- And(a,b) = Nand(Nand(a,b), Nand(a,b))
- Not a = Nand(a, a)
- Or(a,b) = Nand(Nand(a,a),Nand(b,b)) = Nand(Not(a), Not(b))
- Mux = Or(And(b, sel), And(a, Not(sel)))
- Xor = Or(And(a, Not(b)), And(Not(a), b))
- out: a = And(in, Not(sel)), b = And(in, sel)
- And16:for i = 0..15: out[i] = (a[i] and b[i])
- Not16:for i=0..15: out[i] = not in[i]
- Or16:for i = 0..15 out[i] = (a[i] or b[i])
- Mux16:for i = 0..15 out[i] = a[i] if sel == 0 ,b[i] if sel == 1
- Or8Way:out = (in[0] or in[1] or ... or in[7])
- Mux4Way16(4通道 16bit): out = a if sel == 00 b if sel == 01 c if sel == 10 d if sel == 11
- DMux8Way:同理 2 ^ selNum = outNum
- 半加器(HalfAdder):实现两数(单比特)加法,输出sum和carry
- 全加器(FullAdder):实现三数(单比特)加法,输出sum和carry
- 为了处理 add1 + add2 + carry(低位的进位)
- 16位加法器(Add16):两数(16比特)加法,输出sum,不考虑溢出问题
- 增量器(Inc16):16-bit数自增1
可以看出,基础逻辑门(Xor + And)可以实现半加器,两个半加器+异或逻辑可以实现全加器。 半加器+全加器又可以实现16位加法器。
算术逻辑单元(Arithmetic Logic Unit,简称ALU)是计算机中的一个重要组件,主要用于执行各种算术和逻辑操作。
它通常是中央处理器(CPU)的一部分,负责执行加法、减法、逻辑与、逻辑或、逻辑非等基本操作。 在计算机中,ALU是执行算术和逻辑操作的核心部件之一。
因为全部操作有6个控制位引起的,所以在一定的设计下可以生成2^6 = 64个函数逻辑,见下:
* The ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit).
* Computes one of the following functions:
* x+y, x-y, y-x, 0, 1, -1, x, y, -x, -y, !x, !y,
* x+1, y+1, x-1, y-1, x&y, x|y on two 16-bit inputs,
* according to 6 input bits denoted zx,nx,zy,ny,f,no.
* In addition, the ALU computes two 1-bit outputs:
* if the ALU output == 0, zr is set to 1; otherwise zr is set to 0;
* if the ALU output < 0, ng is set to 1; otherwise ng is set to 0.
// Implementation: the ALU logic manipulates the x and y inputs
// and operates on the resulting values, as follows:
// if (zx == 1) set x = 0 // 16-bit constant
// if (nx == 1) set x = !x // bitwise not
// if (zy == 1) set y = 0 // 16-bit constant
// if (ny == 1) set y = !y // bitwise not
// if (f == 1) set out = x + y // integer 2's complement addition
// if (f == 0) set out = x & y // bitwise and
// if (no == 1) set out = !out // bitwise not
// if (out == 0) set zr = 1
// if (out < 0) set ng = 1
x[16], y[16], // 16-bit inputs
zx, // zero the x input?
nx, // negate the x input?
zy, // zero the y input?
ny, // negate the y input?
f, // compute out = x + y (if 1) or x & y (if 0)
no; // negate the out output?
out[16], // 16-bit output
zr, // 1 if (out == 0), 0 otherwise
ng; // 1 if (out < 0), 0 otherwise
这里的DFF将前一周期的输入值当成当前周期的输出,out(t) = in(t - 1)。 如此一来,在任何时间t,这个设备的输出out都会重现它在时刻t - 1的值。
- 1-bit Register:Mul + DFF
- n-bit Register: 并行的1-bit Register
- 随即存取内存(RAM8):逻辑见下
- RAM64:8个RAM8组成
- RAM512、4K、16K同理
IN in[16], load, address[3];
OUT out[16];
DMux8Way(in = load, sel = address, a = loadA, b = loadB, c = loadC, d = loadD, e = loadE, f = loadF, g = loadG, h = loadH);
Register(in = in, load = loadA, out = o1);
Register(in = in, load = loadB, out = o2);
Register(in = in, load = loadC, out = o3);
Register(in = in, load = loadD, out = o4);
Register(in = in, load = loadE, out = o5);
Register(in = in, load = loadF, out = o6);
Register(in = in, load = loadG, out = o7);
Register(in = in, load = loadH, out = o8);
Mux8Way16(a = o1, b = o2, c = o3, d = o4, e = o5, f = o6, g = o7, h = o8, sel = address, out = out);