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Tom Feist edited this page May 23, 2011 · 35 revisions


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      print $str, $level
      printformat $level, $str, @args
      command $string
      change_server $server
      get_dcc $item
      window_create $automatic
      activity $data_level $hilight_colour
      parse_special $str, $data, $flags

The meaning of "window" should be pretty clear, but "window item" is something I couldn't really figure out a better name for :) They're simply something that's inside a window, a channel or a query usually. Windows can have multiple items inside them. It's possible to create non-channel/query window items too, currently the third possible window item is created by /EXEC -interactive.

In scripts, I think you can quite safely assume that the window item is query or channel if the script is intended to be run in one of them. Stupid users won't probably have other window items, and smart users know where to run the script, or at least later figure out why it didn't work :)



type - Type of the window item, for example "CHANNEL" or "QUERY"
chat_type - String ID of chat protocol, for example "IRC"

server - Active server for item
name - Name of the item

createtime - Time the window item was created
data_level - 0=no new data, 1=text, 2=msg, 3=highlighted text
hilight_color - Color of the last highlighted text


print $str, $level

Output a line onto the end of this Windowitem. $level is optional and defaults to CLIENTNOTICE if not specified. An implicit newline is added to the end of $str.

printformat $level, $str, @args

command $string

Execute the command in $string in the context of this Windowitem.


Set this Windowitem to be the active item in its parent Irssi::UI::Window.

change_server $server

Change server in window item.


Returns true if this window item is the active item in parent window.

get_dcc $item

If $item is a query of a =nick, return the DCC chat record of nick. returns Irssi::Dcc object.


Returns the Irssi::UI::Window that holds this item.

window_create $automatic

Create a new window.

activity $data_level $hilight_colour

TODO: what does this do?

parse_special $str, $data, $flags

TODO: how is this different from Irssi:: one?

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