is an Adobe I/O - Java SDK - IMS Library.
This Java library wraps http API endpoints exposed by
Adobe Identity Management System (IMS)
A Service Account connection allows your application to call Adobe services on behalf of the application itself or on behalf of an enterprise organization.
For this type of connection, you will create a JSON Web Token (JWT) that encapsulates your credentials and begin each API session by exchanging the JWT for an access token.
The JWT encodes all of the identity and security information required to obtain an access token and must be signed with the private key that is associated with a public key certificate specified on your integration.
Browse our JWT authentication documentation for more details.
This Java library will help you implement this JWT exchange token flow, to get a valid access token and start interacting with the many Adobe I/O API that support such authentication.
This library fluent workspace builder API offers many ways to have your Workspace
(a Java POJO representation of your Adobe Developer Console
Workspace) configured.
To get you started quickly you could use a .properties
see our sample config file
As introduced above the authentication flow signs the JWT request and therefore requires private-public keys configurations , therefore you will need to
First, create this RSA private/public certificate pair, using openssl:
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.key -out certificate_pub.crt
Then, upload the public key in your Adobe Developer Workspace, see our JWT authentication documentation
Finally, configure this library (and its
) with your privateKey, you may either- use a pcks8 file
- use a base 64 encoded pcks8 key
- use a keystore file
First, convert your private key to a PKCS8 format, use the following command:
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in private.key -nocrypt > private.pkcs8.key
Then, set your workspace aio_pkcs8_file_path
to match the private.pkcs8.key
file path (you generated using the previous command)
First, convert your private key to a PKCS8 format, use the following command:
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in private.key -nocrypt > private.pkcs8.key
Then, base 64 encode it, use the following command:
base64 private.pkcs8.key
Finally, set your workspace aio_encoded_pkcs8
properties value using the string you generated with the above command
First, use the following commands to set the alias (as myalias
here) and a non-empty keystore password.
cat private.key certificate_pub.crt > private-key-crt
openssl pkcs12 -export -in private-key-crt -out keystore.p12 -name myalias -noiter -nomaciter
Then fill the associated aio_pkcs12_file_path
, aio_pkcs12_alias
and aio_pkcs12_password
workspace properties.
This lib also contains JWT (exchange token flow) Authentication RequestInterceptor
: JWTAuthInterceptor
It is a Open Feign RequestInterceptor.
It can be leverage to add the authentication headers expected by many Adobe APIs, it will add
- an
header with aBearer
access token (generated from a JWT exchange flow)- renewing it only when expired (after 24 hours) or when not present in memory yet
- a
header matching your JWT token
PrivateKey privateKey = new PrivateKeyBuilder().systemEnv().build(); // [1]
Workspace workspace = Workspace.builder()
.build(); // [2]
ImsService imsService = ImsService.builder().workspace(workspace).build(); // [3]
AccessToken accessToken = imsService.getJwtExchangeAccessToken(); // [4]
// [1] Build your PrivateKey looking up the key indicated by you System Environment variables
// [2] build your `Workspace` (a Java POJO representation of your `Adobe Developer Console` Workspace)
// looking up other System Environment variables.
// Note that our fluent workspace and private Key builders offers many ways to have your workspace configured,
// we are showing here the most concise
// [3] build the Ims Service wrapper and have it use this workspace context
// [4] use this service to retrieve an access token using a jwt exchange token flow
Have a look at our ImsService main()
Test Drive
This Library is build with maven (it also runs the unit tests):
Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.