DESC

Spark Notebook

A notebook can also be used to load, query, and plot the data, using a Spark serverless cluster.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyspark.sql.functions import *

events_df ="recursiveFileLookup", True)\
history_df ="EnqueuedTimeUtc")).alias("EnqueuedTime"), "SystemProperties.connectionDeviceId", "Body.voltage", "Body.currentTemperature")
#df3 ="EnqueuedTimeUtc")))
history_pd_df = history_df.where("EnqueuedTime > current_timestamp - interval 2 hours").toPandas()

ax1 = history_pd_df['voltage'].plot()
ax1.set_title('Battery last 2 hours')

#plt.xticks(range(len(history_pd_df['EnqueuedTime'])), history_pd_df['EnqueuedTime'])

Synapse displaying raw IoT data

Azure Data Explorer

Query raw data:

['IotHub001-raw'] | take 10

Convert raw data and extract some values:

| where tostring(rawevent.uplink_message.version_ids.model_id) == 'ldds75'
| project
    ReceivedAt = todatetime(rawevent.uplink_message.received_at),
    DeviceId = tostring(rawevent.end_device_ids.device_id),
    TtnApplication = tostring(rawevent.end_device_ids.application_ids.application_id),
    ModelId = tostring(rawevent.uplink_message.version_ids.model_id),
    DistanceM = toreal(rawevent.uplink_message.decoded_payload.distance_metres),
    BatteryV = toreal(rawevent.uplink_message.decoded_payload.battery_volts),
    RawData = base64_decode_toarray(tostring(rawevent.uplink_message.frm_payload))
| take 10

IoT Endpoints

Service endpoints. Each IoT hub exposes a set of endpoints for your solution back end to communicate with your devices.

  • Built-in Azure Event Hubs compatible endpoint (AMQPS, or AMQP over WebSockets)
    • Receive device-to-cloud messages
    • Send cloud-to-device-messages and receive delivery acknowledgements
    • Receive file notifications
    • Direct method invocation

IoT Hub currently supports the following Azure services as additional endpoints:

  • Azure Storage containers
  • Event Hubs
  • Service Bus Queues and Service Bus Topics

IoT Hub also integrates with and can publish event messages to:

  • Azure Event Grid

See: And:


Event Grid vs Event Hubs vs Service Bus


Would Synapse be an alternative to ADX? i.e. Send IoT events to blob storage, then query them later?