- Better dark mode
- Categories
- New favicon
- Fix profile page 404
- Support markdown
- Google sign in added
- Delete profile and log out implemented
- Security improvements
- Bugfixes
- Added article uploader
- Improved UI
- Went over todos
- terms and conditions back online
- article read page implemented
- mobile view added
- authentication ajax progress
- dependency bump
- Pagination api
- Pagination frontend
- frontpage feed ready
- Autosave articles
- Now non-writers cannot access the write page
- Profile preview
- pagination backend
- instagram integration
- implement article backend
- register and log in has separate urls
- performance improvements
- custom scrollbars
- code reformatting
- add user profile picture support
- add unique profile pages
- implement login and register in separate urls as well as index.html popups
- implement profile picture backend
- auto-redirect http to https for security reasons
- Security Updates
- performance improvements
- Organize CSS
- Remove test code
- Visual changes including animations
- add verification frontend to register page
- Implement Continuous Integration
- Update Dependencies
- First dev release.
- Merged initial backend and ui