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2020, 2021
jobs in code engine, batch jobs in code engine, running jobs with code engine, creating jobs with code engine, images for jobs in code engine, jobs, job run, environment variables

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Create a job from a public registry

{: #create-job}

When you create a job, you can specify workload configuration information that is used each time that the job is run. You can create a job from the console or with the CLI. {: shortdesc}

Looking for more code examples? Check out the Samples for {{}} GitHub repo{: external}. {: tip}

Creating a job with the console

{: #create-job-ui}

Create a {{}} job by using the ibmcom/firstjob{: external} image in Docker Hub. This job prints Hi from a batch job! My index is:.

  1. Open {{}}{: external}.
  2. Select Start creating from Run a container image.
  3. Select Job.
  4. Enter a name for the job; for example, myjob.
  5. Select a project from the list of available projects. You can also create a new one. Note that you must have a selected project to create a job.
  6. Specify a container image for your job. For example, specify the sample for the container image. If you have your own source code that you want to turn into a container image for the job, see building a container image.
  7. Modify any default values for environment variables or runtime settings. For more information about these options, see Options for creating and running a job.
  8. Click Create.
  9. From your job page, in the Job runs pane, click Submit job to open the Submit job pane. Note that you might need to scroll to find the Job runs pane.
  10. From the Submit job pane, accept all of the default values, and click Submit job again to run your job.

From the Submit job pane, you can review and optionally change default configuration values such as instances, CPU, memory, number of job retries, and job timeout. You can specify either Number of instances or Array indices for the number of parallel job instances to run. For Number of instances, provide the number of instances to run in parallel for this job. For Array indices, provide a comma-separated list for your custom set of indices. For example, to run this job with a custom set of 5 indices, specify 3,12-14,25. After you submit this job, the system displays the status of the instances of your job on the Job details page. If you specify Number of instances instead of Array indices in the Submit job pane, from the Configuration section of the Job details page, this information is provided as Array indices. {: note}

You can find details about your job run on the Job status page.

Creating a job with the CLI

{: #create-job-cli}

To create a job configuration with the CLI, use the job create command. This command requires a name and an image and also allows other optional arguments. For a complete listing of options, see the ibmcloud ce job create command. {: shortdesc}

Before you begin

The following job create command creates a job configuration that is named myjob and uses the container image ibmcom/firstjob.

ibmcloud ce job create --name myjob  --image ibmcom/firstjob

{: pre}

Example output

Creating job 'myjob'...

{: screen}

The following table summarizes the options that are used with the job create command in this example. For more information about the command and its options, see the ibmcloud ce job create command.

job create command components
Idea icon Understanding this command's components
--image The name of the image that is used for runs of the job. This value is required. The format is REGISTRY/NAMESPACE/REPOSITORY:TAG where REGISTRY and TAG are optional. If TAG is not specified, the default is latest. For images in Docker Hub, you can specify the image with NAMESPACE/REPOSITORY, as the default for REGISTRY is For other registries, use REGISTRY/NAMESPACE/REPOSITORY or REGISTRY/NAMESPACE/REPOSITORY:TAG.
--name The name of the job. Use a name that is unique within the project. This value is required.
  • The name must begin and end with a lowercase alphanumeric character.
  • The name must be 63 characters or fewer and can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens (-).

After you create your job, you can submit it. See Run a job.