Version 0.7.4
- Removes HappyMapper dependency in favor of Crack so we can drop libxml dependency
Version 0.7.0
- Adds multi-session support
Version 0.6.0
- Adds OAuth access token support
- Simplifies Garb report access through a profile
- Includes the start of a basic library of pre-built reports (require 'garb/reports')
Version 0.5.1
- Brings back hash filters and symbol operators after agreed upon SymbolOperator
Version 0.5.0
- Filters now have a new DSL so that I could toss Symbol operators (which conflict with DataMapper and MongoMapper)
- The method of passing a hash to filters no longer works, at all
Version 0.4.0
- Changes the api for filters and sort making it consistent with metrics/dimensions
- If you wish to clear the defaults defined on a class, you may use clear_(filters/sort/metrics/dimensions)
- To make a custom class using Garb::Resource, you must now extend instead of include the module
Version 0.3.2
- adds Profile.first which can be used to get the first profile with a table id, or web property id (UA number)
Version 0.2.4
- requires happymapper from rubygems, version 0.2.5. Be sure to update.
Version 0.2.0
- makes major changes (compared to 0.1.0) to the way garb is used to build reports.
- There is now both a module that gets included for generating defined classes,
- slight changes to the way that the Report class can be used.