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212.1 8.4 214.4 8.4 216.3 C8.41968912 230.9 13 218.6 19.1 239.3 C21.6968912 248.1 21.7 263.6 34.3 279.2 C46.3082902 293.4 58.3 306.1 70.9 306.1 C74.4818653 306.1 78.7 305.4 78.7 302.5 C78.6917098 296.7 63.1 284 58.9 261.7 C57.9663212 256.8 57.6 252 57.6 247.8 C57.642487 227 67 213.4 71.2 209.2 C74.8056995 206 81.3 201.1 87.8 201.1 C91.6450777 201.1 95.2 202.7 98.4 207.3 C100.388601 210.2 103.3 211.5 106.2 211.5 C112.046632 211.5 118.2 206.6 118.2 199.5 C118.199482 195.3 116.3 190.1 110.4 184.9 Z M151.23057 116.9 C148.316062 105.9 133.4 100.1 125.6 100.1 L120.790155 100.1 C114.96114 99.8 107.8 98.5 107.8 92.3 C107.836788 84.5 118.5 72.9 127.3 72.9 C128.238342 72.9 129.2 73.2 130.2 73.5 C136.334197 75.5 161.9 79.7 177.5 79.7 C184.909326 79.7 190.1 78.7 190.1 76.1 C190.090674 75.1 189.8 74.5 188.5 73.2 C179.727979 63.8 188.5 48.9 178.1 48.9 C176.813472 48.9 175.2 49.2 173.6 49.6 C161.26943 53.1 145.4 63.8 134.7 63.8 C129.209845 63.8 128.6 58.3 128.6 58.3 C128.562176 58.3 121.1 60.6 111.7 60.6 L108.484456 60.6 C102.007772 59.9 100.4 57 100.4 54.4 C100.388601 51.8 101.7 49.6 101.7 49.6 C76.7487047 61.5 46 108.2 46 108.2 C45.984456 108.2 36.6 120.8 35.6 129.9 C35.6217617 129.9 50.5 110.8 61.2 105.3 C63.1476684 104.3 64.4 104 65.7 104 C72.2150259 104 74.2 113 74.2 119.2 L74.1580311 124 C74.1580311 126.6 74.5 127.6 76.4 128.6 C76.7487047 128.9 77.4 128.9 78 128.9 C80.634715 128.9 84.5 126.3 88.4 120.5 C90.3497409 117.6 94.2 115.9 97.8 115.9 C102.979275 115.9 107.8 119.2 108.8 127.3 C110.103627 140.2 112.4 143.5 118.2 167.1 C120.466321 176.5 127.9 180.1 135 180.1 C143.782383 180.1 152.2 174.9 152.2 169.4 C152.202073 167.8 151.6 166.5 150.3 164.9 C147.34456 161.6 146.4 157.4 146.4 152.9 C146.373057 142.2 151.6 129.2 151.6 120.8 C151.554404 119.5 151.6 117.9 151.2 116.9 Z M200.777202 85.8 C197.215026 85.5 192 85.2 186.5 85.2 C173.251295 85.2 158.4 86.8 158.4 94.2 C158.354922 95.9 159 98.1 160.9 100.4 C162.240933 102 162.9 106.9 162.9 112.4 C162.888601 120.2 161.9 128.9 161.9 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231.9 73.2 234.1 73.2 C236.07513 73.2 239.3 71.3 244.5 66.7 C261.981865 51.5 265.5 49.6 279.1 49.6 L286.593264 49.6 C293.393782 49.6 296.3 48.6 296.3 47 C296.30829 41.5 264.9 28.8 251.3 24.9 Z M86.4637306 209.5 C75.4533679 209.5 64.1 223.8 64.1 242.6 C64.119171 255.2 65.4 277.2 81.3 279.2 C99.0932642 277.9 104.9 254.6 104.9 241 C104.92228 224.1 97.5 210.2 86.5 209.5 Z M61.5284974 149 C66.7098446 138 69.6 127.9 69.6 120.5 C69.6243523 115.6 68.3 112.1 65.7 110.8 C65.0906736 110.4 64.4 110.4 63.8 110.4 C57.3186528 110.4 46.3 121.8 38.9 138 C33.6787565 149 30.8 159.7 30.8 167.1 C30.7642487 171.7 32.1 176.5 36.6 176.5 C43.3937824 176.5 53.8 165.2 61.5 149 Z M147.992228 44.4 C168.069948 35.3 183 24.9 183 20.1 C182.966321 17.8 179.4 17.5 178.1 17.5 C170.984456 17.5 156.7 22 140.9 29.1 C121.11399 38.2 105.9 48.9 105.9 53.8 C105.893782 55.4 107.5 56 110.4 56 C117.875648 56 133.4 51.5 148 44.4 Z M175.518135 129.9 C170.984456 134.4 168.7 140.2 168.7 145.4 C168.717617 149.3 170 152.5 172.6 155.1 C174.870466 157.4 178.1 158.7 181.7 158.7 C186.852332 158.7 193 156.1 197.5 151.2 C202.072539 146.4 204.7 140.6 204.7 135.4 C204.663212 131.8 203.4 128.3 200.8 126 C198.186528 123.7 194.9 122.4 191.4 122.4 C186.204663 122.4 180.1 125 175.5 129.9 Z M93.2642487 147.7 C98.1217617 147.7 103.3 143.2 105.2 136.4 C105.893782 134.4 106.2 132.1 106.2 130.2 C106.217617 125 103.3 119.2 98.1 119.2 C89.7020725 119.2 85.2 129.9 85.2 136.7 C85.1683938 141.9 88.1 147.7 93.3 147.7 Z M92.2927461 218.6 C77.7202073 218.6 72.2 243.2 72.2 253.6 C72.2150259 261.4 74.2 268.2 76.7 273.4 C70.5958549 268.8 66.7 258.5 66.7 242.3 C66.7098446 225.4 77.1 212.5 86.8 212.5 C91.9689119 212.8 95.5 216 98.4 220.6 C96.8264249 219.6 94.9 218.9 92.3 218.6 Z M9.71502591 232.5 C8.09585492 232.9 7.4 237.1 7.4 244.2 C7.44818653 249.1 7.8 255.5 8.7 262.3 C10.6865285 278.5 14.2 291.2 16.8 290.8 C18.4585492 290.5 19.1 286.3 19.1 279.5 C19.1062176 274.3 18.8 267.8 17.8 261 C15.8678756 245.2 12 232.2 9.7 232.5 Z M227.979275 48.6 C227.331606 43.7 223.1 41.8 218.9 41.8 C211.139896 41.8 200.5 47.3 200.5 55.4 C200.453368 60.9 206.3 62.5 209.8 62.5 C217.292746 62.5 228 56.4 228 48.6 Z M232.512953 12 C232.189119 14.9 243.2 18.1 257.4 19.8 C261.658031 20.1 265.9 20.4 269.4 20.4 C277.849741 20.4 283.4 19.4 283.7 17.5 C284.002591 14.6 272.7 11 258.7 9.7 C254.209845 9.1 249.7 9.1 245.8 9.1 C238.018135 9.1 232.5 10 232.5 12 Z M40.1554404 138.3 C47.2797927 123.1 57.3 112.7 63.5 112.7 C64.119171 112.7 64.8 112.7 65.4 113 C66.3860104 113.4 67 114 67.4 115 C61.2046632 115 51.5 125.7 44 140.9 C39.1839378 150.9 36.9 160.6 36.9 167.4 C36.9170984 170.4 37.2 172.6 38.2 174.2 C33.3549223 174.2 32.7 167.8 32.7 164.9 C32.7072539 158.1 35.3 148.3 40.2 138.3 Z M112.046632 90.4 C112.370466 93.6 114.3 95.2 117.2 95.2 C124.352332 95.2 132.8 88.1 132.8 81.3 C132.772021 78.1 130.2 76.4 127.6 76.4 C120.466321 76.4 112 83.6 112 90.4 Z M181.994819 137.3 C178.108808 141.2 176.2 145.7 176.2 150 C176.165803 150.9 176.2 152.2 176.5 153.2 L175.194301 152.2 C172.927461 150.3 172 147.4 172 144.4 C171.955959 140.2 173.9 135.4 177.8 131.5 C181.670984 127.3 186.5 125.3 190.7 125.3 C193.65285 125.3 196.6 126.3 198.5 128.3 C199.805699 129.6 200.5 131.2 201.1 132.8 C199.481865 131.8 197.2 131.2 194.9 131.2 C190.738342 131.2 185.9 133.1 182 137.3 Z M141.19171 30.1 C155.764249 23.6 169 19.4 175.8 19.4 C177.46114 19.4 180.4 20.1 180.7 21.7 C180.375648 21.4 179.7 21.1 178.8 21.1 C172.927461 21.1 155.8 25.3 145.1 30.1 C127.914508 37.6 115.6 47 115.6 51.8 C115.608808 52.1 115.9 53.4 116.9 54.1 C115.932642 54.4 114.3 54.7 112.7 54.7 C110.751295 54.7 108.8 54.4 108.8 53.1 C108.80829 45 134.7 33 141.2 30.1 Z M97.7979275 121.8 C101.683938 121.8 104 124.4 104.6 127.3 C102.979275 126.3 102.3 126 100.7 126 C96.8264249 126 92.3 129.9 90.3 135.7 C89.7020725 137.6 89.7 139.6 89.7 141.2 C89.7020725 142.5 89.7 143.8 90 145.1 C88.0829016 143.5 86.8 140.2 86.8 136.7 C86.7875648 130.2 91.3 121.8 97.8 121.8 Z M13.2772021 272.4 C13.6010363 276.9 14.6 281.1 15.2 284.7 C13.2772021 281.4 11.3 273 10 263 C9.39119171 257.5 9.1 252.3 9.1 248.1 C9.06735751 242.6 9.7 239 10.7 239 C12.6295337 239 13.9 243.2 15.5 249.7 C14.8963731 248.7 14.2 248.4 13.9 248.4 C12.6295337 248.7 12 252 12 257.2 C11.9818653 261.4 12.3 266.5 13.3 272.4 Z M217.61658 43.4 C219.559585 43.4 221.5 44 222.8 44.7 C220.854922 44.7 218.6 45.3 216.3 46.3 C211.463731 48.6 208.2 52.5 208.2 56 C208.225389 58.3 209.5 59.6 210.8 60.6 C206.930052 60.6 202.7 58.9 202.7 55.1 C202.720207 48.3 211.8 43.4 217.6 43.4 Z M273.963731 14.9 C266.19171 12.6 257.8 11.7 249.7 11.7 C243.523316 11.7 239.3 12.6 239 13.9 C238.989637 14.6 239.3 14.9 240.3 15.5 C237.046632 14.6 235.1 13.3 235.1 12.3 C235.427461 11 239.6 10 245.8 10 C255.505181 10 269.4 11.7 274 14.9 Z M117.227979 89.4 C117.227979 91.7 118.5 93 120.1 93.6 C119.494819 93.9 118.5 93.9 117.9 93.9 C115.284974 93.9 113.7 91.7 113.7 89.7 C113.665803 87.1 115.6 83.6 118.8 81 C121.437824 78.7 124.7 77.4 127.3 77.4 C127.914508 77.4 128.2 77.7 128.6 77.7 C123.056995 79.7 117.2 83.9 117.2 89.4 Z" sketch:type="MSShapeGroup" class="style1"/></g></svg>
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<h1>Recent Articles</h1>
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<h2 class="hp-article-header">Customizing Rake Tasks In Rails 4.1 And Higher</h2>
<p><a href="/2015/02/08/customizing-rake-tasks-in-rails-41-and-higher">I have been overriding, invoking, and executing custom Rake tasks since I was an early Ruby developer. Tweaking your project's automated tasks are likely the closest thing Rails developers come to building their own light saber. Most popular are adding...</a></p>
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<h2 class="hp-article-header">ActiveRecord SQLServer v4.2.0 - Code Name Kantishna</h2>
<p><a href="/2015/01/25/activerecord-sqlserver-v4.2.0---code-name-kantishna">After 4 weeks of work, the ActiveRecord SQL Server adapter is now ready for Rails v4.2.0 and in pre-release status. The list of features is impressive. But first, some bad news. Code named Kantishna, after a small community in Denali...</a></p>
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<h2 class="hp-article-header">ActiveRecord 4.2's Type Casting</h2>
<p><a href="/2015/01/06/activerecord-42s-type-casting">Last month Rails 4.2 was released and if you have been keeping up with my posts, I even covered how you can upgrade from 3.2 to 4.2 in one step! This speaks volumes to how easy it is to adopt...</a></p>
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<h2 class="hp-article-header">Custom Oak Display Stands</h2>
<p><a href="/2014/12/16/custom-oak-display-stands">A few months ago I decided to address my ongoing neck pain by raising the height for all 3 of my displays. I knew that good ergonomics dictated the top of a display needed to be around eye level. However,...</a></p>
<h1>My Projects</h1>
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<a href="">HomeMarks</a> was my first rails project when I was learning to program in both Ruby and JavaScript. It allows you to create a simple bookmark start page that organizes links into colored boxes sorted in columns. A common practice by all early web developers.
HomeMarks went thru its third rewrite a few months ago for Rails 3 and is currently deployed on Heroku. I also recently just finished my first native Objective-C iPhone app too. I am currently working on the native iPad version and will post updates here too. When that happens I will rewrite the rails application a 4th time using CoffeeScript & Spine.js.
<h2>MiniTest Spec Rails</h2>
The <a href="">minitest-spec-rails</a> gem makes it easy to use the MiniTest::Spec DSL within your existing Rails 2.3, 3.x or 4.x test suite. It does this by forcing ActiveSupport::TestCase to utilize the MiniTest::Spec::DSL. I strongly recommend anyone wanting to use the MiniTest spec DSL to use this gem. It is meant to evaporate when Rails 5.0 finally includes the spec DSL itself. Till then, keep your tests simple!
<h2>Rails & SQLServer</h2>
Recovered the <a href="">SQL Server ActiveRecord Adapter</a> project. After Rails 1.2.6 dropped support, this project languished in obscure forks. I rescued the project in 2008 and brought full support to ActiveRecord 2.2 and up! I did this by creating a community owned GitHub identity for all projects related to SQLServer and Rails while testing the adapter to all core ActiveRecord test cases.
The <a href="">TinyTDS gem</a> was my first ruby C extension. It provides a fast, efficient and native interface to FreeTDS. This provided Ruby SQLServer users with the first low level connection mode that properly handles client db encoding, ruby primitives, and string encodings under 1.9 and up.
<a href="">Mocha.js</a> is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on node and the browser. Along with the <a href="">Chai</a> assertion library they make an impressive combo. <a href="">PhantomJS</a> is a headless WebKit with a JavaScript/CoffeeScript API. It has fast and native support for various web standards like DOM handling, CSS selectors, JSON, Canvas, and SVG.
The <a href="">mocha-phantomjs</a> project provides a script file and extensions to drive PhantomJS while testing your HTML pages with Mocha from the console. It has an active and vibrant community and is even used by <a href="">Walmart Labs</a>.
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