The project testing is done with Jest and can be performed with the command:
npx nx test $SERVICE_NAME
Available service name to be replace in $SERVICE_NAME
- auth-service
- financial-service
The *.spec.ts
files can be found at /apps/SERVICE_NAME/app/MODULE_NAME
with one file for the controller and one for the service.
To collect code coverage, use:
npx nx test $SERVICE_NAME -- --coverage
The results can be found at coverage/apps/$SERVICE_NAME
The project E2E testing is done with Jest, Supertest and Testcontainers.
Before running the tests, it is necessary to build two Docker images with the commands:
docker compose build base-image-development
docker compose build base-image-production
The tests require Docker, but it is not necessary to start the dependecies (database, cache). All external dependencies will be started and controlled by Testcontainers.
The tests can be performed with:
npx nx e2e auth-service-e2e
direction LR
state "Build Auth Service Image" as auth_service_image
state "Setup Auth Database" as auth_database
state "Setup Cache" as cache
state "Start Auth Container" as auth_container
state "Perform E2E Tests" as perform_test
state build_join <<join>>
state setup_join <<join>>
[*] --> auth_service_image
auth_service_image --> build_join
build_join --> auth_database
build_join --> cache
auth_database --> setup_join
cache --> setup_join
setup_join --> auth_container
auth_container --> perform_test
perform_test --> [*]
The tests can be performed with:
npx nx e2e financial-service-e2e
The tests for financial-service
also uses auth-service
because the service is always necessary to validate token invalidation.
direction LR
state "Build Auth Service Image" as auth_service_image
state "Build Financial Service Image" as financial_service_image
state "Setup Auth Database" as auth_database
state "Setup Financial Database" as financial_database
state "Setup Cache" as cache
state "Start Auth Container" as auth_container
state "Start Financial Container" as financial_container
state "Perform E2E Tests" as perform_test
state build_join <<join>>
state setup_join <<join>>
state perform_join <<join>>
[*] --> auth_service_image
[*] --> financial_service_image
auth_service_image --> build_join
financial_service_image --> build_join
build_join --> auth_database
build_join --> financial_database
build_join --> cache
auth_database --> setup_join
financial_database --> setup_join
cache --> setup_join
setup_join --> auth_container
setup_join --> financial_container
auth_container --> perform_join
financial_container --> perform_join
perform_join --> perform_test
perform_test --> [*]