- nothing yet
- Add support for Zipkin B3 header propagation (#175)
New features:
- Save baggage in span logs (#129)
- Add BaggageRestrictionManager and BaggageSetter (#142)
- Migrate to Apache license v2 (#159)
- Randomize rate limiter balance on initialization (#161)
Bug fixes:
- Trap exceptions from socket.send() (#137) - thanks @frankgreco
- Use ip tag instead of peer.ipv4 in process (#125)
- Log only span context (#153)
- Fix buffer size counting bug and add logging to UDP sender (#151)
- Fix SamplingStrategyResponse strategyType (#110)
- Protect from exceptions in decodeURIComponent (#105)
- Do not url-encode span context (#105)
- Fix bug where leaky bucket never fills up when creditsPerSecond < itemCost (#104)
- Remove dependency on 'request' module, use 'http' instead (jaegertracing#103)
- Allow tags/logs with 'object' values and convert them to JSON (#102)
- Add TestUtils.getTags(span, ?keys)
- Make Configuration accept MetricsFactory, not Metrics
- Make sure initTracer passes options to the tracer
- Do not wrap single RemoteReporter into CompositeReporter
- Remove the following dependencies
"deep-equal": "^1.0.1",
"long": "^3.2.0",
"js-yaml": "^3.6.1",
"jsonschema": "^1.1.0",
- Move
functions undertests/lib
- Remove most methods from TestUtils because the same checks can be done via public API
- Remove
method that was not particularly useful in practice because it compared the timestamp - Accept external timestamps in milliseconds since epoch (#94)
- Expose TChannelBridge.inject method (#93)
- Added support for end to end crossdock integration tests.
- Fixed bug where "peer.ipv4" tag was not being saved.
- Fixed bug where tracer tags were being reported twice.
- Updated sampler config to allow extra customization.
- Added re-sampling after setOperationName is called. This supports adaptive sampling in the cases where a span is given an operation name after it has been created.
- Updated tchannel bridge to take a context that provides 'getSpan', and 'setSpan' methods.
- Added support for adaptive sampling.
- Tchannel bridge for handlers, and encoded channel requests.
- Crossdock tchannel testing.
- Added tests for reporters, samplers, and utils.
- TestUtils doesn't use lodash anymore.
- Opentracing now exposed through jaeger-client
- Fixed bugs involving headers that don't contain any tracer state.
- Exposed opentracing module from jaeger.
- Removed 'jaeger' object wrapper from config object.