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File metadata and controls

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Navigating the repository

Describing something that took me a year to build is quite daunting. I believe it is probably something that could take me another a year to fully write about and illustrate. In the interest of time, here's what I've done instead.

I have opted to just write about and illustrate the high-level design and technical aspects in the aforementioned "book" I wrote. And here I will leave you with a description of our directory tree with a description of each file and a list of common tasks that you will need to perform if adding assets.

Directory Tree



audio/          : audio assets
bg/             : background assets for each environment
fonts/          : font assets
hub/            : files used by the hub page
img/            : image assets
layout/         : layout assets (HUD/menu layouts created with Pinboard tool)
lib/            : javascript dependencies
packer/         : tool for packing bitmap textures (e.g. mosaics)
parallax/       : stripped down version of engine for parallax effect at
paths/          : pterodactyl paths (created with Ptalaga tool)
src/            : source code for game, engine, tools
svg2canvas/     : tool for converting svg to canvas paths
swf/            : SWF assets for pterodactyl animations

build scripts                        : builds the game to reflect changes (outputs cocoon.js,                 : builds the game remote to reflect changes (outputs remote.js,
                                  (the "remote" is the phone controller for the browser)                  : dumps JSON files into a js script (because CocoonJS does not like to load many JSON files)            : creates js script for drawing vector paths          : (same as "", but stripped down for the parallax scroll for    : (same as "", but stripped down for the parallax scroll for

web pages

index.html      : hub (displays links to the game and tools)
play.html       : game
ptalaga.html    : tool for creating pterodactyl paths
fourier.html    : tool for coordinating multiple pterodactyl paths
baklava.html    : tool for managing environment backgrounds
pinboard.html   : tool for creating menu/hud layouts
remote.html     : remote controller (for controlling browser with phone)

visualize_waves.html : tool for visualizing wave patterns for each level

nodejs server

server.js       : facilitates page hosting and file operations for the tools
package.json    : holds library dependencies for server.js



src/*           : source code for game and core engine
src/baklava/*   : source code for background environment tool
src/fourier/*   : source code for orchestrating pterodactyl paths into level files
src/pinboard/*  : source code for creating hud/menu layouts
src/ptalaga/*   : source code for creating pterodactyl paths
src/remote/*    : source code for phone remote for browser control

main files

src/main.js         : the game starts here by initializing everything
src/assets.js       : lists loadable assets, how to load them, and what to do with them when loaded
src/input.js        : input manager for touch/mouse events
src/audio.js        : soundfx/song operations
src/settings.js     : data persistence for things that need to be saved


src/executive.js        : the heartbeat of the engine (determines what to do at every frame)
src/timed_script.js     : class for executing a timed script of events
src/time.js             : stopwatch and timer classes


src/screen.js       : manages screen size and camera panning/zooming
src/frustum.js      : represents 3D frustum space for the game


src/sprites.js      : classes for different types of supported sprites (fonts, vectors, tables, mosaics)
src/billboard.js    : handles math for drawing front-facing images in 3D space
src/painter.js      : drawing functions that take 3D coordinates
src/button.js       : clickable button class for interace

background environments

src/background.js   : manages each background environment
src/collision.js    : class for collision shape checks used by background layers


src/orb.js          : manages firing of orb
src/bullet.js       : class for orb projectile bullet
src/bulletpool.js   : bullet manager
src/bounty.js       : class for managing the state of the orb's capture bounty


src/vector.js       : class for representing a point in 3D space, with arithmetic operations
src/path.js         : classes for managing the state along a path or interpolation
src/interp.js       : math functions for generating interpolations


src/scene_play.js       : main scene for playing the game
src/pause_menu.js       : manages the state of the pause menu
src/overlord.js         : manages the pterodactyl attack timings and patterns
src/player.js           : manages the health of the player
src/enemy.js            : class for representing a pterodactyl flying at you
src/score.js            : manages the score and other related stats

other scenes

src/scene_loading.js            : the loading screen for the game while its loading assets
src/scene_title.js              : the falling title shown right after loading screen
src/scene_menu.js               : the main menu
src/scene_controlcenter.js      : suggests disabling iOS 7 Control Center
src/scene_options.js            : the options menu
src/scene_credits.js            : credit scroller
src/scene_thanks.js             : special thanks screen
src/scene_highscore.js          : displays the current high score and best stats
src/scene_erasehighscore.js     : prompt to confirm if you select to erase high scores
src/scene_gameover.js           : the game over screen shown when you die


src/ptero.js            : defines the "Ptero" namespace that contains everything in the game.
src/inherit.js          : allows an object to inherit from parent object
src/jsonData.js         : auto-generated (see
src/vectorPathData.js   : auto-generated (see

ptalaga (pterodactyl path tool)

src/ptalaga/main.js             : the tool starts here by initializing everything
src/ptalaga/executive.js        : the heartbeat of the tool (determines what to do at every frame)
src/ptalaga/loader.js           : persists the state of the tool with backup/resume, saving/loading
src/ptalaga/screen.js           : manages screen and pane sizes

src/ptalaga/panes.js            : manages layout, drawing and input for different panes
src/ptalaga/Pane.js             : class for orthographic perspective pane given two axes
src/ptalaga/LivePane.js         : class for the perspective preview pane
src/ptalaga/RotationPane.js     : class for the rotation control pane
src/ptalaga/TimePane.js         : class for the time control pane

src/ptalaga/scene_crater.js     : main scene
src/ptalaga/enemy_model.js      : manages the state of all the edit operations to the pterodactyls

fourier (pterodactyl path orchestrator tool)

src/fourier/main.js             : the tool starts here by initializing everything
src/fourier/executive.js        : the heartbeat of the tool (determines what to do at every frame)
src/fourier/loader.js           : persists the state of the tool with backup/resume, saving/loading
src/fourier/screen.js           : manages screen and pane sizes

src/fourier/panes.js            : manages layout, drawing and input for different panes
src/fourier/LivePane.js         : class for the perspective preview pane
src/fourier/TimePane.js         : class for the time control pane

src/fourier/scene_fourier.js    : main scene
src/fourier/wave.js             : manages the state of all the edit operations to the waves

baklava (background environment tool)

src/baklava/main.js             : the tool starts here by initializing everything
src/baklava/executive.js        : the heartbeat of the tool (determines what to do at every frame)
src/baklava/loader.js           : persists the state of the tool with backup/resume, saving/loading
src/baklava/screen.js           : manages screen and pane sizes

src/baklava/panes.js            : manages layout, drawing and input for different panes
src/baklava/Pane.js             : class for orthographic perspective pane given two axes
src/baklava/LivePane.js         : class for the perspective preview pane

src/baklava/scene_parallax.js   : main scene
src/baklava/model.js            : manages the state of all the edit operations to the background

pinboard (menu/hud layout tool)

src/pinboard/main.js            : the tool starts here by initializing everything
src/pinboard/executive.js       : the heartbeat of the tool (determines what to do at every frame)
src/pinboard/loader.js          : persists the state of the tool with backup/resume, saving/loading
src/pinboard/screen.js          : manages screen and pane sizes

src/pinboard/scene_pinboard.js  : main scene and manages the state of all the edit operations to the layout


fonts (font script)

fonts/          : converts Glyph Designer ".fnt" file to a json metadata file (see usage string inside)

packer (sprite packing)

packer/            : main utility script for creating mosaics (see usage string inside)

packer/            : an "island" is a contiguous region of opaque pixels
packer/           : tries to pack given rectangles into smallest possible space

packer/       : test the "island" functions
packer/      : test the "recpack" functions

packer/               : a library for reading/writing PNG images
packer/         : a library for coloring console output

bg/<asset>/* (background assets)

bg/<asset>/                 : background files for <asset> (e.g. menu,tutorial,mountain)
bg/<asset>/<#>.svg          : SVG image for layer <#>
bg/<asset>/<#>.svg.json     : metadata for layer <#> (e.g. size, scale, type)
bg/<asset>/<#>.svg.js       : game-drawable JS Paths (canvas) for layer <#>
bg/<asset>/layers.json      : metadata for all layers (e.g. order, position, animation)
bg/<asset>/<#>.js           : first pass SVG->JS Paths conversion output for layer <#> (unused)

bg/menu             : main menu background assets
bg/tutorial         : tutorial background assets
bg/mountain         : mountain background assets
bg/ice              : ice background assets
bg/volcano          : volcano background assets

bg/* (background utilities)

bg/notes            : some notes on conversion process

bg/      : split a given SVG file into numbered layers (see usage string inside)
bg/             : converts a "<#>.js" file into "<#>.svg.js" (game-usable path drawing functions)

bg/              : performs bulk operations with "" (see usage string inside)
bg/        : generates white & red colored versions of the background layers (used by tools)

bg/            : used by "" for coloring layers (see usage string inside)
bg/          : used for manually fixing layers with translucency (which CocoonJS hates) (see usage string)

svg2canvas (SVG conversion and background creation utility)

index.html              : simple interface for converting SVG to JS Paths (canvas)
create_bg_layers.html   : (super utility) converts SVG file into layers and dumps them into a bg folder

svg2canvas.js           : a sane wrapper around "oss.canvg.min.js"

orig.html               : original web page that used "oss.canvg.min.js"
jquery.min.js           : jquery library required by "oss.canvg.min.js"
oss.canvg.min.js        : uglified and indiscernible script for convert svg to js paths (canvas)

swf/pteros/* (SWF assets and scripts for pterodactyl animations)

swf/pteros/<asset>.swf              : original pterodactyl SWF animation (e.g. adult, baby)
swf/pteros/<asset>.html             : output of Google Swiffy conversion, modified to dump download links for SVG frames

swf/pteros/<asset>/                 : converted pterodactyl files for <asset>
swf/pteros/<asset>/<#>.svg          : SVG image for animation frame <#>
swf/pteros/<asset>/<#>.svg.json     : metadata for animation frame <#> (e.g. size, scale, type)
swf/pteros/<asset>/<#>.svg.js       : game-drawable JS Paths (canvas) for animation frame <#>

swf/pteros/<asset>_<bg>_<color>/    : pterodactyl <asset> recolored to <color> to match <bg>

swf/pteros/notes                    : notes on how to convert pterodactyl SWF animations to SVG

swf/pteros/stage_colors             : table of colors for original and recolored pterodactyls

swf/pteros/       : generates the "adult_<bg>_<color>/" folders from the "adult/" folder
swf/pteros/        : generates the "baby_<bg>_<color>/" folders from the "baby/" folder

swf/pteros/getSvgFrames.js          : used by "adult.html" and "baby.html" to dump SVG frames
swf/pteros/runtime.js               : Google Swiffy's runtime library for animating SWF as SVG
swf/pteros/tumble.html              : used to create side-by-side adult/baby anim for blog post

Some common tasks

Adding Assets

Generally, any time you want to see how to add an asset into the game, check the "src/assets.js" file. You will find out exactly what files are loaded, how it is processed, and how you can use it. If you see a structure in the "assets.js" file that you want to use, I recommend running a text search of the entire "src/" directory for that structure to see examples of its usage.

Having said that, here are some details for adding common assets.

Adding Bitmap Images

To add a bitmap image to be used in-game:

  1. Add an entry in the imageSources dictionary in "src/assets.js" for your image.
  2. For every image you add with "<filename>" there needs to be a metadata file called "<filename>.json" in the same directory.
  3. This metadata file describes the type of object, size, etc. You can see many examples in the "img/" directory.
  4. Run

Adding a bitmap animation to be used in-game is the same as adding a still bitmap image. The animation frames should be contained in a single image, and the data describing the position and size of those frames in the image should be described in the metadata json file, as either a "table" or "mosaic" (see here for examples of both). The "packer/" folder contains scripts for creating mosaics.

Adding Vector Images

To add a vector image to be used in-game:

  1. Add an entry in the vectorSources dictionary in "src/assets.js" for your image.
  2. For every image you add with "<filename>", there needs to be a metadata file called "<filename>.json" in the same directory.
  3. This metadata file describes the type of object, size, etc. You can see many examples in the "bg/mountain/" directory.
  4. Run

Adding a vector animation to be used in-game is a manual process that you can find in "src/assets.js" under the function addPteroVectorAnim. It essentially adds vector frames to the vectorSources dictionary, and creates an entry in the vectorAnims dictionary that points to all the vector frames.

Adding Fonts

Fonts are just bitmap images. Adding a font to the game currently requires the program Glyph Designer. Just create and save the font, and use the "fonts/" file to convert the "fnt" file to a metadata json file. Then add the image file to the assets list as you would a bitmap image.

You can skirt the use of Glyph Designer if you can write a script that converts another bitmap font program's metadata into what the engine supports. See the example JSON metadata file in the "fonts" directory. It just specifies the size, location, and kern spacing of each character in the image.

Using Images

For each image loaded by the engine, a structure is created that helps you use it. The type of structure depends on the "type" of the image stated in your metadata file for that image. You can access these structures:

  • Ptero.assets.vectorSprites["<name>"] if your image is a vector
  • Ptero.assets.vectorAnim["<name>"] if your image is a vector animation
  • Ptero.assets.sprites["<name>"] if your image is a bitmap
  • Ptero.assets.tables["<name>"] if your image is a bitmap table
  • Ptero.assets.mosaics["<name>"] if your image is a bitmap mosaic
  • Ptero.assets.fonts["<name>"] if your image is a bitmap font

Using Animations

Anytime you want to use an image animation, you have to create a new instance of it. You want them to be independent of each other. If you don't, for example, all the pterodactyl animations will be in sync.

So to create an animation object for your image, use the following function:

var myAnim = Ptero.assets.makeAnimSprite("<name>");

This will work regardless of the type of animation (e.g. bitmap table, mosaic, vector).

Adding Images for use in Pinboard tool

Not every image listed in "src/assets.js" will display in Pinboard for creating HUD/menu layouts. To add one:

  1. Make sure the image is added to the engine, following the previous instructions.
  2. Go to "src/pinboard/scene_pinboard.js" and find the function resetImageListDisplay.
  3. Add your image's name to the images list in the function.

Creating new background environments

  1. Make sure the workspace server is running (see the setup section)
  2. Go to http://localhost:3001 in your browser.
  3. Click "Create BG Layers".
  4. Follow instructions on the page.

Creating new pterodactyls

If you have a new SWF file you want to use, follow the instructions at the top of "swf/pteros/getSvgFrames.js".

If you just want to create a new colored pterodactyl, you can modify the script at "swf/pteros/" or "swf/pteros/" to create one with the colors you want.

After the SVG frames are created, you can add them to the engine as stated in previous sections.